

China in WW2

China's participation in World War 2 began a historical change within one of the most populated countries of the world.

500 Questions

Why did China change after World War 2?

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There were two parties in China after World War 2: the Nationalists and the Communists.

The Nationalists were led by Chiang Kai Shek, and the Communists were led by Mao Ze Dong.

The Communists defeated the Nationalists, and Chiang Kai Shek fled to Taiwan to set up a government there.

China then became Communist under the dictator Mao Ze Dong.

How many people celebrate Christmas?

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There are no official estimates as to exactly how many people celebrate Christmas globally, but seeing as there are over 2.1 billion Christians in the world, or about a third of world's population, it is feasible to assume that at least 1 out of every 3 people in the world celebrate Christmas.

When was Zhang Zhongjing born?

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Zhang Zhongjing was born in 150.

In 1949 what was the main reason why the Chinese communists gained control of china?

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the communist party gained support of the peasant class during the long march

Who attacked china during World War 2?

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China didn't directly support anyone but themselves. They had their hands full from Japan invading them. But technically they would be considered an allied power based on the fact that they fought the axis.

Why is Sima Qian important to China?

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Sima Qian is important in the scope of history because he wrote a major book on the history of China. He systematized and organized much information and a lot of it may have been lost and unknown to us were it not for his work.

How do China people celebrate matariki?

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Matariki is the beginning of a new life cycle, and the celebration of traditional Māori new year. Today celebrations include exhibitions, lively festivals, concerts and cultural performances, while in the past it was a time to prepare for the year ahead, to learn, and to celebrate.

When was Zhang Qinlin born?

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Zhang Qinlin was born in 1888.

Who was the leader of Britain during most of world war ii?

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im guessing u mean 2 not 11 and it was Winston Churchill he led the british the entire war

Is China a communist nation?

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Yes, China is a communist state. If you mean a country ruled by people calling themselves Communists (even if liberal economy has arrived after Mao Zedong died in September 1976). But many people say Communism is Karl Marx visions, who have never became true, and shall not be confused with dictatorships.

What year did the English give Hong Kong back to China?

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England, in 1997. In 2007 there was a celebration. I'm from Hong Kong.

Do north koreans eat dogs?

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First Answer

Because it's culture; each place has it's own, and Koreans just happen to eat dog.

ALSO: not all Koreans eat dog. just some people do

and other parts of the country do too. and why not eat dogs when you eat cows.?

- My opinion (Improved Answer) -

I'm Korean and live in Seoul.

Some Korean eating dog is true but some Koreans hate to eat dog is also true.

This isn't tradition or culture from long time ago.

Korean start to eat dogs cuz they were really poor after war.

And they DO NOT eat dog that they were used to raise in their house.

All over the world, people eat things that people in a different culture would consider bizarre. Believe me most people around the world would rather eat dog meat, than eat pork.

Even though I've never eaten it, I can't judge any person who enjoys eating dog, cat, rat, lion, tiger, elephant, rabbit, monkey, cricket, pigeon, whale, seal, kangaroo, crocodile, lizard meat or meat offal products from them.

Being I have never tried them, maybe if I never knew mentally what meat it was in a meal I was eating. It wouldn't bother me and would probably enjoy it too.

If you really truly knew what meat and meat offal they use in hotdogs and sausages. Also which animal the intestinal skin they stuff the hotdog and sausage meat into comes from.

Like I do, you wouldn't ever eat a hotdog again, yet millions of Americans love them. Just like many Koreans like eating dog meat.

What are you going to say if someone swearing all Americans because they rear cow in their house and love it??


you cant blame Koreans for eating dogs i mean the Chinese eat cats people frm the pacific hunt peicans so you cant really blame countries for what they eat

Nations that eat dogs: Native American Indians, White American settlers, Filipinoes, Chinese, Latin American Indians, South east Asians, etc.

Koreans began to eat dogs during " Chosun Dynasty" when Koreans adopted Confuscious religion from China.

you can't just judge anybody for what they eat

What is the form of government in China?

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China's form of government is called Communist Party of China

What region did Japan invade in order to gain resources?

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One of the first places that Japan invaded in the 1930s was Mongolia. The resources available there were vast, especially coal and oil.

Where did Chiang Kai-shek establish a nationalist state in 1949?

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No, he isn't.

Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China are the creators of PRC.

The Three Principles of the People written by Sun Yat-sen originated its ideas from what piece of historical writing?

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"The Three Principles of the People" by Sun Yat-sen was modeled after a famous American speech by Abraham Lincoln. "The Gettysburg Address" is very similar to Sun Yat-sen's speech.

What island provided refuge for the Chinese nationalists after the Chinese revolution?

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The Nationalist Forces in the Chinese Civil War, led by Jiang Jeshi (also called Chiang Kai-Shek), withdrew to the island of TAIWAN (also called FORMOSA) at the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. At that point, the Communists chose not pursue them, leading to two functionally independent Han Chinese-majority states: the People's Republic of China (Mainland China) and the Republic of China (Taiwan).

What is China's current population closest to?

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China's current population is closest to approximately 1.4 billion people, making it the most populous country in the world.

When was Richard Bong born?

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Richard Bong died in California on August 6th 1945. He was 24 years, 8 months and 13 days old when he died.In the Pacific Theater he flew the P-38 scoring 40 Victories against the Japanese and receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor for his achievements. Bong became a test pilot assigned to Lockheed on the P-80 Shooting Star project in Burbank, California in 1945 where he died during a routine test flight

How did the US help China in World War 2?

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the u.s. sent air planes and piolts, and opened a front on the pacific islands, and the British opened up a second front in Asia in hong kong and islands in the Indian ocean

AnswerPrior to the US entering WWII, the United States sent pilots and aircraft to China. This group was known as the Flying Tigers. The British already had forces in China since Singapore was a British territory. Once the US entered the war, the US Army sent forces to China under the command of General Joe Stilwill, the Flying Tigers were inducted into the Army Air Corps. The US and Britain also sent supplies to the Chinese, they were primarily flown from India across the mountains of Burma. This flight was referred to as "The Hump".

How is isokinetic exercise done?

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Isokinetic exercise utilizes machines that control the speed of contraction within the range of motion. Isokinetic exercise attempts to combine the best features of both isometrics and weight training.

What economic system did Mao use to reshape China?

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Unsuccessful ones. First the great leap forward, which was basically trying to produce with materials that didn't exist, and trying to reach impossible goals by hurrying the workers--and that did Not work. Then there was the cultural revolution, it wasn't really an economic policy but it apparently crashed the economy.

Why did the Manchu dynasty fail?

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The Manchu dynasty was met with growing resentment from the Chinese population. This population understood that China was not the world power when the British arrived with a relatively small amount of troops and defeated them easily. The global perception of China changed after the Opium Wars; after these wars, China was seen as an "easy target."

The Manchu Dynasty couldn't prevent the forces of reform from overtaking it.

How far from Beijing is the 'Great Wall of China'?

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It is approximately 2 hours from the city of Beijing to the Great Wall of China at Mentougou