

Personal Hygiene

The human body is an amazing mechanism. Keeping it clean helps to keep it healthy and operating at its best. For answers to your questions about personal hygiene, ask your questions here.

500 Questions

What happens if you do not take a shower for a week?

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Your body will give off an unpleasant odor, as oils, grease, dirt, and sweat accumulate in your skin. Your hair will become thin and dry, as the natural chemicals in your follicles accumulate and tangle your hair (depending on the length of your hair). In other words- you'll smell. Really bad. My advice? Bathe regularly using warm water, soap, shampoo, and conditioner, and don't skip out on showers for more than two days, if you can, unless you are in a situation where you are unable to bathe.

Definition of good grooming and how significant is goood grooming to ones personality?

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Good grooming refers to taking care of one's appearance and personal hygiene, including grooming hair, skin, nails, and clothing. Good grooming is significant to one's personality as it can boost confidence, leave a positive impression on others, and reflect self-respect and professionalism. It contributes to overall well-being and shows respect for oneself and those around you.

What will happen to your muscles if you excirese a lot but don't take in a lot of calories?

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If you exercise a lot but don't consume enough calories, your muscles may not have enough energy to properly recover and grow. This can lead to muscle loss, fatigue, and reduced performance. It is important to fuel your body adequately to support your exercise regimen and maintain muscle mass.

What does picking your nose mean?

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Picking your nose refers to the action of using your finger to remove dried mucus or foreign particles from inside your nostrils. It is generally considered socially unacceptable in many cultures due to hygiene reasons and the potential spread of germs.

Do people have different smells?

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Yes, people have unique body odors caused by a combination of genetics, diet, hygiene, and environment. Factors like hormones, sweat, and bacteria on the skin contribute to an individual's distinct smell.

How do you take a shower with hot guys?

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In a respectful and appropriate manner. It's important to establish clear boundaries and ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe in the situation. Communication and consent are key.

How important is staff personal hygiene?

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Staff personal hygiene is incredibly important in maintaining a safe and clean environment, especially in food service and healthcare settings where cross-contamination can occur. Proper personal hygiene practices help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses and infections among staff and customers/patients. It also promotes a positive image of professionalism and cleanliness in the workplace.

What percentage of the population don't wash their hands?

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Approximately 5-10% of the population do not wash their hands regularly, which can lead to the spread of germs and illnesses. It is important for everyone to practice good hand hygiene to prevent the spread of diseases.

What is the average number of times a person wipes after using the bathroom?

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On average, most people typically wipe between 3 to 5 times after using the bathroom. This number can vary based on individual preferences, types of bathroom tissue used, and personal hygiene practices.

How does flossing reduce aging?

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Flossing helps to prevent gum disease, which can contribute to the breakdown of gum tissue and bone structure in the mouth. This can help maintain a healthy mouth and prevent premature aging of the gums and teeth.

Does senility affect the desire to bathe?

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Senility can often impact a person's desire or ability to bathe due to memory loss, confusion, or physical limitations. Individuals may forget to bathe, become anxious about the process, or struggle with the necessary steps of personal hygiene. It is important to provide support and assistance as needed to ensure proper hygiene and well-being.

What effects could clients personal beliefs and preferences have on them being moved or positioned?

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A client's personal beliefs and preferences can impact their comfort, trust, and cooperation during movements or positionings. For example, if a client has a fear of heights, they may resist being positioned in a high chair. It is essential to respect and consider the client's beliefs and preferences to ensure their safety and well-being during care.

When sponging a resident what items do you need to prepare?

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When sponging a resident, you will need a basin of warm water, soap or gentle cleansing solution, clean washcloths or bath sponge, a towel for drying, gloves if needed, and any special products recommended for the resident's skin condition. Always ensure privacy and dignity for the resident during the process.

Our dishwasher is broken and we can't put detergent like normally so should we put detergent tablets into a silverware rack while cleaning dishes?

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You can put the dishwasher tablet in the silverware basket.

it would be the same as putting it in the.bottom of dishwasher. It will dissolve either way but you won’t get the most from the tablet this way. The dispenser opens during the middle of the cycle.

What is proper kitchen sponge hygiene?

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Asked by Fledermaus

Proper kitchen sponge hygiene involves rinsing the sponge thoroughly after each use, squeezing out excess water, and allowing it to air dry. You can also sanitize the sponge by microwaving it on high for 1-2 minutes or running it through the dishwasher. Replace the sponge regularly, at least every 2 weeks, to prevent bacterial growth.

Poems about hygiene?

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Good Hygiene

Funny things happen,

as we get a little older....

we get a little stronger,

and smell a little bolder!

So we use deodorant,

and bathe everyday....

and put on clean clothes,

so the smell goes away.

We need to brush our teeth,

and learn how to''floss''....

it prevents bad breath

and possible tooth loss!

We practice "good-hygiene" habits,

it's easier than it seems......

it's all part of growing up

and building ''self-estem''!

What is the function of catheter?

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A catheter is a thin tube inserted into the body to drain fluids or administer medications, such as in urinary catheterization to empty the bladder or in intravenous catheterization to deliver fluids or medication directly into the bloodstream.

Where can the infection of a nose piercing spread to?

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An infection from a nose piercing can spread to nearby areas such as the surrounding skin, cartilage, or even into the bloodstream if left untreated. It is important to promptly seek medical attention if you suspect an infection to prevent further complications.

Why was Tussy Deodorant taken out of the stores?

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It contained a trace amount of hydrochloric acid which, over time, will add up and really damage the individual's skin.

It worked and was cheap. NO doubt some big company hired someone to make this claim and wahlah another cheap great product is gone. Its the only one I could use and it would last all day. I noticed now most of the current ones use different active ingredients. It use to be pretty much the same but not anymore. Who knows what they are putting in them all i know is now they none work as good as they use too

What is the difference between hygiene and sanitation?

