


Pisces (February 19 to March 20) is one of the 12 zodiac signs that outline human personalities based on birth dates.

500 Questions

What is thermal Pisces special move?

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Thermal Pisces's special move is called Scalding Whirlpool. In this move, the Beyblade creates a powerful whirlpool of scalding hot water to trap and overwhelm its opponent.

Where is eta piscium located in the Pisces contellation?

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Eta Piscium is located in the Pisces constellation near the western "V" shape of the constellation. It is a star in the Northern Hemisphere sky and can be seen with the naked eye on a clear night.

Is zodiac sign and year of the animal real?

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Asked by Ayeza123

Zodiac signs have been used for centuries in many cultures as a way to categorize individuals based on their birth date. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with an animal sign based on a 12-year cycle. While some people believe in the characteristics and predictions associated with their zodiac sign, it is ultimately a matter of personal belief.

What is the summer location of Pisces?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Sun is in Pisces from about February 19 to March 20, which falls during the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the fall season in the Southern Hemisphere. So, the summer location of Pisces would be around June 19 to July 23 in the Northern Hemisphere and around December 21 to January 20 in the Southern Hemisphere.

What is Pisces' neighbor?

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'Pisces' is a constellation( of stars) in the night sky. On the Ecliptic its neighbouring constellations are Aquarius and Ares. Off the Ecliptic it nearest constellation is 'Cetus'.

'Pisces' is the pair of fish.

'Aquarius' is the water carrier.

'Ares' is the ram (male sheep)

'Cetus' is the whale.

These names were given by the Classical Greeks, who saw then as images in the night sky. The names follow through in Astrology too!!!!

What type of star is Pisces?

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Pisces is a constellation, not a star. However, within the Pisces constellation, there are various types of stars including main sequence stars, giants, and supergiants. The specific type of star can vary within the constellation.

Is Pisces north east south or west?

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Pisces is a zodiac sign in astrology, so it does not have a specific directional association like north, east, south, or west. It is one of the 12 signs of the zodiac, representing those born between February 19 and March 20.

Who discovered Pisces?

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Pisces is one of the 12 zodiac signs that has been recognized and used in various cultures for centuries. It is not attributed to a specific individual or discovery, as it is a part of ancient astrology systems.

What are the major stars in Pisces constellation?

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The major stars in the Pisces constellation include Alrescha, Fomalhaut, and Eta Piscium. Alrescha is a double star system known for its optical illusion of appearing as a single star. Fomalhaut is one of the brightest stars in the sky and Eta Piscium is a binary star system located close to Alrescha.

What is the surface temperature of Pisces?

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The surface temperature of Pisces, the constellation, cannot be determined because it is a collection of stars at varying distances from Earth. Each star in the constellation will have its own surface temperature.

How do Pisces fish excrete waste?

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Pisces fish excrete waste through their gills and kidneys. Waste products such as ammonia are released into the water through their gills, while the kidneys help filter out and excrete other waste materials.

Where can a Pisces meet a compatible mate?

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If you are a Pisces and choose to meet anybody who receives you, think about locations that suit your personality. Pisces people are regularly creative, kind, and romantic. Here are some easy ideas:

Art shows or museums:

People in Pisces enjoy the arts and often visit museums or art-related events. Maybe someone you meet shares your passion for creativity.

Relaxing Retreats:

Pisces likes calm and considerate stuff. Try going to meditation or yoga retreats. You could find individuals engaging in comparable peaceful activities.

Volunteer Work:

Pisces is recognized for being caring. Help out at charities or volunteer. Anyone who genuinely wants to improve the world should be considered.

Music concerts or festivals:

tracksPisces loves tracks and emotions. Go to concert events or song fairs to meet people and revel in the same type of tune and atmosphere.

Beach or lake hangouts:

Pisces is a water sign, so go to the seashore or lake. You may discover that others love the calming feeling of being close to the water.

Bookstores or Poetry Nights:

Pisces people are dreamy and romantic. Check out bookstores or poetry events. Anyone you meet may be fond of poetic language and tales.

Dance classes or parties:

Pisces likes expressing themselves. Try dance instructions or social dances. 

Movies or Film Clubs:

Pisces people frequently love movies. Go to movie occasions or clubs. 

What is Pisces in Japanese?

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Kanji : 双魚宮 - Kana : そうぎょきゅう - Romaji : sougyokyuu

Do Capricorns and Pisces make a good match?

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Goats feel somehow safer with a Fish than with most Sun Signs, other than Scorpio, in kicking up their heels defiantly against the natural Capricorn restrictive behavior. Although the Goats also get along smoothly with Taurus and Virgo, they may feel considerably less inclined to kick over the traces with the Bulls and Virgins than with Pisces. Contrariwise, the Fish, somehow, feel more protected with a Goat than with most Sun Signs from life's harsh, abrasive experiences - more courageous in Overcoming the natural Piscean introverted behavior. Although the Fish also get along smoothly with Scorpio and Cancer, they may feel somewhat less protected, as well as less courageous, with the Crabs and Scorpions than with the Goat. In many ways, therefore, Capricorn and Pisces were made for each other.

What is the best season to find Pisces?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20

Season: Winter

Element: Mutable Water

Planet: Neptune

Symbol: Fishes

Amerind Earth Magic equivalent: (Wolf)

Metal: Tin

Is a sense of humor a good thing?

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i think it is because the thing that women look for most in a guy is a sense of humor. so if you don't have one then you might not find you perfect girl, (by the way if you haven't guessed it, I'm a guy).

Its VERY attractive to most people.

Will Libra man love Pisces woman?

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I can assure you, your personalities will matter. Your zodiac sign won't.

Should a Libra marry a Pisces?

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Only the Libra and Pisces involved can answer that. Even though I believe our Zodiac signs have some influence on our personalities, we are also infuenced by other factors. My husband is a Capricorn and I am a Virgo. We are suposed to be a perfect match. We have NOTHING in common, which leaves us with not much to even talk about. Don't allow any other influence to tell you who you should or shouldn't marry, let your instincts guide you, not even your heart. What your heart feels today can change tomorrow. Learn everything you can about each other, then decide. If you make a decision based on your Zodiac signs, you may pass up your soul mate, or end up with someone you will not have an everlasting happiness with.

Is a female Pisces and a female Virgo compatible romantically?

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yes that's a good match, my sister (Pisces) and her wife (Virgo) of 3 years are going great ;)

How do you pronounce Pisces?

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Asked by Wiki User

How can you (not yuo) ask this question?

Well you pronunce it like this: PI- (like pie) -SCES (like sis demenutive of sister)

Be nice!! :/


Pie seez

Does a Virgo and Pisces belong together?

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Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs, so there is a strong physical attraction.

According to Debra Levere's Astrology Rules novel, Pisces and Virgo are very different, but those differences could be just the thing to make the relationship work.

What are the lucky colors gems numbers for Pisces?

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Asked by ThatwouldBme

Colours: violet, aquamarine, mauve, purple, .light-green & blue.

Gems:Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Jade, Pearl, Sugilite, & White opal.

How does a female Pisces act?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well we Pisces are very good actors. In everyday life we will act apon multiple personalitys (not far from the original) to interact with different type of people. But we will never act in a negetive way of hurting a person (only if you where born evil just might stay evil :S) If we lie and act in the process is very often that is for a good cause.

Can a young Pisces man love an older woman?

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  • It does not matter what Astrological sign a person is; any many could fall in love with a married woman.