


Chipmunks and Squirrels

This category is all about chipmunks and squirrels, including all the different types, their habitat, what they eat, who their predators are, and more. Ask your questions about this group of cute little rodents here!

500 Questions

What is the scientific name of an Albino Squirrel?

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An animal afflicted with albinism does not get a new scientific name as they are still considered part of the same species as the non-albino variant. The scientific name for a grey squirrel is Sciurus carolinensis.

How many months are squirrels pregnant?

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Pregnant Squirrels born in a zoo are typically pregnant for about a month and 2 weeks.

What are 2 characters from Kipling's Choice?

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Two characters from Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book" are Mowgli, a young boy raised by wolves in the jungle, and Bagheera, a wise black panther who becomes Mowgli's mentor and protector.

How can you make a car fly?

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To make a car fly, it would need to be equipped with specialized equipment such as wings or propellers, similar to an aircraft. This would require significant modifications to the car's design and structure to ensure safety and functionality. Additionally, regulatory approval and certification would be necessary to legally fly a car.

What is the meaning of the poem The Mountain and Squirrel?

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"The Mountain and the Squirrel" is a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson that explores the contrasting attitudes and perspectives of two creatures towards their surroundings. The mountain represents grandeur and steadfastness, while the squirrel symbolizes practicality and quickness. The poem ultimately communicates the idea that different individuals can coexist peacefully despite their differences.

Where do squirrels go to die?

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Squirrels typically die in their nests, in burrows or in hidden locations in the forest where they feel safe. It is rare for squirrels to die out in the open as they are prey animals and try to avoid being vulnerable in open spaces.

What was the eulogy poem about an eagle flying over a mountain top on either West Wing Crossing Jordan or Without a Trace?

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The eulogy poem about an eagle flying over a mountain top was featured in The West Wing episode "In Excelsis Deo," not in Crossing Jordan or Without a Trace. In the episode, the poem is recited by President Jed Bartlet at the funeral of a homeless veteran.

How do you catch the squirrel in Gretel and Hansel game?

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you get the acorns and the steering wheel.Put the steering wheel in that hole above the red button on the house.Put the acorns under the trap and the squirrel will come but it won't move so you have to hit it and it fall and then get you slingshot and shoot the red button before the squirrel leaves

What would happen if a unicorn and squirrel mated?

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Since unicorns and squirrels are different species with vastly different genetic makeup, they would not be able to produce offspring. Reproduction typically occurs within the same species due to similar genetic compatibility.

Can bats hear and what time do they go to sleep?

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== == They send out a signal almost like a radar and whatever that sonar wave bounces off of it sends a signal back to the bat so it doesn't fly into anything. Bats can't see in daylight either because they are totally blind. They rely solely on sonar.

Do albino die and how?

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Yes, they have normal lifespans and die the same way any other without albinism dies.

The same goes for people who have albinism. With the exception of a tiny percentage of people with albinism who also have HPS Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome

The most common form of albinism occurs in 1 / 17,000 of the population. These people have the same life span as anyone else who doesn't have albinism.

Across the globe, the incidence of HPS is somewhere between 1 in 500,000 to 1 in a 1,000,000

"In HPS type 1 and type 4 pulmonary fibrosis is a common problem. Pulmonary fibrosis is the scarring of the lungs which prevents them from being able to expand and contract during inhalation and exhalation. It is a restrictive lung disease. In HPS, the typical age of onset of symptoms occurs in the mid 30s, although some cases have been reported in individuals in their early 20s. Without treatment death typically occurs between 45 and 55. Several treatments are being investigated at the National Institutes of Health"

Quote taken from this website:

If your dog eats a dead squirrel will it harm the dog?

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my dog found a dead squirrel full of maggots I do not think she ate it but the contact was there We grabbed the squirrel discarded it and washed the dog schnauzer thoroughly including her teeth concerned

When excavating house foundations how much more would it cost to use hydro-vacuum excavation rather than traditional hydraulic digging?

