


Men's Health

Some health issues are unique to only men. This is the category for those questions. Whether it be about anatomy, reproduction, or disease, ask them here.

500 Questions

Is sperm produced in the archegonium?

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Sperm is not produced in the archegonium. Archegonia are structures in plants that produce female gametes (eggs) through the process of oogenesis. Sperm cells are produced in the antheridia, which are male reproductive structures in plants.

Can men with clear sperm be fertile?

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Yes, men with clear sperm can still be fertile. Sperm can vary in color and consistency due to hydration levels and other factors. The key indicator of fertility is the sperm count, motility, and morphology, which are better assessed through a semen analysis.

Male to male massage anyone?

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Male to male massage is common and it does not have to be sensual. People can have male to male massage because of health reasons such as injury and muscle relief. In sports, sore limbs can be massaged by a team Physio.

When was Klinefelter's syndrome discovered?

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Klinefelter's syndrome was first identified in 1942 by Harry Klinefelter and his colleagues. They described a group of men with underdeveloped testes and other characteristic features that became known as Klinefelter's syndrome.

One of two sex glands in the scrotum that produce sperm and secrete testosterone?

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The testes are the sex glands responsible for producing sperm and secreting testosterone in males. They are located within the scrotum outside the body to maintain a lower temperature necessary for sperm production.

Is Klinefelter Syndrome a dominant or recessive trait?

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Klinefelter Syndrome is not a trait that follows traditional Mendelian inheritance patterns of dominance and recessiveness. It is a chromosomal condition resulting from an extra X chromosome in males (XXY), which typically arises from a random error during sperm or egg formation. This extra chromosome leads to a distinct set of physical and developmental characteristics.

What type of disorder is klinefelters syndrome gene or chromosomal?

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Chromosomal, because the person with Klinefelter's would have 47 chromosomes. A genetic disorder would be any disorder having to do with genes, but would not necessarily mean having an extra chromosome.

What does klinefelters syndrome come from what type of mutation?

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Klinefelter syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome in males due to a random error in cell division, known as nondisjunction. This results in a chromosomal mutation where males have an additional X chromosome, leading to physical and developmental differences.

How many people are affected by Klinefelter's syndrome?

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Klinefelter's syndrome affects approximately 1 in 500-1000 males. It is caused by an extra X chromosome, resulting in symptoms such as small testes, infertility, and reduced testosterone levels. Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life.

What is the Number of Barr bodies inside cheek cell of male with Klinefelter's Syndrome?

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A male with Klinefelter's Syndrome (XXY genotype) would have two Barr bodies in each cheek cell, as they have an extra X chromosome. This extra X chromosome forms Barr bodies inactivated during embryonic development, leading to the presence of two Barr bodies in cells with two X chromosomes.

How many milligrams of testosterone cypionate in 1 milileter?

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There are typically 200 milligrams of testosterone cypionate in 1 milliliter.

How many chromosomes are in klinefelter's syndrome?

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Individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome have an extra X chromosome, resulting in a total of 47 chromosomes, with the usual sex chromosomes XX for females and XY for males being XXY in individuals with Klinefelter's syndrome.

Can sperm be produced with meosis 1 or 2?

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Sperm production involves meiosis, which consists of two divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II. Meiosis I reduces the chromosome number, while meiosis II separates sister chromatids, resulting in haploid sperm cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

What part of the sperm must be present for energy production?

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Mitochondria, which are present in the sperm's midpiece, are responsible for energy production through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. This energy is necessary for the sperm to swim and reach the egg for fertilization.

How does Viagra work at a cellular level?

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Viagra works by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) in the smooth muscle cells of the penis. By inhibiting PDE5, Viagra helps to increase levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), leading to relaxation of the blood vessels in the penis and increased blood flow, resulting in an erection.

Are all molecules the same size?

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No, molecules come in various sizes. The size of a molecule is determined by the number and arrangement of its atoms. Small molecules like oxygen and water are much simpler and smaller than complex molecules like proteins and DNA.

Compare and contrast Turners syndrome and Klinefelters syndrome?

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Turner syndrome is a genetic condition in females where one of the X chromosomes is partially or completely missing, resulting in short stature and infertility. Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in males where there is an extra X chromosome, leading to infertility and possible developmental delays. Both conditions can impact fertility, but Klinefelter syndrome affects males and involves an extra chromosome, while Turner syndrome affects females and involves a missing chromosome.

What is destruction of sperm called?

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The destruction of sperm is called sperm cell death or sperm cell apoptosis.

The site of sperm production?

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Sperm is produced in the testes, specifically within the seminiferous tubules. These tubules are coiled structures within the testes where sperm cells undergo a process called spermatogenesis, ultimately leading to the production of mature sperm cells.

How do you find the female prostate?

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The female prostate, also known as the Skene's glands, are located around the urethra near the walls of the vagina. They can be found by gently inserting a finger into the vagina and pressing against the front wall. Stimulation of the Skene's glands can contribute to sexual pleasure for some individuals.

What makes up a rainbow?

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A rainbow is made up of sunlight being refracted, reflected and dispersed by water droplets in the atmosphere, typically after a rain shower. The water droplets act as tiny prisms that break down white sunlight into its constituent colors, creating the familiar arc of colors in the sky.

Are there different nipples in men?

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Yes, there are different types of nipples in men, just like there are in women. Some men may have protruding nipples while others may have inverted nipples. Nipple size, shape, and color can also vary among individuals.

Does blood thicken in cold weather?

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Yes, blood can thicken in cold weather due to vasoconstriction, a natural response of the body to conserve heat. This can increase the risk of blood clots and other circulatory problems. Staying warm and active can help prevent this.

Why when you sweat is there so much salt and how do you stop it?

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Sweat contains salt (sodium chloride) because your body loses electrolytes through sweat to regulate body temperature. To prevent excessive salt loss, it's important to stay hydrated and maintain electrolyte balance by consuming foods or beverages with electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Add a pinch of salt to your water or consume sports drinks with electrolytes during intense or prolonged physical activity to help replenish lost salts.

What is female equivalent of prostate massage?

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Asked by Wiki User

The female equivalent of prostate massage is G-spot stimulation. This involves applying pressure to the front wall of the vagina, about 2-3 inches in, to stimulate an erogenous area believed to enhance pleasure and potentially lead to orgasm.