


Countries, States, and Cities

Countries, states and cities are geographical divisions. Countries are the largest units usually covering a large area. Some countries are made up of smaller areas, called states, and they in turn are comprised of many cities.

500 Questions

Who is the poorest person on earth?

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It is difficult to determine the exact poorest person on earth as poverty can be subjective and influenced by various factors. Globally, millions of people live in extreme poverty, earning less than $2 a day.

What country has no ruler?

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There is no country with no ruler. Every country has a form of government that includes a leader or a ruling body to govern the nation.

What country is the exact center of the earth located in?

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all & none

because the land area of countries is considered to extend below the ground

the exact center of the earth is considered to be common to all countries

& is thus located in all of them at once

indeed the exact center of the earth lies directly beneath every point on its surface

& is thus directly beneath & or within everywhere on earth


the one point on the face of the earth that might be considered its center or zero point in terms of latitude & longitude is situated on the high seas

& is thus not within any country

How many countries are entirely south of the Tropic of Capricorn?

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Fascinating . . .

We can find only the six listed below. There are several more small island

groups, but they're all politically or administratively part of other countries.

-- Uruguay

-- Swaziland

-- Lesotho

-- New Zealand

-- Pitcairn

-- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

What country is Sol the capital of?

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Sol is not the capital of any country. "Sol" means Sun in Spanish, and some places may have been named after this word. It is important to provide more context or specify which specific location you are referring to in order to give a more accurate answer.

Teren is the capital of what country?

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Teren is not a capital city of any country.

Were is eire on the map?

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Éire is located on the island of Ireland in Europe. It is the sovereign country known as the Republic of Ireland.

Which country is located at 60 degree north and 10 degree east?

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The country located at 60 degrees north and 10 degrees east is Norway.

Which country starts the day first?

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New Zealand is the first country to start each new day due to its location near the International Date Line.

What cities are located in the continental core region?

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Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland are located in the continental core region of the United States. This region is characterized by its industrial history and central location within the country.

What are the disasters in palau?

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Palau is vulnerable to typhoons, flooding, droughts, and coral bleaching events as a result of climate change. Additionally, Palau faces environmental challenges such as sea level rise and ocean acidification, which threaten its marine ecosystems and livelihoods. The country is also at risk of earthquakes due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire.

What country has no coast?

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There are 44 landlocked countries in the world, they are as follows,

Central Asian landlocked countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

European landlocked countries, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia, Andorra, Belarus, Luxembourg, Moldova, San Marino, South Ossetia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Vatican City and Switzerland.

Central African landlocked countries, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Niger.

South African landlocked countries, Botswana, Malawi, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

East African landlocked countries, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia.

South American landlocked countries, Bolivia, Paraguay.

Some of these countries have coasts on large, inland seas, such as:

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan border the Caspian Sea.

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan border the Aral Sea.

In East Africa, Uganda, Burundi, and Malawi each border Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Malawi, respectively.

(These countries have coastline, but do not connect to the ocean, so they are considered landlocked.)

What two gemstones is Myanmar famous for producing?

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Myanmar is famous for producing high-quality rubies and jadeite. Rubies from Myanmar are known for their intense red color and excellent clarity, while Myanmar jadeite is highly valued for its vibrant green color and translucency.

How many times would the smallest country fit into the biggest country?

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SMALLEST:Vatican City (.44 km2) would fit inside LARGEST: Russia (17,098,242 km2)

38,859,641 times.

Does Florida have winter storms?

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While Florida does not typically experience traditional winter storms with heavy snowfall, it can still experience winter storms in the form of strong cold fronts that bring rain, wind, and occasionally, thunderstorms. These winter storms can have impacts on the state's temperatures and weather conditions.

What plants are located in grasslands?

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Plants commonly found in grasslands include grasses like big bluestem and buffalo grass, as well as wildflowers such as purple coneflower and blazing star. Trees are typically sparse in grasslands but may include species like cottonwood and oak along waterways or in transitional areas.

What is the biggest city in SC?

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As of the mid-2017, Charleston slightly grew larger than Columbia. If you hear anyone say Greenville is the biggest, they may be referring to the metropolitan area. Charleston does have the smallest metro area out of the three main cities of South Carolina.

Has saint kitts and nevis ever had a hurricane?

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Yes, Saint Kitts and Nevis have experienced hurricanes in the past. The islands are in a hurricane-prone region and can be affected by storms during the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June to November. It is important for residents and visitors to be prepared and follow safety guidelines during hurricane season.

What is the capital city of Cannes?

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The capital city of Cannes is Cannes itself. Cannes is a city located in the French Riviera, famous for its international film festival.

Which is the worlds worst country?

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It is not constructive or appropriate to label any country as the "world's worst." Each country faces its own unique challenges and complexities, and it is important to approach discussions about global issues with understanding and empathy.

Which country has cheap gold?

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There isn't a specific country known for having consistently cheap gold. Gold prices are determined by global market forces and can vary based on factors like supply and demand, economic conditions, and geopolitical events. The price of gold is generally standardized globally, but you may find variations in premiums or taxes on gold purchases in different countries.

What is the capital city of witch state?

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There are no states specifically named "Witch" in the United States. It seems like there may have been a typo or misunderstanding. Could you please clarify which state you are referring to?

What country has most 4clover?

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Nobody knows the exact number of four-leaf clovers in each country as they are found randomly in nature. However, Ireland is often associated with four-leaf clovers due to its strong symbolism with luck and the abundance of clover fields in the country.