


Australian Food

The food in Australia is a mix of international cuisines because of the British, Irish and Asian influences. Some of the most popular Australian foods include Anzac biscuits, Pavlova, and Soldier's Cake.

500 Questions

Is Milo an Australian product?

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Asked by Wiki User

Milo was an Australian "invention", but has long since ceased to be an Australian product since the company was taken over by foreign interests.

Do the Mormons own weet bix?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Weet-Bix is owned by Sanitarium Health Food Company, Sanitarium Health Food Company is owned by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the 'Mormon' church) does not own any commercial food manufacture or distribution companies. The only foods they manufacture and distribute are for humanitarian and charity purposes. Some items, such as wheat, oats, and dehydrated fruits, can be purchased in bulk by the public for personal home food storage.

Is jam Australian?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jam is World wide, it is a global product

What year was Vegemite created?

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Vegemite was first developed in 1922 by food technologist Dr Cyril P Callister when his employer, the Australian Fred Walker Company, had him develop a spread from brewer's yeast after World War I had disrupted the supply of imported yeast spreads.

A trade name competition was held to find a name for the new product, and the winning name of Vegemite was chosen from the entries by Walker's daughter Sheilah, by being picked at random out of a hat. The product was introduced to the Australian public on 13 June 1923.

Who invented Vegemite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vegemite was the idea of Fred Walker whose Australian company, Fred Walker and Co, developed it in 1922 and registered it the following year. The product was introduced to the Australian public on 13 June 1923. The main person responsible for blending the unique mix was Dr Cyril Callister who worked as chief scientist at the company.

How has France impacted on Australian food patterns?

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Asked by Wiki User




*fruit tarts/tartins

*pate & terrines,

*chocolate mousse




Why are lamingtons important to Australia?

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Asked by AudreyGordon

Because they are uniquely Australian

Can you eat witchetty grub alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes you can

Is pavlova an Italian Tradional food?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pavlova is a New Zealand invention, (claim by Australia) to celebrate the tour of Australia and new zealand by a famous Russian ballerina (Anna Pavlova)

So so its not at all Italian :)