


The capital of Israel, Jerusalem is situated in the Judean Mountains between the northern edge of the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a holy city to the three major religions –Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The city has a population of 780,200 as of 2009.

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When and why was the state of Jerusalem established?

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If you are referring to the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the Crusader State, it was established in 1099 as a result of the First Crusade. It was conquered in 1187 by Saladin and the Islamic Forces.

If you are referring to the Modern State of Israel (for which Jerusalem is the capital) it was established in 1948 in order to be a Jewish State.

How did the Israelis gain control of Jerusalem?

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After the Muslims lost Jurusalem,they failed to fight back for many years. But the Turks were not only at odds with the Egyptans,but also divided among themselves

How big is the old city of Jerusalem?

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The city area of Jerusalem is about 125 km2/48 sq mi.

Jerusalem's metropolitan area is about 652 km2 / 252 sq mi.

Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Israel and its largest city.

Who was the Israelite that captured Jerusalem and made it the capital of the kingdom of Israel?

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King David.

David's accomplishments:

  • 1) King David authored/compiled the book of Psalms and gave it to us in its present form (Talmud, Bava Batra 14b). The Psalms (Tehillim), which we might call the soul of the Jewish people, express the yearning of King David and of the entire nation to be close to God. They are one of the foundations of our prayerbook to this day.
  • 2) King David was the one who finally succeeded in subduing all of the surrounding nations (see 2 Samuel ch.8 and ch.10) plus the entire territory of Israel, something which no one else did previously or subsequently. He succeeded in all his endeavors (1 Samuel 16:18).
  • 3) He secured from the prophet Nathan a promise from God that his (David's) son Solomon would build the Holy Temple (2 Samuel ch.7). The First Temple is actually considered the accomplishment of David himself (Rashi commentary, Berakhot 18a), since it existed in his merit ("Torat Chaim," commenting on Talmud, Shabbat 30a).
  • 4) He set the blueprints, with Divine inspiration, for the Holy Temple (1 Chronicles 28:19). Together with the prophet Samuel, he located the spot where the Temple would be built (Talmud, Zevachim 54b); and he dug the foundations for the Temple (Talmud, Sukkah 53a).
  • 5) He amassed vast amounts of material and precious metals for the construction of the Temple (1 Chronicles ch.29).
  • 6) Together with Samuel, he instituted the 24 groupings of families of Kohanim and Levites (Talmud, Taanit 27a).
  • 7) He served God all the days of his life (1 Kings 11:38); and God was with him (1 Samuel 16:18).
  • 8) He was without peer in clarifying and applying the halakhot (laws) of the Oral Tradition (Talmud, Sanhedrin 93b).
  • 9) King David serves as the archetype of the effectiveness of repentance (Talmud, Avodah Zarah 4b).

What year was the temple in Jerusalem rebuilt?

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The Second Temple was constructed on the site of the first in 516 CE by Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zerrubabel. It was then substantially improved by Herod the Great in from 19 BCE all the way to 63 CE, which was long after his death and only seven years before the Romans would destroy it in 70 CE.

How are relations between Israel and Turkey?

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Answer 1

Not so good as the public reaction to the atrocities commited by Israel are becoming clearer. The Vatan daily newspaper reported that Mr. Erdogan said that "God will punish Israel" regarding the offensive in GAZA also calling for Israel to be expelled from the United Nations. "Israel will get no free ride from Ankara anymore."

Answer 2

Historically, Israeli-Turkish relations have been relatively strong. From 1949-2008, there was a strong Israeli-Turkish military and political alliance since both countries saw themselves as Secular and Westernized Republics in a sea of Arab autocracies. However, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan has begun to embark on a plan of creating a New Ottoman Empire through strong imperialist foreign policy. He has capitalized on popular sentiment within Turkey to paint Israel as an obstructionist entity in the Middle East and used farcical operations such as the Mavi Marmara incident to "highlight" Israeli actions that most Turks disagree with. In doing so, he has strengthen his support with the predominantly anti-Zionist Turkish electorate.

However, if only the numbers are consulted, Israeli-Turkish trade and other non-personal relations have only continued to increase since the suspension of the formal military alliance. This is likely because Erdoğan is wise enough to realize that as much as Turks publicly hate Israel, Israel is likely to be Turkey's only ally in a contest with other Middle Eastern regional powers like Egypt, Iran, or Saudi Arabia and needs to keep the lines of communication open.

Where is Jerusalem located City Country Continent?

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Jerusalem is in Israel, a country on the continent of Asia.

What city is Jerusalem's Dome of the Rock located in?

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The Dome of the Rock is located in the city of Jerusalem.

This strikes me as "What color is George Washington's white horse?" question.

Jerusalem is the city wherein the Dome of the Rock is located.

Why do Muslims make pilgrimages to Jerusalem?

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Jerusalem is the third holiest city in Islam, after Mecca and Medina. Judaism and Islam have their differences, but they also have their similarities which are not shouted loudly. For instance, Abraham is especially important to both faiths, although they disagree on which son he offered as a human sacrifice to God. Jews say Isaac, and Muslims say Ishmael.

When did Kingdom of Jerusalem end?

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Kingdom of Jerusalem was created in 1099.

Which religions believe that Jerusalem was a holy city?

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Christians, Jews and Muslims, in no particular order. These being the people of the book.

Also it is respected by any faith which respects those above religions such as Bahai and devotees of the recently deceased Sai Baba, who embraced all religions.

Hindus, Bhuddists, Animists and all the other major religions have no special regard for Jerusalem.

What is the sacred city of judaism?

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Jerusalem is both the capital of Israel and also one of the four holy cities. The others are: Hebron, Zefat and Tiberias.

