


Storage of Fruits and Vegetables

Storage of fruits and vegetables start with the selection of fruits and vegetables that are free of insect damage and close to maturity. Depending on the type of fruit or vegetable, they are stored in cold, moist or dry places.

500 Questions

How long do canned veggies last once opened?

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Canned vegetables will last for three to four days once they are opened. Do not keep them in the can, transfer them to a covered bowl, and put them in the refrigerator.

How long is opened vegetable broth in carton good in refrigerator?

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The Campbell website says that the resealable cartons are good for up to 14 days in the fridge (or you can freeze it).

Does potato salad spoil?

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Potato salad will never be as good as when it was first made. Use it within a day or two.

Depending on what you put in your potato salad will depend on how long your salad will last. If you put eggs in your salad then you have 3 days to use it up in. If you omit the eggs then you have about 5 days as long as the salad doesn't sit out and get warm since it has mayonnaise in it.

Does fruit rott faster in a refrigerator?

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the answer to this question is no.

the fridge is cold and cold slows down the production of ethylene gas.

ethylene gas is a gas produced by plants to help them ripen and age, which will turn into rotting

since the fridge slows down the production of ethylene gas, the plants will age slower

therefore the fridge does not get fruit to rott faster

How long can boiled potatoes stay fresh in the refrigerator?

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If the potatoes have not been skinned or cut they will generally last about 48 hours in a regulated temperature of 38-43 degrees F. If they have been skinned or cut, it is best to only keep them 8-12 hours as long as they are sealed tightly. There aren't many health dangers, however, they dry quickly and tend to become mush whenever reheated if kept longer than this.

How long does toffee apples keep?

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From 3 - 7 days if refrigerated

About 2 and 1/2 days if frozen

Why does cooked vegetables turn brown?

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Asked by Cheritto

My best guess is that some of the sugar inside the vegetables caramelizes with the heat, turning the vegetables brown.

How long does canned veggies keep in the refrigerator?

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If bought commercially, the can should have a printed expiration date on one of the two flat sides. If it does not, note that most canned foods last at least six months in the refridgerator, and up to a year, though eating year-old creamed corn wouldn't be recommended.

Are tomatoes with black spots edible?

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no. Anything turing black don't eat.

Why is it that a tub of water placed in a farmer's canning cellar helps prevent canned food from freezing in cold winters?

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The tub of hot water gives off water vapour.

The water vapour condenses on the cans.

The liquid water gives off its latent heat of condensation to the cans.

Can sauce stay out over night?

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That would depend on what the sauce is made with and whether it is summer or winter, but it is always safer to just put it in the fridge.

How long does juice stay good?

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That will be variable. Go by the manufacturer's recommendations on the label

Will squirrels eat fresh corn on the cob?

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Yes they eat corn on or off the cob. They eat just the heart of it.
A diet for a squirrel includes various plants, all sorts of nuts, seeds, fruits, fungi, conifer cones and green vegetation. Some squirrels will eat meat when no other food can be found. They may also eat insects, eggs, young snakes, small rodents and small birds.

Who do you make mashed potatoes?

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First you skin your potatoes. Then you boil them for about 2-4 minutes. After that you put them in a bowl and mash them with a tool of your choice. Add some butter and a pinch of pepper and salt and POOF you've got mashed potatoes!

If grapefruit is moldy on the outside is the inside safe to eat?

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There's no way to know. You don't know what kind of mold is growing or what kind of toxins it has produced. Don't eat moldy fruit.

Don't forget that mold is like an iceberg - you only see a small portion of it.

Which wrap would keep sliced apples the freshest in the refrigerator?