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The cost difference between using hydro-vacuum excavation and traditional hydraulic digging for house foundations can vary depending on several factors:

Project specifics:

Size and depth of the foundation: Larger and deeper foundations will generally require more time and resources, increasing the cost of both methods.

Soil conditions: Hard, rocky soil might be more challenging for hydro-vacuum, potentially pushing the cost closer to traditional methods.

Accessibility: If the excavation site is difficult to access with large machinery, hydro-vacuum's smaller footprint might be advantageous and cost-effective.

Local factors:

Availability of hydro-vacuum services: In areas with limited hydro-vacuum providers, the cost might be higher due to lower competition.

Labor costs: Different regions have varying labor rates, impacting the overall cost of both methods.

Additional considerations:

Precision and safety: While hydro-vacuum is generally more precise and minimizes the risk of damaging underground utilities, the price difference might be justified for sensitive projects.

Environmental impact: If minimizing dust and noise pollution is crucial, hydro-vacuum's eco-friendly approach might warrant the additional cost.


It's difficult to give a precise cost difference without specific details about your project. However, some studies suggest that hydro-vacuum can be 20-50% more expensive than traditional methods for simple excavations. However, the advantages in precision, safety, and environmental impact can sometimes offset the higher cost, especially for complex projects.

Safe-Ex, Inc. is dedicated to spearheading progress in the hydro-vacuum industry by offering inventive and secure excavation solutions in California.

You can contact them for Utility Excavation Services and quotation.

Why do squirrels have tufts on their ears?

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actually only chipmunk have tufts on their ears

What are some facts about squirrels?

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Squirrels are medium-sized rodents found all over the world, except in Antarctica and Australia. They have sharp claws and are excellent climbers, known for their ability to scamper up trees. Squirrels have a diverse diet, often storing nuts and seeds for winter, and can jump long distances to escape predators. They also play an important role in seed dispersal, as they sometimes forget where they buried their food, allowing plants to germinate and grow in new locations.

Where do black squirrels live?

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In the United States, black squirrels are most commonly found in the Midwest and Northeast states. They are also found in Canada, mostly in Quebec and Ontario.

Do squirrels eat cabbage?

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Well, mice have been known to eat bugs like they might in the wild when times are harsh. My gerbil was lost for two days on our patio, eating nothing but bugs, although I'm can't tell you if a mouse would eat a caterpillar (they like mealworms though). I guess it really depends on the mouse: like how big the mouse is, how big the caterpillar is and what the mouse's personality is.

What is the smallest type of panda?

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There are only two types of pandas in the world: the giant panda and the red panda. The giant panda is the most common.

Is it legal to kill a chipmunk?

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pretty much nowhere

How fast can a squirrel monkey move?

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it can swing up to 10 mph

What kind of nuts would chipmunks eat?

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As a general rule people either feed chinchillas with a mixed food (e.g. something like Charlie Chinchilla), or they feed them on chinchilla pellets. Fresh water and fresh hay should be available at all times, e.g. Timothy hay and Alfalfa - giving hay is important as it helps wear down the teeth and keep them in trim. It is also a good idea to provide a cuttlefish bone to chew on as this provides calcium which is essential for healthy teeth.

How do you feed a new born baby squirrel?

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I used an eye dropper. Go to a pet store and get replacement puppy milk not cat. Warm a small amount and slowly offer it to the squirrel. Don't force it or it will choke, but after a few drops and a few times doing it, the squirrel should accept it. You have to stimulate it to go to the bathroom also until it learns to do it on it's own. Use a warm, wet cloth and wipe it's bottom a bit until it releases urine and feces. It's no big deal. They need warmth but not too much. Room temperature and a towel to get under should be enough. Holding them, body contact will make for a tamer squirrel. You will be peed on regularly. It comes with the job. I had mine for 8 years and she was a great pet, but they chew on everything. For most people it is probably best to get them grown and release them back to the wild. You will have to provide food for a while outside until they learn the tricks from other squirrels.

As for the actual feeding, hold them in a towel or just your hand, get the tip of the dropper in their mouth and give them a few drops. They soon learn to hold on to the eye dropper and will take the food at a faster rate. Good luck