

Joseph Stalin

Born Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1878 – 1953), Stalin was the first General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death. He assumed a lead role in Soviet politics following the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924.

500 Questions

When did Stalin leave office?

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When he died. There are some suggestions he was poisoned. I think it was 1953.

How wealthy is rothschild family?

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Its estimated that the whole family itself is worth anywhere in the range of $1.5 billion according to Forbes top 100 richest people. This number is highly speculative since each generation waters down the traceable (real worth) of the Rothchilds. This family has been in the banking business for hundreds of years. To say that the entire family is worth 1.5 billion is questionable at best. To put things in perspective George Lucas has been making movies for thirty years and has been able to amass an individual net worth of 3.5 billion dollars. So in 261 years, all the wars, all the interest collected on these wars, they only have amassed 1.5 billion dollars? The real answer here as to the net worth of the Rothchild family is, we do not know. All we can do is guess.

Who is the main leader of World War 2?

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FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Mussilini. hirihito

What did Joseph Stalin believe in?

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He believed in himself only.

A2: He believed in communism. He believed that in order for a country to be strong, you must be atheist. He had many beliefs, and generally held all the communist views.

Joseph Stalin's economic plan for the Soviet Union included?

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Stalin's goals for the Soviet Union included a line of countries defending it--he wanted the Soviet Union to be the world's dominant power.

First and foremost, Stalin's economic plan was to increase the Soviet Union's industrial capacity. To do this, Stalin instituted a series of Five Year Plans geared mainly toward increasing industrial output, but also increasing its agricultural output.

Stalin had stated in a speech that Russia had been conquered in the past by many invaders because it was a backward country, especially economically. He believed that the Soviet Union had fallen behind the West by 150 years. He stated that in order for socialist Soviet Union to survive among the capitalist countries, it must catch up to the West within 10 years. The first plan set goals for increasing industrial capacity that were met in 4 years, although some speculate that those figures were as much Propaganda as were his political pronouncements.

What few know is that he "realized" his industrial goals on the backs of the peasant farmers, starving millions by taking their crops for export to obtain the money needed to industrialize the country.

Why did Stalin came up with the idea of the Five Year Plan?

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Stalin needed to increase the country's industrial and agricultural capacity and do it quickly so he instituted the Five Year Plans. He realized that the Soviet Union was still a backward nation compared to the western world in both industry and agriculture. He gave a speech on February 4, 1931, he explained some reasons why the first one had been started.

First he pointed out that Russia had been conquered by the Mongols, Turks, Swedes, Poles, Anglo-French and the Japanese primarily because it was militarily, culturally, industrially and agriculturally backward compares to those capitalist states. As long as that condition persisted, the Soviet Union would be vulnerable to further attacks. In the speech he stated:

"We have fallen behind the advanced countries by fifty to a hundred years. We must close that gap in ten years. Either we do this or we will be crushed."

WHAT was a result of Joseph Stalin's polices the Soviet Union?

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Joseph Stalin's outcome was one of epic proportions. The USSR took over much of Europe and became a world power.

Who was stalin's main political rival followinf death of Lenin?

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Trotsky ?

The main struggle for control was between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. However Grigory Zinoviev and Nikolai Bukharin were also high enough in the ruling party that they could also vie for control. Stalin allied himself with Zinoviev to oust Trotsky. Then allied himself with Bukharin to eliminate Zinoviev. By then Stalin was so entrenched in the party that he cut ties with Bukharin and simply assumed power in the absence of meaningful opposition.

What were Positive outcome of Stalin's 5 year plan?

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The achieved their goal of industrializing Russia quickly, but conditions for working didn't matter and people suffered. It didn't help that his plan to gro wmore food failed miserable, causing famine all over the Soviet Union, especially in the Ukraine.

Why did Joseph Stalin create a totalitarian state in the soviet union?

