



HDTV (High-Definition Television) is a new type of television that offers better resolution than a standard analog television. The different types of HDTV displays include plasma, direct-view, front screen and rear screen projection.

500 Questions

What is the biggest screen size of the panasonic hdtv?

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A maior TV Panasonic fabricada é o Plasma 4K2K 3D de 152 polegadas da Panasonic. A Panasonic é o quinto maior fabricante de televisores do mundo e está entre os 20 maiores fornecedores mundiais de semicondutores.

How do you unlock channels on a vizio with no remote?

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In order to unlock channels on Vizio you would need a report. You can request a duplicate remote to be sent to you otherwise, you can contact customer support to find out if there are additional such as a pass code you could use to unlock the channels.

Can you play games in 3D if you have a 3D TV but not a 3D ready xbox?

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Actually yes it can, as long as your tv can convert 2d-3d.

What is the size of a Blu-ray movie in gigabites?

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25 giga bytes single layer

50 giga bytes dual layer

Blu-Ray can hold up to a maximum of 50 GB, which is 5 times more data than a DVD can hold

What to look for in HDMI cable?

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Any properly tested and certified cable will work as well as any other. There will be no difference in quality between a $5 cable and a $100 cable. Claims of "improved quality" or "higher definition" by manufacturers and sellers are misleading at best and might be considered dishonest.

By buying an HDMI cable from a reputable dealer, you should guarantee that the cable will be a certified design that is guaranteed to operate correctly.

How do you hook up HD cables to a TV?

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i THINK there are two ways for different kinds of ways.(I might be wrong so dont hate and try lol) First look in the back of the TV you can find a place to plug the HD cables into it. Another way is to plug it into your DVD player. I dont really know because my TV already has HD on it

Does ps3 upscale 720p tv's to 1080p?

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It is possible for the PS3 to upscale a 720p TV to 1080p quality. This is because the PS3 offers a built-in setting that can be turned off and on.

Are there different types of HDMI cables?

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An analog signal might become distorted in various ways that may or may not be noticed. No so with digital in a home environment. PC World found no difference between a $150.00 HDMI and a $3.04 one in their tests. This is the general concensus on the Web.

This does NOT mean that a cable with poor strain relief or cheap, loose connectors won't eventually break and give you problems. But you don't need to spend more than a few bucks to get a decent cable. Don't even THINK of spending "Monster Cable" prices for HDMI!

Can you play a DVD or Blu-ray on your apple computer?

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As the Apple does not make their computer support the Blu-ray playback, you need third party tool to help. So an external Blu-ray drive is necessary. You can use the Samsung SE-506A. In addtion, you also need a Blu-ray Player Software like the Aurora Blu-ray Player, Macgo, DVDFab, etc.

What is the best eyelet setter on the market?

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Asked by Koala1966

Eyelet Setters

There is no one good answer to this question, each of the tools on the market has its strengths and weaknesses.

The Silent Setter by Provo Craft is quiet but not always effective for hard to set eyelets, it works best on aluminum eyelets.

The Karen Foster Click-it tool and the Universal Setter (a spring load setter) are not as quiet but set even the hardest eyelets.

The new We R Memory Keepers Crop-a-dile is said to be the best quiet setter on the market and easy to set even through thick materials or with strong eyelets, but it does have a limit to range (can't set eyelets in the middle of the page). Update: We R Memory Keepers has come out with the Big Bite Crop-a-dile which can reach into the middle of a 12x12 page!

The original Making Memories toolkit which includes a hammer and eyelet points is the loudest, but it is still very effective and there are other items in the toolkit that make it a great buy.

Can you connect your PS3 to a computer monitor with a HDMI input?

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No it does not. There is a PS3 monitor that is 3D and called the PlayStation 3D display and sells for $500 without the PS3. It connects to your PS3 system, cable TV box, and PC for all your HD 3D content. It was discontinued and is not available except from many online amazon venders and now under $300

Does Xbox only work on hd tv?

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You cannot. An HDTV will allow for the HD resolution to be displayed. Without the display it is not in HD.

What is a sceptre?

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a type of ruby

How do you hook up Nintendo wii to a Samsung LCD tv?

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The best way is with a Composite Cable. It usually doesn't come with one, but you can find them at game stores. I got mine at Game Stop back in the day. I've seen them on Amazon now. They plug into those little round plugs on the back of the TV that have five plugs in a row. Once you get it hooked up, go to the options menu on the Wii and find the screen set up so that you can adjust the resolution to its highest setting and to adjust the width and height of the screen.

On your TV menu, you should be able to adjust the sharpness, color, etc. so that it looks as good as it can. It'll look a lot better than it does with the cable that came with the Wii.