Jerusalem is the home of the Wailing Wall or Kotel, the last remaining wall of the Second Temple, and this is the holiest site in Israel.

Answer: Jerusalem is the holy city of the Jewish religion.

Why is zion another name for Jerusalem?

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Zion referred to ancient Jerusalem, where the capital of Israel was. As a result, the terms Zion and Israel have been used interchangeably to represent the overall Land of Israel.

In which country is old city of Jerusalem?

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It depends entirely on the years in question. Chronologically, we have the following list of occupants:

  • Proto-Canaanite
  • Egyptian New Kingdom
  • Jebusites
  • United Kingdom of Israel
  • Judah
  • Neo-Assyrian Empire
  • Neo-Babylonian Empire
  • Achaemenid Persian Empire
  • Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great
  • Ptolemaic Hellenic Empire
  • Seleucid Hellenic Empire
  • Hasmonean Kingdom
  • Roman Empire
  • Byzantine Empire
  • Sassanid Persian Empire
  • Rightly-Guided Islamic Caliphate
  • Umayyad Islamic Caliphate
  • Abbassid Islamic Caliphate
  • Fatimid Islamic Caliphate
  • Seljuk Sultanate
  • Kingdom of Jerusalem and Other Crusader States
  • Ayyubid Islamic Caliphate
  • Mamluk Sultanate
  • Ottoman Sultanate
  • British Empire
  • Jewish State of Israel & Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (the city was divided from 1949-1967 between the two countries)
  • Jewish State of Israel (exclusively)

Why did David decide to live in Jerusalem?

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because he felt like it.

What is the temple of jerusalem called?

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The First Temple in Israel was the Beit HaMikdash (בית המקדש) which was built by King Solomon around 1000 BCE and destroyed by the Babylonians around 586 BCE.

Before this there was a Tabernacle called a Mishkan (משכן), which tradition holds was built while the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. The Tabernacle was a sort of portable Temple.

Who was attempted to Jerusalem?

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How did Christians capture Jerusalem?

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The trigger for the First Crusade was Emperor Alexius I's appeal to Pope Urban II for mercenaries to help him resist Muslim advances into territory of the Byzantine Empire. However, the Pope called for a large invasion force to not merely defend the Byzantine Empire but also retake Jerusalem.

Proceeding down the Mediterranean coast, the crusaders encountered little resistance, as local rulers preferred to make peace with them and furnish them with supplies rather than fight. On 7th June 1099, the Crusaders reached Jerusalem, with just 12,000 men including 1,500 cavalry remaining, by some estimates. With insufficient troops, supplies, and time, they had no hope of blockading the city, and so resolved to take the city by assault.

In their first assault, they were able to scale the outer wall but were repulsed from the inner one. Their morale was raised when a priest, Peter Desiderius, claimed to have had a divine vision instructing them to fast and then march in a barefoot procession around the city walls, after which the city would fall, following the biblical story of Joshua's siege of Jericho.

The final assault began on 13th July, as one group attacked the south gate and other contingents attacked the northern wall. Initially the troops at the southern gate made little headway, but the contingents at the northern wall fared better, with a slow but steady attrition of the defence. On 15th July, a final push was launched at both ends of the city, and eventually the inner rampart of the northern wall was captured. In the ensuing panic, the defenders abandoned the walls of the city at both ends, allowing the Crusaders to enter.

The Crusaders set about a massacre of the entire population, whether Christian, Jew or Muslim, with one report saying that God would decide their fate in heaven. However, some historians believe that the scale of the massacre has probably been exaggerated.

Is Solomon's temple in Jerusalem?

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Solomon's temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 72 AD. It stood on Mt. Moriah. It has not been rebuilt. There are prophesies that predict it will be rebuilt when the remnant returns to the land. The old prophesies predict that unlike the old temple, the new temple will be built on Mt. Zion because Mt. Moriah has been given to a different people.

What is the Dome of the Rock called?

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The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem at the foot of the Mount of Olives. It is basically a shrine with a Gold Dome Roof. It is said that Mohammad flew to Heaven on a winged horse from this same exact spot. It is the third most holy landmark in the Muslim religion. Mecca is the first most holy place. Medina is the second most holy place and The Dome of The Rock is the third. Incidentally, the Dome of The Rock is in the exact same spot that the Jewish Temple has been two previous times before. In The Holy Bible God advised Solomon that the Temple was to be erected on that one particular site and no where else. These places are called holy, but nothing can be truly holy other than God.

The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic shrine built on the place where, according to Islamic tradition, Muhammed ascended into Heaven. It was completed in 691 CE, making it the oldest existing Islamic building in the world. The dome of the rock contains a mosque known as the El-Aqsa mosque which, according to Islamic belief, was built by the Prophet Jacob, son of Isaac. The site's significance stems from the religious beliefs regarding the rock at its heart, known as the Foundation Stone in Judaism.

Jewish tradition holds that the Dome of the Rock is built on or near the location of Solomon's temple.

The Dome of the Rock is located at the visual center of a platform known as the Temple Mount, which Muslims refer to as the "Noble Sanctuary". It was constructed over the site of the Second Jewish Temple which was destroyed during the Roman Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

How many Jewish people live in Israel?

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As of 2010, 12,000.

What country controlled West Jerusalem from 1949 until 1967?

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Jerusalem was divided by the Armistices of 1949 between Israeli and Jordanian occupation. The majority of the city, including all of the Old City, (East Jerusalem) was controlled by Jordan and annexed to the Kingdom as part of the West Bank. The Israelis controlled the West of the City and established it as their capital.

Internationally, the Israeli control of Jerusalem was recognized as legitimate even though the movement of the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was not recognized internationally. The Jordanian occupation of East Jerusalem was recognized by less than five nations.