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Joseph Stalin became the Soviet leader through a process. He was given his initial power by Lenin at his death. However, Lenin wanted Leon Trotsky to rule the Soviet Union. Stalin hid this fact. He then allied other leaders and isolated his main enemy, Leon Trotsky. He eventually succeeded in having Trotsky expelled from the party (and later the entire country), He then repeated the process to eliminate all threats until he was made the absolute ruller of the Soviet Union.

What is the gulags?

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A forced labor camp or prison, especially for political dissidents.

What color was Joseph Stalin's hair?

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Stalin had light-dark brown hair in his youth, as can be seen in his police mugshot in 1902. But as he aged his hairs became jet black

The main purpose of the many purges and public trails that took place in the soviet union in the 1930s?

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The main purpose of the many purges and public trials that too place in the Soviet Union in the 1930s was to suppress political dissidence. Through the purges and public trials people that spoke out against the government were made an example of through their punishments.

How did Stalin maintain his control in Soviet Union?

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Joseph Stalin controlled Russia by forcing the people to worship him secretively. This is called propaganda. He also used the secret police to spread important news and lies about the country, the country's government and Stalin. Stalin would say that Russia was a democratic government, so the people would vote, but there would only be one party to vote for. Communists.

Stalin control the USSR by propaganda, fear, purges, gulags and show trails!

He also used his popularity to enforce laws and policies.

  • Terror: such as the Purges and the use of the OGPU, his secret police, who could arrest people easily without giving a reason, creating a climate of fear.
  • Propaganda: posters and socialist realist art, such as novels and paintings glorified Stalin and created 'the cult of Stalin' where Stalin was almost worshiped and seen as 'god-like'
  • Censorship: Stalin censored press items and books to make sure no one presented him in a negative way, and if they did he would have them executed. He also doctored photos to make it appear as if his rivals never existed
  • Religion: Stalin attacked religion, and encouraged instead worship of himself. Nearly 40'000 Christian churches and 25'000 mosques were closed down.

Who took Stalin's place after he died?

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The person who took Stalin's place after his death of a brain hemorrhage was Nikita Khrushchev. This man started the cold war with the United StatesNikita Khrushchev

Identify ONE key trait of a totalitarian state. How did Stalin use the weapons of totalitarianism to force that trait onto Soviet society?

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By using police terror, destroying enemies of Stalin, monitoring telephone lines, reading mail, and planting informants.

Was Joseph Stalin a World War 2 dictator?

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Cautious and always suspicious, but yes. Stalin had already been receiving US Aircraft (especially the P-39 Aerocobra), warships, rifles, ammunition, food, and medical supplies from the US.

Stalin would most likely have wanted them to for the reason that if the Western Front were to be strengthened, Germany would have to strengthen their forces against them. This would require pulling troops off the Eastern Front and therefore from his.

If the Western Front were to lose or collapse altogether, troops and equipment would be flooded to the Eastern Front. With the abundance of new numbers, Stalin's forces wouldn't have stood a chance.

How did the soviet union use propaganda in World War 2?

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Russian Propaganda had a lot of Nationalistic views. There were a lot of movies that had Russia as the hero of the day. There posters delt with rising the ego of the country and demeaning the other countries.

Why was Joseph Stalin liked?

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There were many factors that led people to like Stalin. The main one was probably the 'cult of personality'. This meant he could manipulate how he was seen as a leader through images, films, poems etc( which were only allowed if they glorified him) and thus fool people into thinking he was a good leader. For example, during the time of the 1930's, he would have images of him and children, creating his idea he was the 'father of Russia'. He also used the 'cult of personality' to lead people to believe he had led them throughout the war to success in 1945. In reality, it was more likely the mistakes of the Germans and organisation of military strategies by others which had saved them. Stalin at the time of the war did not know what to do! After the war, he glorified himself even more through posters, showing him as God-like. He manipulated these kind of events to create a likeable image of himself. Also, although the gulags( labour camps) were his idea, many in the camps sent him letters asking him to save them, as they believed such a 'great leader' would never let such awful things happen. It just shows how badly the idea he was a good leader was indoctrinated in their heads through all of these things. He killed millions and cost so much dear human life, yet even at his funeral many were in tears and distraught their 'great' leader had died.