



Bullying occurs when someone or a group of people upset or create a risk to another person's health and safety, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. Learn why bullying is prohibited on WikiAnswers and express your questions about it and other inappropriate behaviors in our Bullying category!

500 Questions

Do you need to capitalize bullying?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, "bullying" does not need to be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

Why do people call other people with glasses '4-eyed'?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's considered a derogatory term used to mock people who wear glasses. It implies that having glasses makes someone less attractive or intelligent. It's important to be respectful and not use hurtful language to judge others.

What happens to bullies when they grow up?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some bullies may outgrow their behavior as they mature and develop empathy for others. However, others may continue to exhibit bullying behavior in different forms, affecting their relationships and personal growth. Seeking therapy or counseling can help address underlying issues that contribute to bullying tendencies.

How can cyberbullying affect kids self esteem?

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Asked by Ladygertie02

Cyberbullying can negatively impact a child's self-esteem by causing feelings of shame, guilt, and worthlessness. The constant harassment and negative messages can erode their sense of self-worth and lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. It can also affect their ability to trust others and feel confident in social interactions.

Why do people get together and become friends over bashing another person?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sometimes people bond over shared negative feelings towards someone else because it creates a sense of unity or camaraderie. However, this type of friendship is often superficial and based on negativity rather than genuine connection. It's important to cultivate positive and healthy relationships built on mutual respect and support.

What happens to bully?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bully undergoes sensitivity training and becomes a better person, or winds up getting bullied by bigger bullies.
The bullies get in trouble in school they get talked too and RPC and get a teacher parent Meeting or they go to court but everyone knows if you are a bully if you did get RPC you don't come back to school for three days and it gives the chance that the bully can hurt you more but everyone knows that when they come back they are going to start up again.
When a bully gets told on, the person the victim told may alert their parent/ guardian or the principal at your school.

They will be punished, and probably told to say sorry to the victim. But it doesn't stop their; if the bully was doing illegal things to the victim, they will be under a watchful eye, or in worse cases, sent to a Juvenal detention center where they will have to face the consequence's.

~never let the bully get you again, tell another adult

~If you are hurt again, you have a right to call kids help line at 1 800 668 6868

don't let them hurt you, stay strong

Do those bullies ever noticed that their words are killing young poor victims?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bullies may not realize the full impact of their words on their victims, especially if they lack empathy or awareness of the consequences of their actions. It’s important to educate and raise awareness about the harmful effects of bullying to prevent further harm to vulnerable individuals. Providing support and resources for both victims and bullies is essential in creating a more compassionate and understanding environment.

Is there a name for someone who intentionally creates or helps to create bad situations for someone else to be in to make you feel bad and guilty Or to make you squirm?

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Asked by Wiki User

This behavior is often referred to as emotional manipulation or gaslighting, where someone purposefully creates scenarios to manipulate the emotions or reactions of another person. It is a form of psychological abuse that can be damaging to the individual on the receiving end.

How do you stop your family bullying you - Its not ALL your family - just your little sister and your mum they dont physically abuse you but they hurt you with words and make you depressed?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you feel comfortable, try talking to a trusted adult or counselor about how you are feeling. Set boundaries with your family members by calmly expressing how their words affect you and asking for their behavior to change. Surround yourself with supportive friends and activities that make you feel good about yourself.

Are bullies always mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. Bullies can exhibit a range of behaviors beyond just being mean, such as manipulation, verbal abuse, or social exclusion. It ultimately depends on the individual and the specific circumstances of the situation.

What do you call someone who thinks they are great but aren't?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who thinks they are great but aren't typically deemed as arrogant or conceited. They may also be characterized as having an inflated ego or having delusions of grandeur.

Why do some people make fun of others because of their language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some people make fun of others because of their language due to ignorance, prejudice, or a desire to feel superior. It can stem from cultural bias, lack of understanding, or a misguided attempt at humor. It is important to educate others and promote acceptance and respect for linguistic diversity.

Why do bullies pick on people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bullies may pick on others due to various reasons such as seeking attention, feeling insecure about themselves, wanting to feel powerful, or mimicking behavior they have seen modeled. It is essential to address the root cause of their behavior and provide them with appropriate support and guidance to promote positive interactions.

Why do people bully over people that have red hair?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully individuals with red hair because they look different from the majority, leading to teasing or discrimination based on physical appearance. This behavior is often rooted in ignorance, stereotypes, and a lack of understanding or acceptance for diversity. It is important to acknowledge and celebrate differences rather than use them as a basis for bullying.

How do Erik Erikson feels about bullying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erik Erikson would likely view bullying as a negative behavior that can hinder healthy psychosocial development. He may argue that bullying reflects unresolved issues from earlier stages of development and can lead to feelings of shame, inferiority, and mistrust in both the bully and the victim. Ultimately, Erikson would emphasize the importance of addressing bullying behavior to promote positive identity formation and social relationships.

What are some side effects of bullying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the side effects of bullying include;




Low self esteem


Self harm

Below is a link to a youtube video about a young girl who was bullied because of her health

Why do people make fun of others because of their race?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may make fun of others based on race due to ignorance, prejudice, or a desire to assert dominance. It can also be a result of learned behaviors and societal norms that perpetuate discrimination. Such behavior is harmful and perpetuates harmful stereotypes and divisions in society.

What does bullying do to people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bullying can have serious negative impacts on individuals, including causing physical and emotional harm, diminishing self-esteem and self-worth, and leading to long-term psychological effects such as depression and anxiety. It can also negatively impact social relationships and academic performance.

In bully can you kill people?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you cannot kill people in the game "Bully." The gameplay focuses on navigating the challenges of a boarding school setting, with a strong emphasis on social interactions and mini-games rather than violence.

Why are there bullies in this world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bullies often engage in harmful behavior due to underlying issues such as insecurity, a need for power, or a lack of empathy. Negative experiences or environments can also contribute to their behavior. It is important to address bullying by promoting empathy, teaching conflict resolution skills, and creating environments that do not tolerate such behavior.

Is it normal for a 15 year old to beat up kids with intellectual disabilities and say Ha ha you are retarded?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not normal or acceptable behavior for anyone, regardless of age. It is important to address and intervene in situations of bullying, especially when it involves targeting individuals with intellectual disabilities. It is necessary to educate and promote empathy and respect towards all individuals.

Do people get bullied because they are in wheelchairs?

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Asked by Kimberlykay

Yes, people in wheelchairs can be targeted for bullying due to their physical differences. Bullying behavior can stem from ignorance, prejudice, or a desire for power and control over others. It's important to address and prevent bullying towards individuals with disabilities.

Why do people bully in a group?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully in a group to feel a sense of power and belonging, as being part of a group can amplify individual behavior. Group dynamics can also make individuals less likely to feel responsible for their actions, leading to increased aggression and bullying behavior. Bullying in a group can also create a sense of anonymity and diffusion of responsibility, making individuals more likely to participate in harmful behaviors.

Why do people bullie people?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully others due to feelings of insecurity, a desire for power or control, seeking attention, or reflecting experiences of being bullied themselves. It is crucial to address underlying issues, promote empathy and respect, and provide support for both the bully and the victim.

Why do people text bully?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may text bully because they feel a sense of anonymity behind a screen, making it easier to say hurtful things without facing immediate consequences. Additionally, they may be seeking attention or trying to assert dominance over others. It can also be a way for them to vent their own insecurities or frustrations onto someone else.