

Joseph Stalin

Born Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1878 – 1953), Stalin was the first General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death. He assumed a lead role in Soviet politics following the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924.

500 Questions

Managers are made not bornDiscuss?

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Most would argue that managers are born. This is because these managers personality favors being the boss, knowing what to do under stress, and being determined to get the job done.

Who was the major leader of the Soviet Union throughout the war?

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Joseph Stalin, the dictator of the Soviet Union was the leader of Russia, and he did get much out of Roosevelt during conferences. He soon learned the basics of building an atomic bomb as Roosevelt was a bit loose with the subject. That lead to the Cold War in which there were enough atomic and nuclear bombs and missiles to destroy the globe, or the Earth.

How did Joseph Stalin impact World War 2?

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He was the dictator who ruled the Soviet Union before, during and after World War 2. He had to guide the country through the war, and was involved in the post-war settlement.

However, he was a ruthless and cruel despot who recklessly and mercilessly slaughtered his own citizens- even his most loyal followers- because he was paranoid that someone was going to try to overthrow him. Just prior to the start of the war, he massacred millions of his own people, including many soldiers and even high ranking military officers, in the so-called "Great Purge".

When the Germans invaded Russia in 1942, the Soviet military was still recovering from the slaughter, so they were initially not able to stop the German advance. Had Stalin not executed so many of his own soldiers and generals, Germany might not have been so successful in their invasion. Of course, Germany was eventually stopped and defeated by the Soviets- but it probably would've been a lot easier.

What year did Stalin come to power?

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Joseph Stalin came to power in the Soviet Union after the death of Vladimir Lenin on 21st January 1924 (N.S). He did not have sole control. He acted as part of a troika with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. In fact these three had been in control of the Soviet Union soon after Lenin's first stroke in 1922 at various times depending on Lenin's health. After Lenin's death, over the next several years, Stalin eliminated Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Bukharin as well as Zinoviev and Kamenev from participation in the government to become sole leader of the Soviet Union in 1929.

Was Stalin Nazi or a dictator?

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Joseph Stalin was a corrupt bureaucrat that warped the Socialist ideals of Marx and Lenin (and other Marxists) into a totalitarian regime where the state controlled absolutely everything. Communism by default is highly against a state even existing. Stalin was not a Communist or a Socialist by any means. He was a fascist that used Communist imagery and ideology to control everyone and everything.

The only difference between Stalin and Hitler was Stalin did not kill people because they were of a certain race. However Stalin did not treat everyone equal and thought homosexuality to be a crime, much unlike Lenin who argued for homosexuality and abortion to be accepted (legalized during the planned socialist stage of the country)

What did Joseph Stalin do to Leon Trotsky?

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After Lenin's death, Stalin managed to oust Trotsky from membership in the Communist Party, then from the Soviet Union itself. Trotsky was forced into exile first to Turkey, then France, then Norway and finally to Mexico. In 1940, Stalin had a Russian agent named Ramon Mercader murder Trotsky with an ice axe.

What was Joseph Stalin's role in World War I?

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Stalin had no role in World War 1. At that time he was a revolutionary Bolshevik agitator against the Tsarist government. For 3 years beginning in 1914, Stalin was in exile in Siberia. At one point in time, the Tsarist army was so desperate for soldiers, it conscripted men even from among the many revolutionaries who were living in exile. Stalin was ordered to report for a physical but was deemed unfit for military service and rejected. His left arm was withered from a childhood injury when he was hit by an oxcart.

When the Tsar abdicated in March 1917, Stalin immediately returned to Petrograd to take up his revolutionary Bolshevik activities once again. Russia's part in World War 1 ended a year later.

Why did Joseph Stalin join the Soviet Union?

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Stalin never "joined the Soviet Union." Vladimir Lenin created it in 1922 when Stalin was one of several Commissars in Lenin's government. After Lenin died Stalin and others took over running the Soviet government. Later he had total control of it.

Why did he take control over it. Stalin was always power hungry and controlling. He saw his chance at surviving Lenin after Lenin had his disabling strokes and stepped in to take that control of and exercise power over a country.

What was the goal of Joseph Stalin's Five-Year Plans?

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The purpose of Stalin's five year plans was to rapidly industrialize the USSR. He wanted to industrialize so quickly because Russia was years behind as far as weapons and industrialization. These plans actually worked; he made the progress of 50 something years in 10.

Why did Joseph Stalin want to reach Berlin before the Americans?

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I don't think there was a want to reach Berlin before America, I just think the Soveits pushed harder and faster and therefore did reach it first.

To say Stalin wanted to would need some sort of conclusive evidence of this.

Where were Gulags?

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All Gulags were to found in Russia, scattered over a very wide area. There were at least 476 separate camps, some of them comprising hundreds, even thousands of camp units.

What year did Stalin become leader in the Soviet Union?

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Stalin's rise to power began when he gained control of Central Control Committee in the years between 1921 to 1923. After Lenin's death he began the so-call Lenin Levy which recruited thousands of new members to the Communist Party. He had the opportunity to hand pick people who supported him. Before Lenin's death he managed to isolate Lenin from other Party members. With the successful exile of Trotsky, many of Stalin's enemies "disappeared". For all practical purposes he was unopposed as the leader of the Soviet Union in 1929. He was cautious, however, and did not make himself the infallible Premier until 1931. Unfortunately the 1924 "Lenin's death" answer as to when Stalin was the dictator of the USSR is not correct.

Did Joseph Stalin murder his first wife?

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No, he did not. His first wife died of typhus or tuberculosis. Accounts vary. His second wife committed suicide.

Did The Five Year Plans bring glory to Stalin and misery to his people'?

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no they did not. they were used to improve the lifestyle of russia.

Why did Stalin blame the allies?

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My mom BLAMED the Allies! :)

Were did Joseph Stalin work?

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Before taking on the job of the dictator of the Soviet Union, Stalin had several "occupations" They were not always ones where he was paid. He began as:

1. Seminary Student. While at the Tiflis Seminary he joined a secret organization which desired his Georgian homeland to become independent of Russia.

2. After being expelled from the Seminary, he gave private education lessons to young students.

3. He worked as a writer for a socialist newspaper.

4. He also joined an anti Tsarist party and helped in a union strike. This placed him in prison.

5. He remained in "politics" and soon became a Marxist and found friends like Lenin to develop his Marxist ideas.

6. He helped in the Bolshevik Revolution and became a paid party leader and held several positions in the new Communist Russia.

Is Joseph Stalin in hell?

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He's been dead for over fifty years, so he's already wherever he's gonna go. But, Hell is a figment of people's imagination that results from an out-dated belief that higher beings exist that was required before science could explain phenomena. So, no, he is not.

Did Stalin's Five Year Plan fail?

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No, it did not, in fact it succeeded beyond their expectations. It met its five year goals within four years and a new five year plan was instituted a year earlier than expected. Industrial and agricultural output both increased by over 100% according to the Soviet Union's figures.

What did Stalin want for the future of Germany?

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He wanted to keep Germany weak and divided

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Did Stalin read?

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No he was illiterate.

Who was the leader of soviet union when the us entered world war 2?

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Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union when the United States entered World War 2.

How did Stalin convinvce his people to support him?

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Stalin, for the most part, was a successful leader. Their economy grew, markedly unaffected by the Great Depression, and people usually like leaders who bring prosperity. Stalin's enemies didn't fair well, so that had to be a reason many went along with Stalin's programs. Finally, after the second World War, Stalin's Cold War efforts spawned a new nationalistic pride in the Soviet Union.