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I'm assuming your sliced apples are not already dried.... and hoping they were not sliced with the peel still on... If you have a deep freezer, you can freeze them as stewed apples or apple puree. Cook (gently, with the lid on the pan, and keep an eye on it because it makes a big mess of your cooker if it boils over!) your sliced apples with sugar to taste - I reckon a couple of tablespoons per pound of sliced apples is OK but you might have a different sweet tooth. Cook till the apples are soft and transparent for stewed apples, a bit longer for puree. (Bramley apples and similar will fluff up and disintegrate, it will always be a puree with these varieties). Push it through a sieve to puree. freeze in plastic pots / ziploc bags / small sandwich bags if you want to have individal portions. You can use the stewed apple once thawed as the insides of a pie or a crumble. If you can get access to a cider press, you can either make cider from the juice or freeze the juice in reused plastic cartons (squash these in a bit when filling so they don't split in the freezer). If you don't have a freezer, apple chutney will take care of a bit of it. Luckily onions are cheapish this time of year. If you have other fruit you can supplement that with apples to make a mixed fruit jam. If your apples are quite sour this will help with the setting of the jam. Remember there is quite a lot of water in apples when you are working out your sugar amount. If you don't have a freezer, drying works well. If you have a sweet tooth, and to keep them from browning quite so much, wet the apple slices slightly with a mixture of a little honey and hot water to make it runny. Lay your slices (should be less than 4mm thick) out on a cake cooling rack and put them on a sunny windowsill for a few days. If there are flies etc that will settle on them, put a clean muslin cloth or one of those fly screen dome things over them. If it's not sunny and you have been using the oven, put your racks of apples in when you're done to dry a bit in the cooling oven, and prop the door open a crack so the water vapour can get out. Your dried apples will be a bit brown and chewy (not floppy) but they are undeniably APPLEY. As a bonus, they take up a lot less space than the fresh apples. You can store in jars or plastic bags. You can either eat them as they are, or reconstitute them in the depths of winter for a pie - put in a bowl overnight with just enough water to cover them. For an unusual gift, pack some dried apple slices tightly into a small jar, add a heaped spoonful of brown sugar, and top up with brandy or rum. Shake the jar a few times before Christmas to dissolve the sugar and you have a luxurious wintertime treat to give away.

How long can you keep cooked greens in the refrigerator?

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This food will only last a few days. 3 days in the refrigerator if the food is stored properly. Place in an air tight container for the best results. You can transfer the food to the freezer if longer storage is needed.

A lot depends on how closely you watch the temperature in the refrigerator.

Food Safety teaches that food should be kept below 40F or above 140F. Most people do NOT check the temperature in the refrigerator. Do NOT trust built in thermometers. Get a good reliable thermometer. Some will record trends for a few weeks so you KNOW your food is at the proper temperature.

Are the mashed potatoes supposed to be crunchy?

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No. ----- You really didn't cook the potatoes long enough if they are still crunchy.

How long will mushrooms keep?

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Generally, you do not want to keep mushrooms for longer than a week. However, the general method of checking that your mushrooms are still fresh is to feel them. If they feel slimy or look darker than normal, it is time to throw them away. I would say about the same if they are stored in their original container or package. If you use a Green Bag, I have kept them as long as three weeks - I'm absolutely serious. If you do not have a Green Bag, a muslin bag or cloth will work nearly as well. The idea is to keep the moisture away from them without drying them out. And if they do become dried out because of lack of humidity, finish drying them on the kitchen counter and keep them in a ziploc bag once they are fully dried for later use.

Does an apple rot faster at room temperature or in the fridge?

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yes it will .if u leave on the table for 2 weeks it will rot. if leave it in the refrigeraitor.

Will fruits and vegetables stay fresh longer if they are in or out of the refrigerator?

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Usually for most fruits and vegetables, refrigeration will extend the shelf life and nutritional content.
The cold environment slows the rate of decomposition.

Why are nutrients in food lost when they are preserved?

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Nutrients tend to get lost in these preparations due to heat and oxidation. When the cells of the food are ruptured in any way, shape, and for, like how they tend to be during prepping or cooking, there will be loss of nutrients.