



Questions pertaining to corporations, companies and their practices, including how they affect individuals, nations and the world.

500 Questions

What two important rights did the charters give the Virginia company?

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The charters granted the Virginia Company the right to establish settlements in the New World and explore and colonize the region known as Virginia. Additionally, the charters gave the company the right to govern its colonies and enact laws for their administration.

Which of these themes is most closely associated with the Boland Amendment?

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The Boland Amendment is most closely associated with restricting U.S. government assistance to the Contras in Nicaragua during the 1980s, focusing on prohibiting the funding of military activities against the Sandinista government.

Is Bernie Madoff a sociopath?

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Bernie Madoff's actions, as a convicted Ponzi schemer, suggest a lack of empathy and regard for others, characteristics often associated with sociopathy. However, without a formal diagnosis from a mental health professional who has had direct contact with him, it would be speculative to definitively label him as a sociopath.

Is it a good idea to write the District Attorney?

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If you have pertinent information related to a case, it may be appropriate to contact the District Attorney's office. However, it is important to consider the nature of the information you have and whether it would be best addressed through official channels such as law enforcement. Make sure to follow any guidelines or procedures in place for submitting information to the District Attorney's office.

Does a company policy override a state law?

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In general, if a company policy conflicts with a state law, the state law will take precedence. Companies are expected to comply with all laws and regulations that apply to their operations, even if their internal policies differ.

Relationships among private individuals or companies are governed by?

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contracts, which define the terms and conditions of their interactions. These contracts outline the rights and obligations of each party involved. If disputes arise, they are typically resolved through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

Procter didn't want Mary to go back to court why?

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Procter didn't want Mary to go back to court because he was worried about her safety and well-being. He feared that testifying in court again could put her at risk of being accused of witchcraft or facing backlash from the community. Additionally, he likely wanted to protect her from the stress and trauma of having to relive the events surrounding the witch trials.

How many people visit walmart centers each year?

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There is no exact number available for how many people visit Walmart centers each year. However, Walmart typically serves millions of customers each day across its various locations worldwide.

What company has the most employees?

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Walmart - 2.1 million employees

In the Forbes Rich List, Walmart was mentioned as having 2 million employees.

What are some opinions about Herbalife?

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Opinions about Herbalife vary. Some people believe that its products are effective for weight management and overall health, while others criticize its business model as a pyramid scheme that preys on vulnerable individuals. It's important to do thorough research and consult with a healthcare professional before using Herbalife products.

What are some Opinions?

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Opinions are personal beliefs or judgments about a particular issue or topic. They are subjective and can vary among individuals based on their experiences, values, and knowledge. Sharing opinions can promote discussion and help individuals understand different perspectives.

How many people in the world know what Coca-Cola is?

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It is estimated that nearly all of the world's population is aware of Coca-Cola, making it one of the most recognized global brands. The exact number of people who know about Coca-Cola is difficult to quantify but it is safe to say that it is widely known across the globe.

How many supermarkets are there in the US?

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There are approximately 38,000 supermarkets in the United States. This number includes various chains and independent stores across the country.

What do engineers do when they research a problem?

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Engineers research a problem by identifying the root cause, studying relevant literature, conducting experiments or simulations, and analyzing data to develop a deeper understanding of the issue. They may collaborate with other experts in the field, explore potential solutions, and iterate on their findings until they reach a suitable resolution.

You received a letter from Settlement Administrator regarding a class action suit Is the letter rea?

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Whether the letter is real or a scam needs to be verified. Look for telltale signs of scams, such as requests for personal information or payment. To confirm the legitimacy, you can contact the court directly or research the case online using official court records.

Where do worshipful master sit?

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The Worshipful Master sits in the East of the lodge room, symbolizing the rising of the sun and the source of light and wisdom in Freemasonry. This position represents the leadership and authority of the Worshipful Master over the lodge and its members.

How to write a Leave application for umrah pilgrimage from school?

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In the leave application for umrah pilgrimage from school, address it to the appropriate authority (principal or headmaster). Clearly state the purpose of leave, dates of absence, and make a polite request for approval. It's important to provide any necessary supporting documents such as umrah pilgrimage booking details.

What is the abbreviation for archaic?

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The abbreviation for archaic is "arch."

When did Magma Copper Company in San Manuel Arizona close?

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The Magma Copper Company in San Manuel, Arizona closed in 1996. The closure was largely due to declining copper prices and the high costs of operation.

Is Sales figures an example of information?

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Yes, sales figures are a type of information that can provide insights into a company's performance in terms of revenue and product popularity.

What are opinions of onlingo?

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Opinions on Duolingo are generally positive for its user-friendly interface, gamified approach to language learning, and the variety of languages offered. Some users may find the lessons repetitive or lacking in speaking practice, but overall, it is seen as a useful tool for beginners and casual learners.

What are the strengths and limitations of contingency theory of leadership?

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Strengths of contingency theory of leadership include its focus on adapting leadership styles to fit situational demands, which can enhance effectiveness. However, limitations may arise from the complexity of determining the best-fit leadership style for every situation, as well as the potential for inconsistency in leadership behavior across different situations.

What is the company size of national student clearinghouse?

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The National Student Clearinghouse is a non-profit organization based in the United States with approximately 750 employees. It serves over 3,600 higher education institutions and maintains an extensive database of student enrollment and degree information.

Where can I find anacharis leaves or by its scientific name elodea I have already tried petsmart and walmart and they don't have it there please help?

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You may have better luck finding anacharis or elodea at specialty aquarium stores or online retailers that cater to aquarium hobbyists. Websites like Aquatic Arts or LiveAquaria often carry a variety of aquatic plants, including anacharis. You can also consider joining aquarium hobbyist forums or local fish clubs where members may be willing to sell or trade plant cuttings.

What is multinational information system?

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A multinational information system is a system that supports the operations and decision-making processes of an organization that operates in multiple countries. It typically integrates data from various locations and provides tools for analyzing and managing information on a global scale to support the organization's activities across different countries.