What is better for video games plasma or lcd?

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Probably an LCD because I know a friend that has a big plasma and I have an LCD The LCD has better graphics and the plasma is a little blurry. If you have a big screen then it sucks for a ps2 but works really good with Xbox 360 and PS3, I'm not sure about just the normal Xbox though.

also you can view a plasma at an angle and the picture is still there. if you get at an angle on an lcd the picture will blur out.

Can you play DVDs on a blueray player?

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It truly depends on the BRDVD player in question. Blue-Ray and DVD use different light wavelength for their lasers, and are not directly compatible (DVD and HD-DVD are). There are a few "dual-head" players that provide two laser sources, and hence can play both Blue-Ray and DVD/HDDVD discs. But, like I said, it depends on the player if it supports that functionality.

It isn't that uncommon, though. On the PC market for example, 'combo' devices that combine DVD-burning abilities with Blu-Ray playback have existed for some time.

How does a HD tv work?

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A TV. has millions of bulb like things ,on it's screen, which give out 3 colors of light red, green & blue. With composition of these 3 colors a TV. can show all colors of the rainbow. A mini processor & mother board which analyse the signal & tell the bulb like things , which color to shine. :)

How do you convert a chapter 13 to a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

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  • There are two primary types of personal bankruptcy: Chapter 13 and Chapter 7. Each must be filed in federal bankruptcy court. As of 2000, the fees for seeking bankruptcy relief are $160: a filing fee of $130 and an administrative fee of $30. Attorney fees are additional.
  • Chapter 13 allows persons with a steady income to keep property, like a mortgaged house or a car, that they otherwise might lose. In Chapter 13, the court approves a repayment plan that allows you to use your future income to pay off a default during a three-to-five-year period, rather than surrender any property. After you have made all payments under the plan, you receive a discharge of your debts.
  • Known as straight bankruptcy, Chapter 7 involves liquidation of all assets that are not exempt. Exempt property may include automobiles, work-related tools and basic household furnishings. Some of your property may be sold by a court-appointed official � a trustee � or turned over to your creditors. You can receive a discharge of your debts through Chapter 7 only once every six years.
  • The best books on self-filing are listed under the related links.
  • You can and should do the research on filing your own Chapter 7 before the present congress steals it out from under you. These books are also available at most public libraries, and Chapter 7 courts are very friendly to self-filed cases...for now.
  • The filing fee for Chapter 7 is now $209, and the filing fee for Chapter 13 is $194 (as of today's date, 4/4/05).
  • The most striking difference is that a Chapter 7 lasts about 3 1/2 months, during which time you make no payments to the Court (and to qualify for Chapter 7 you must show that you have no money left over each month to make payments), whereas a Chapter 13 lasts from 3 to 5 years, and during that time you make monthly payments to the Court (because you have more income than expenses). This simplistic explanation makes it sound like everyone would want to file Chapter 7 instead of Chapter 13, but this isn't true; Chapter 13 has several complex advantages over Chapter 7, such as you can structure your Chapter 13 to let you keep property that the Court would sell in a Chapter 7, and you can get rid of certain types of debts that cannot be discharged by a Chapter 7, to name a couple. But, as of today's date (4/4/05), the U.S. House of Representatives is considering new bankruptcy reform legislation (already passed in the Senate), which if they pass it, will go to the President for approval. If it ultimately becomes law, the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 will change. Please note that nothing in this posting or in any other posting constitutes legal advice; this is simply my understanding of the facts, which I do not warrant, and I am not suggesting any course of action or inaction to any person.
  • A chapter 7 is total liquidation of nonexempt assets. A Chapter 13 is a "debt consolidation", in which the debtor does not relinquish any property but is required to make a specified monthly payment to the trustee. The trustee will then pay the creditors according to priority. A 13 is generally 3-5 years. The basic rule is the creditors must receive a like amount as they would have if the debtor filed a 7. Secured and unsecured debts are treated differently in each bankruptcy.
  • The short version, a chapter seven is a full liquidation bankruptcy in which the petitioner relinquishes all nonexempt property to be sold to pay creditors. This generally does not include the primary residence and one vehicle, it depends on individual circumstances. A chapter 13 is a consolidation bankruptcy in which the petitioner agrees to a payment plan which will be overseen by the assigned trustee. The petitioner keeps all their property but must repay within 3-5 years at least the same amount the creditors would have received under a chapter 7.
  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy is essentially a liquidation. In a Chapter 7, your assets may be recovered to pay off some of your debt (car, furniture, home, etc, depending on state laws) A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a consolidation. The court decides how much you can afford to pay back and you will be set up on a payment plan for several years (up to 5, I believe). The con of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that it is a long process. The pro is that you get to retain all of your assets.
  • A Chapter 7 is a total liquidation. If you are qualified, depending on your assets and your state's exemptions, it may be potential to wipe out your unsecured debts (credit cards, medical bills, etc.) with little or no other troubles. If you have secured debts (mortgage, car payments, etc.) you would either have to agree to continue to pay these or allow the lenders to retake the collateral. Current law requires an income Means Test, whereby your total household income is determined, and then compared to the median for your state and household size. If you fall at or below the median you can file Chapter 7, if not you can only file Chapter 13. Chapter 13 is a repayment plan. If your income is below the median, you can file a 3 year plan - all your income except for acceptable deductions for living expenses goes int the Chapter 13 plan which goes to your creditors. If the court has confirmed the plan, the creditors must accept that, even if they get much less than full payment. At the end of the plan, your unsecured debts are discharged.
  • If you are above the median income test, you can only suggest a 5 year plan.
  • Chapter 7 will do not anything to save your home from foreclosure by a first mortgage holder. A Chapter 13 plan can stop foreclosure.
  • Chapter 7 is a complete debt wipe-out. All debts that are eligible under bankruptcy laws (Child support & student loans are some debts that BK CANNOT wipe out) are wiped out and you will no longer be obligated to pay anything back.
  • A Chapter 13 is not a complete debt wipe-out. You negotiate with each creditor to change the terms of the debt so you can repay them (i.e. cancel all interest, settle for a percentage of the principal balance, etc.). One you have established your repayment plan to each debtor, the BK will not be discharged until you pay back what you agrees to. In other words, you will still have to pay back each creditor, but not the full amount due.

