


Cannibalism is the act of eating human flesh and was once common among ancient cultures. Today the Korowai tribe in Southeast Asia is one of the very few remaining groups of people still practicing cannibalism. Ask questions about the history, causes and stigmas of this odd human behavior here.

500 Questions

What can people with cancer allowed or not allowed to eat?

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People with cancer should focus on a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. They should limit processed and red meats, sugary foods, and high-fat dairy products. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist to create a personalized nutrition plan based on individual needs and treatment.

Is saving files to your desktop a bad thing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on individual. It's not really a bad thing, just after time, your desktop will be filled with meaningless folders that people just let sit there and clutter up the screen.

Some people, after downloading a file, will then put the file in another folder, perhaps in "My Documents" or some other such place and remove the desktop icon.

Why is it derogatory to be called a parasite?

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Being called a parasite is derogatory because it implies that the person is leeching off of others without contributing anything in return. It suggests that they are lazy or unproductive, living off the efforts of others. This term is used to criticize someone for being dependent on others for their own benefit.

Is Mileena Cannibal?

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In the Mortal Kombat series, Mileena is a fictional character who is a skilled fighter and possesses sharp teeth, but she is not a cannibal. Her character is often associated with her Tarkatan heritage, which gives her a unique appearance and fighting style.

Where do cannibals live today?

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Cannibalism is rare and socially taboo. There are isolated incidents reported in remote areas with limited resources where cannibalism has occurred historically, but it is not a common or accepted practice in any society today.

Who is the first cannibal person?

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There is no specific individual who is known as the "first cannibal person," as cannibalism has been practiced throughout history and across various cultures. Archaeological evidence suggests that it has been part of human behavior for thousands of years.

How is erikson and kohlberg different?

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Erikson's theory of psychosocial development focuses on the crises individuals face at different stages of life and how they shape personality. Kohlberg's theory of moral development, on the other hand, looks at how individuals develop their understanding of morality through stages of reasoning and moral dilemmas. While Erikson's theory is broader and includes both social and emotional development, Kohlberg's theory specifically focuses on moral reasoning.

Is an act of Cannibalism legal?

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Cannibalism is illegal in most countries due to ethical, moral, and public health concerns. Engaging in cannibalism can result in criminal charges and significant legal consequences.

What do people eat at wesak?

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During Wesak, followers of Buddhism typically eat vegetarian food as a way to practice compassion and mindfulness towards all sentient beings. This may include dishes like fruits, vegetables, grains, and tofu. Some may also choose to avoid consuming alcohol during this time.

Do werewolves eat people?

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In folklore and mythology, werewolves are often depicted as creatures that may attack and harm humans. However, in reality, werewolves are fictional and do not exist.

Why do people want to wrestle?

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People may wrestle for various reasons, including competition, physical fitness, self-defense training, and personal challenge. Wrestling can also provide a sense of camaraderie and community among participants.

A Person should never make an important decision alone?

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While seeking input and advice from others can be valuable, it's also crucial for individuals to take responsibility for making their own decisions. Ultimately, the decision-maker should weigh different perspectives but feel empowered to make their own choices based on their values and goals. It's important for a person to trust their instincts and judgment when making impactful decisions.

Why are people cannibals?

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Cannibalism may occur due to cultural practices, survival instincts in extreme situations, ritualistic traditions, mental illness, or as a result of psychological disorders. It is not considered a normal behavior in most societies and is often viewed as taboo.

What did people eat in the 16th century?

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In the 16th century the main food of rich people was meat. However the rich rarely ate vegetables. Rich people were not necessarily well fed because they ate too few vegetables. Poor people ate plenty of vegetables because they had no choice! Vegetables were cheap but meat was a luxury.

On certain days by law people had to eat fish instead of meat. At first this was for religious reasons but later in the 16th century it was to support the fishing industry. If you lived near the sea or a river you could eat fresh fish like herrings or mackerel. Otherwise you might have to rely on dried or salted fish.

Poor people usually ate dreary food. In the morning they had bread and cheese and onions. They only had one cooked meal a day. They mixed grain with water and added vegetables and (if they could afford it) strips of meat.

What do Catholic people eat?

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Catholic people do not have specific dietary restrictions in their faith. They are free to eat a wide variety of foods, but some may observe fasting on certain days as part of their religious practices.

What do people in Omsk eat?

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People in Omsk typically eat a variety of Russian dishes, such as pelmeni (dumplings), shashlik (kebabs), borscht (beet soup), and kasha (buckwheat porridge). They also enjoy local specialties like salamat (a type of cured meat) and marinated vegetables. Street food like pirozhki (stuffed buns) and blini (thin pancakes) are popular as well.

What are the odds of being eaten by a cannibal?

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The odds of being eaten by a cannibal are extremely low in modern society. Cannibalism is illegal and highly uncommon in most cultures. It is important to prioritize personal safety and avoid risky situations.

Why do people always want more?

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People may always want more because of societal pressures to achieve success, feelings of inadequacy, or a desire for self-improvement. Additionally, consumer culture promotes the idea that more material possessions lead to happiness and fulfillment.

What specific section of the world do cannibals do not live?

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Cannibalism is virtually nonexistent in today's world, with only a handful of tribes in certain isolated parts of the globe practicing it. These areas include:

  • New Guinea
  • Amazon rainforest
  • Cameroon
  • Congo

These are the only known regions where cannibalism still occurs. Everywhere else on the planet, it is a condemned practice that is no longer practiced.

What tribes practiced cultures practice cannibalism?

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F. Ratzel in the History of Mankind, published in the late 1800s said that centres of undisguised cannibalism existed in places so far apart as New Zealand the Marquesas, the Palliser Islands, and the Paumotus. The Hawaiian and Tahitian groups, the Society Islands, and, for a period, Tonga, were free from it during the time of the more frequent visits of Europeans towards the end of the last century. But throughout Polynesia there were both objects and legends in which traces survive of a time when it extended more widely.

Which groups of people practice cannibalism?

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Cannibalism has been practiced by various indigenous tribes in the past for ritualistic or cultural reasons. Some historical accounts also suggest instances of cannibalism in times of famine or war. Overall, cannibalism is now widely condemned and considered taboo across most cultures.

Was Crusoe safe from the cannibals?

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No, Crusoe was not completely safe from the cannibals. Despite establishing defenses on his island, he still lived in fear of potential attacks by them. This fear led him to be constantly vigilant and cautious to protect himself.

Was there cannibalism in 'Lord of the Flies'?

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Yes, in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, there are references to cannibalism, but it is not explicitly shown or described in detail. The boys on the island eventually descend into savagery and primal instincts, leading to this dark theme.

What drugs causes cannibalism?

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There is no specific drug that causes cannibalism. Instances of cannibalistic behavior are incredibly rare and usually associated with mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, or extreme cases of substance-induced psychosis. Drug use can potentially exacerbate these underlying conditions, but it is not the direct cause of cannibalism.

Do Cannibal still exist?

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