

Vitamins During Pregnancy

Questions pertaining to the adequate and proper vitamin consumption to promote excellent prenatal health for the well-being of you and your developing little one!

500 Questions

Is it bad if you're 14 and 6 months pregnant and haven't gone to see a doctor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Please, Please, Please go to a doctor right away! I waited until I was 7 months pregnant and by the time I went, my child had passed away.

AnswerLet's just say it isn't good. Please! Please! visit the following site or call the toll-free number, Birthright,, 1-800-556-4900. They will assist you in finding a clinic in your area and all information will be kept confidential. It is extremely important and absolutely necessary for you and your baby to receive medical care ASAP. AnswerWell, you should have seen a doctor as soon as you found out you were pregnant, but the important thing now is that you visit a doctor as soon as you can. Seeing a doctor late is infinitely better than not seeing a doctor at all. You can go to a local clinic; they may be able to refer you to an OB/GYN. AnswerThis is basically what the other posters said, but you should see a doctor!! Any pregnant women needs to see a doctor during a pregnancy. It doesn't matter how old you are because they need to check for things that might be wrong. For a healthy baby, you should go see a doctor ASAP!


That's not good, goto a doctor. Why have you not even gone, get there asap


Not only is it bad because you can't detect any problems with the baby at an early stage of your pregnancy but the doctor can give you vitamins that can help prevent many problem with the baby as well. It is very important for you to see a doctor right away.

If folic acid is not taken during the first two weeks of pregnancy will the embryo definitely be harmed or is there a chance that it will be OK?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is a very high chance that the baby will be perfectly healthy. Folic acid is mostly taken to prevent spina bifida, which only occurs in a small percentage of pregnancies. It is a good idea to keep taking it now, as there are still many benefits.

Can prenatal vitamins increase chances of conceiving?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well overall improved health can be beneficial through a vitamin and I suppose it is possible to improve your chances. The main purpose of a prenatal vitamin is to provide the soon to be mother with folic acid along with a multi vitamin. The folic acid is essential to proper fetal development.

Is it harmful for a pregnant woman to take one tablet of Folic Acid and a multi prenatal vitamin which has 1mg and 800mcg Folic Acid and other vitamins every day?

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Asked by Wiki User

It should be OK. Folic acid is water soluble, which means you will use what you need and urinate the rest out. My concern is why are you taking both? If you do not have a folic acid deficiency, you should be fine taking the over the counter pre-natal vitamin with the 800 mcg (and that is all) OR you can ask your doctor to prescribe a prescription pre-natal vitamin with 1 mg of folic acid plus other vitamins/minerals and take that alone. Pregnant women do not require more than 800 mcg of folate/day even though there is that 1 mg prescription formulation - unless you have a deficiency! You may want to run this by your doctor - ask if he/she thinks it is necessary for you to be on the extra folate and if not, can you just take the over the counter supplement. I would not change what you are doing until you talk to your doctor, however. Hope this is helpful!

What does b12 b6 and folic acid do for you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Folic acid helps neural tube development, the dosage of folic acid will differ depending upon your health, generally women with epilepsy need more folic acid. Vitamen b6 helps with nausea (citus fruits have it) and b12 for energy.

Can you eat vitamin c while being pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes you can eat vitamin c while pregnant because it keeps healthy and active without feeling so weak all the time.And according to me, i think it is advisable for all pregnant mothers to make them strong through up to delivering time

Is it all right to take fiber pills during pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am taking Benefiber and it says right on the side of the container to ask your doctor if you can take this while pregnant. So you should ask your doctor.

Can you take prenatal vitamins and geritol?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is only a multivitamin, so yes it can. However, as itis intended for mature women, it is best to take a prenatal vitamin during pregnancy, as it will have all the utrients vital to the developing fetus