Does a HDMI cable work on a non HD tv for PS3?

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If it is connected correctly you may have use the TV remote to turn the TV to display what you are connected too. ( some TVs connect the PS3 to Video 1 or Video 2 or component 1 or S video etc) If it is with an HDMI connection set the HDTV and the PS3 to allow the HDMI connection to function

How do you reset your olevia tv?

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There are a number of varying types of resets for Olevia TV's. The steps and types are dependent upon the model of Olevia TV you are trying to reset. Most minor issues can be resolved in the OSD menu by navigating to the setup menu and activating either the FACTORY SETTINGS or FACTORY SETTINGS BY INPUT feature. These options are available on the Olevia 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Series TV's. LT Series Olevia's are reset by activating DEFAULT in the SETUP menu. If the reset you require is to correct a more serious issue, you may want to try an EEPROM reset. If you call Amergence Technology at 866-965-3842, their Level 2 Tech Support agents may be able to walk you through it.

How do you hook up a ps3 to surround sound?

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You can connect a sound system through your TV or the site has a new PS3 sound system for under $200 that was designed for the PS3

Can you use standard cables with an HDMI TV?

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No, however you can connect a computer to the tv.

Many new computers have either a DVI or an HDMI display port. These are the digital replacements to the 15 pin VGA connector that has been around for many years.

Almost all new televisions have an HDMI input. If the computer has an HDMI output, then a simple HDMI cable should carry both video and audio to the television.

If the computer has a DVI output, a DVI to HDMI cable can be used because the video element of HDMI is identical to the DVI signal. Unfortunately, DVI does not support audio so a separate cable will be needed for the audio signal. Because of the lack of audio support on DVI, most televisions have at least one HDMI input that has a separate analog audio input that is linked to the HDMI port.

For computers without a DVI or HDMI port, USB based display ports can be purchased at a relatively low cost and will provide a digital video output.

Finally, there are a number of televisions that have VGA inputs and can accept VGA directly. Others have a set of five RCA or phono sockets normally marked as R, G, B, H, V. The five connectors will normally handle a VGA signal with the right adaptor cable.

Some computers are fitted with either a composite or S-video connector. Although these can connect into most televisions, the quality is very poor compared to any other connections above. Try to avoid either of these connections if possible.

Can you play video games on a plasma or a lcd tv?

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Video game consoles, in themselves, do not damage Hi-Def tv's, such as LCD, or Plasma. Though, its been said that if you display the same image on such a Television, for a long period of time, it will burn a "shadow" into the screen, leaving an outline. -Hollow

When an LCD panel is very dim and brightness adjustments don't help what component is likely to be the problem?

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The inverter. The inverter converts DC to AC used to power the back-

lighting of the LCD panel. Check with the notebook manufacturer to

confirm that it makes sense to first try replacing just the relatively inexpensive inverter board

before you replace the more expensive entire LCD panel assembly.

Who manufactures Craig TV?

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Craig Electronics Inc. is the manufacturer of Craig TV. Craig Electronics Inc. provides consumer electronics to companies around the globe.