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Proper sanitation and hygiene are key elements in promoting health and overall well-being of people. This include proper disposal of wastes and avoiding any form of contact with hazardous substances among other things.

Sanitation and hygiene in the kitchen?

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This is a very broad question.

Food Hygiene in a nutshell is the correct and appropriate handling, storage and date labelling of all food products and food groups to effectively control bacterial cross contamination between the food groups.

It also means having the knowledge required to know how certain food products need to be cooked to avoid causing illness such as the correct cooking temperatures for minced meat (meat that has been exposed to the air) and poultry products such as chicken which could give you E-coli.

Bacteria can only live and multiply at certain temperatures - hence we cook food to kill bacteria and chill or freeze it so that bacteria cannot multiply.

"Use by Dates" are also a very important part of food hygiene as it ensures the freshness and therefore quality of the food product. Obviously different food products can be stored for different amounts of time - meat and fish can be stored for slightly longer if chilled after being cooked rather then simply being stored fresh and raw in a refrigerated environment.

As a general rule dairy products shouldn't be out of a refrigerator for any longer than 15-20 minutes with the exception of some cheeses such as hard cheese like Parmesan.

Many restaurants with decent standards will also colour code their knives and chopping boards to ensure that, for instance only the green knife and board are used for vegetables and only the red knife and board for raw meat etc

That's the best I can do without you being more specific!

10 hygiene rules for in the kitchen?

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Defining the most import hygiene rules in the kitchen is really a task of listing the most general rules of the kitchen. Each rule will have specifics that everyone needs to know. But here's one list

  1. Keep everything clean and sanitary
  2. Use proper personal hygiene
  3. Prevent cross contamination
  4. Cook and cool food properly
  5. Keep hot foods hot
  6. Keep cold foods cold

What follows are thoughts from other contributors:


1. wash hands with warm soapy water

2. tie hair back and cover where required or appropriate

3. don't wear make up or nail polish

4. always remove watches, jewelery, etc. before cooking

5. if wearing shirt button up cufflings

6. don't wear open-toed shoes (more of a workplace safety issue)

7. wear an apron to protect your clothes. Change aprons when they get dirty.

8. if you have a cut put on blue plaster (no foods are blue)


1. make sure surfaces are clean and sanitary

2. all your equipment and utensils are clean and dry

3. your sinks are clean and sanitary

4. bins not over flowing

5. floor is not wet (splash becomes source of contamination)

6. cookers are clean

7.dont use out of date food

8. don't chop raw meat and other food on the same chopping board

9. always wash food before cooking

10. keep your cooking area tidy

11. make sure that you use clean utensils for each type of food that you work with

12. don't keep meat so long out of the freezer

13. don't sneeze or cough on the food

14. wash vegetables before cooking

15. if you put a spoon in food and lick it then don't put it back in the food

Wash hands before any contact with food if you sneeze always cover your mouth and turn away from the food and then wash your hands no smoking inside if something is spilt always clear it up straight away always wash surfaces straight after contact with raw meet.

1: ALWAYS wash your hands

2: If you have long hair, tie it up and pull your hair back.

3: Wear an apron because you don't want to ruin your clothes. [Note: Aprons are for protecting the food from your clothes. You can't take your clothes off when you go to the bathroom. You can and should remove the apron on breaks. Aprons are also easily changed when they become dirty.]

4: Don't eat any of the food mixture until finished, if you do, wash your hands again.

5: Sneeze AWAY from the food, as well as coughing.

6: ALWAYS wash the food before cooking.

7: ALWAYS check the food before you buy it.

Basically the rules of food hygiene are common sense rules to stop contamination of food while preparing or serving it. Remember, cooking food kills most germs. If you aren't going to cook it yourself before eating it then you have to store it carefully and make sure the way you prepare it is clean. Make sure it has few chances of encountering raw food, especially raw protein like meat which bacteria thrive on.

If food is not going to be cooked before you serve it - like cooked meats, cheese, cakes etc then you should store them on the top shelves of your fridge so no contaminants can drop onto them. You shouldn't cut these food stuffs with any knife that has been used on raw meat (unless it's been washed properly - rinsing under the tap won't do unless your tap spews boiling water). Ideally you should use different knives and chopping boards for raw meat and everything else.

Finally, ALWAYS wash your hands after putting something in the bin/trash. It's easy to forget, I know. Especially when trimming and peeling vegetables. My kitchen bin is host to microbes that feed on chicken skin, old cat food, veggie peelings, leftovers and everything. It's a hot bed of microbe reproduction activity. I bet yours is pretty similar! If my hands go to the bin I make sure my next stop is a good hand washing. You don't need to waste money on antibacterial soap, normal soap does the job just as well. And it's better that the germs get washed down the sink than transferred to your lovely green salad!

The four golden rules are

  1. Always tie back your hair and wash your hands
  2. Never cross contamination use coloured chopping boards!
  3. Always cook meat completely.
  4. And last but definitely not least, Always clean up everything properly after use. Use hot soapy water.
And those are the GOLDEN rules of the kitchen!!!!

What can you use to get rid of crabs?

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I actually have a huge irrational fear of crabs and my entire family gets mad at me for it but I can’t help it

Why wash your hands so often?

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Washing your hands kills and/or removes most harmful germs (e.g., bacteria and viruses) which will protect you and those with whom you come into contact from being contaminated and sickened by those germs on your hands.

Importance of hygiene and sanitation in restaurant?

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well, the role of the house keeper in a hotel is just cleaning, the washing, clearing out the bins, making the beds, prepare new and cleaned sheets. That's all they do really but i don't think they get much money even though it's like a 5 Star hotel...