


This category covers questions about carnivores, organisms that obtain energy from a diet of mainly, or exclusively, animal tissue. Predation and scavenging are two categories that fall under carnivores. A carnivore that sits at the top of an ecological food chain is known as the apex predator.

500 Questions

Is a gecko a herbivore omnivore or carnivore?

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Geckos eat meat and plants,the meat they eat is insects which is what most of their diet consists of.THEY ARE Insectivores.

Can frogs be called carnivores?

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Yes, frogs can be considered carnivores as they primarily eat insects, spiders, small fish, and other small animals as their main source of nutrition. Some larger species of frogs may even consume small mammals and birds.

Is a squrrel a carnivore?

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Squirrels are not carnivores, they are herbivores. They primarily feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, and plants.

List of carnivores that eat chicken?

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Some carnivores that eat chicken include domestic cats, dogs, foxes, raccoons, and birds of prey such as hawks and owls. These animals may hunt chickens for food or scavenge on poultry farms.

The name of a biird that is a carnivore?

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The falcon is a carnivorous bird known for its sharp talons and hooked beak that are used for hunting and feeding on other animals.

What is the difference between an omnivore a carnivore and a herbivore's nutrition needed urgently?

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Omnivores eat both plants and animals, so they require a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals; carnivores primarily eat meat, so they need high levels of protein and fat, as well as certain vitamins and minerals that are found in animal tissues; herbivores eat plant-based diets, so they require high levels of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals found in plants.

Is the Mwanza Flat Headed Agama an carnivore?

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The Mwanza Flat Headed Agama is an omnivore, meaning it feeds on both plant and animal matter. Its diet consists of insects, small vertebrates, and occasionally vegetation.

Is a water strider a hebivore omnivore or a carnivore?

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A water strider is a carnivore, feeding mainly on insects that land on the water's surface. They use their legs to detect and capture their prey.

Are tui omnivores herbivores or carnivores?

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Tuis are omnivores, meaning they consume both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists of nectar, fruit, insects, and occasionally small animals.

Is a rat snake a carnivore or an omnivore?

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A rat snake is a carnivore, meaning it primarily eats other animals such as rodents, birds, and eggs.

Is a blind snake a carnivore?

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Yes, blind snakes are carnivores. They primarily feed on termites, ants, and other small invertebrates found in soil and leaf litter.

What would happen to the carnivores if the herbivores nuumbers dropped?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the herbivore numbers dropped, carnivores would likely suffer food scarcity and struggle to find enough prey to sustain themselves. This could lead to increased competition among carnivores, which may result in some carnivore populations declining due to lack of food resources.

Do carnivores have warm or cold blood?

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Carnivores, like all mammals, are warm-blooded animals. They can regulate their body temperature internally to maintain a stable and warm temperature regardless of the external environment. This ability allows them to be active and hunt for prey efficiently.

What animal starts with d has to be carnivores?

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A "Domestic cat" is a carnivorous animal that starts with the letter "D."

Is a brain coral a carnivore or a herbivore or omnivore?

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Brain coral is a type of coral that obtains energy through a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae living in its tissues. Thus, brain coral is neither a carnivore, herbivore, nor omnivore, as it does not actively consume other organisms for food.

Is a Prariedog a carnivore?

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No. Although Prairie Dogs are almost exclusively vegetarian, nursing females have been observed both cannibalizing and communally nursing each other's pups. The various native plants of the Great Plains make up the Prairie Dog's primary diet, comprising all kinds of grasses, roots, weeds, forbs and blossoms. They acquire all of their water from the food they eat. Sometimes insects are also eaten.

Are hominids carnivores?

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Hominids, including humans, are omnivores, which means they consume both plant-based and animal-based foods. Our ancestors likely adapted to eating a combination of plant and animal resources to meet their nutritional needs.

Are prairie rattlesnakes carnivores?

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Yes, prairie rattlesnakes are carnivores. They primarily eat small mammals such as rodents, birds, and sometimes amphibians. They use their venom to immobilize and digest their prey before consuming it.

What underwater animals are carnivores?

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Sharks, killer whales, dolphins, and piranhas are examples of carnivorous underwater animals that primarily feed on other marine organisms. These animals have adapted to hunt and consume other animals as their main source of food in their natural habitat.

Is a sanke a carnivore or an omnivore?

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A snake is a carnivore, meaning it primarily eats other animals for its diet. They typically feed on a diet of rodents, birds, insects, and other small animals.

Is a kittywake a Carnivore?

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Yes, a kittiwake is a carnivorous seabird that primarily feeds on fish, crustaceans, and marine invertebrates.

Are guppies carnivores omnivores or herbivores?

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Guppies are omnivores, meaning they consume both plant matter and small insects or aquatic animals. Their diet can include things like algae, mosquito larvae, and small crustaceans in addition to plant material.

What are some animal population names?

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There are a gaggle of geese, a pride of lions, a herd of cattle, a flock of birds, a pack of dogs/wolves, and a school of fish, to name a few.

Is a hippo a carnivore herbivore or an omnivore?

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Hippos are herbivores, meaning they primarily feed on plants like grasses and fruits. Their diet consists mainly of vegetation, although they have been known to scavenge on occasion.