

Eating Disorders

People who suffer from eating disorders tend to consume either too much or too little food. This category is for inquiries about symptoms and treatments of such diseases.

500 Questions

Can you eat broken glass?

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Yes. If your digestive system is strong enough to digest it, you should be able if you can get it down your throat. Once, a man had so strong of a digestive system that he was able to eat a whole fighter jet.

While you can eat it, it will most likely cut your throat and digestive system and can be very harmful to your body. It is NOT recommended to do so. If you think you have digested glass get immediate medical attention.

Why does water make you throw up?

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Water cleanses out the inside of the stomach and throat. When you start to feel sick or are bloated, the water will make it easier for the food particles to leave your system. So water can make you throw up if you drink too much at once, feel sick, or are bloated.

Mixing water with you're cornstarch to make it crunchy is that harmful?

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PicaPica is a pattern of eating non-nutritive substances, last for at least a month. Such substances as dirt, paper, etc. The main characteristics are:
  • For at least 1 month the person persists in eating dirt or other nonnutritive substances
  • This behavior is not appropriate to the person's developmental level.
  • If this behavior occurs solely in the context of another mental disorder (such as Mental Retardation, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia), it is serious enough to require independent clinical attention.

ASSOCIATED FEATURES: Pica can be experienced by any socioeconomic group. There are no cultural propensity towards this disorder. While it may be associated with nutritional deficiencies such as iron deficiency anemia, pica can occur when there are no deficiencies.

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: Some idsorders have similar or even the same symptom. The clinician, therefore, in his diagnostic attempt has to differentiate against the following disorders which he needs to rule out to establish a precise diagnosis.

CAUSE: Pica can occur during pregnancy. Some cases occur in people with severe psychiatric conditions. In others, no cause can be identified.

TREATMENT: Treatment emphasizes psychosocial, enviornmental, and family guidance approaches.

Other successful treatments have been mild aversion therapy followed by positive reinforement.

If you have a child with "Pica" please do not blame yourself. Like any other genetic factor (diabetes, mental disorders, heart disease at an early age, etc.) there is no way a new parent can know of many genetic problems unless they are aware of a certain genetic factor in their family.

Unless you have had your child diagnosed correctly please don't jump to conclusions. Example:

Children will eat dirt or any other thing they can get their tiny little hands on. I use to eat the tips of wooden matches (liked the sulfa taste off it) and it was quite common for children to do so. Many of us kids ate dirt, tar, etc. One of my girlfriends little boys ate a slug! Ewwww! When you are little, the old saying is, "if you don't know what it is, wonder about it ... eat it!"

If you do have a problem there is good help out there which was mentioned in the report I just typed for you.

PICAPICA is not necessarily young children who eat "inedibles" like dirt, or bugs etc... Generally it manifests in older folks with a mental disorder or a form of mental retardation. They have an unnatural desire to injest inedibles. After 27 years of working with special needs adults, I've never heard of a doctor or clinician who knows "why". I've seen people eat rocks, rubber gloves, feces, glass, bugs, soap, screws, blankets, and everything else imagineable. For special needs folks under our care, we monitor them and keep them away from inedibles. One particular obssesive young man managed to swallow part of a seatbelt cowling, made of hard plastic. As we tried to remove it from his mouth, he swallowed frantically to get it down. He was RELENTLESS. It got loged in his throat and was hospitalized. The doctor on duty said he was a Vietnam M.D. and had NEVER seen anything like it. They finally cut the piece in quarters, and removed it. To this day he is a major PICA person. There are cases where some "normal" people exhibit PICA, and can be treated for it. But we still don't know what CAUSES this desire.

some side effects are weight gain, diabetes, tooth decay and anemia

Updated 05/26/08 (TeddyRea): I have personally been severly addicted to starch for years and have gotten to the point where I was eating 1 box a day and more recently almost 2 boxes. I would literally substitute starch for food. It is highly addictive and darn near impossible to stop. I have been starch free for almost 2 weeks now and each day is a struggle. I want to share some of the side effects I experienced personally in hopes of helping and informing others. Side effects that I personally experienced from eating starch include:

oral thrush (look it up...very a type of fungus that grows on your tongue from increased yeast from eating starch.....which I was able to cure by taking acidophilus capsules which I purchased from rite aide)

severe headaches/migrane


weight gain (at least a pound a day from eating a full box of starch/ 3500 calories = 1lb) - gained about 60lbs in 2 mths

lack of energy

severe depression

sore/patchy/bleeding tongue and roof of mouth

terrible terrible dandruff and flaky skin (on my face) - eyebrows, nose, every part of my face would be dry and flaky. I had to literally check myself in the mirror before I went anywhere to make sure flakes of skin were not hanging off.

I found going cold turkey is the hardest thing to do, but I don't have any other option. There isn't a 'cure' for this. Ive been taking high doses of iron which have not decreased my cravings at all. However, the side effect of NOT eating starch have been very noticible in the short time Ive been without.

My dandruff has completely stopped. My face is no longer dry and flaky....its very moisturized and my T-zone is back to it's overly oily self, I feel very energized and am not depressed, NO MORE HEADACHES/MIGRANES my mouth is 98% healed from the oral thrush and the more bleeding either and best of all....I'm not gaining 1lb a day. Simply cutting out the starch consumption, I stand to lose 1lb a day.

All I can say is that it is so hard. I've searched the internet high and low for side effects and no site has anything on the subject regarding side effects and most say that there are none. But Im here to tell you, anything in excess can be bad for you and I am a personal witness. I have to daily remind myself about the status of my health while eating starch and after the fact in order to convince myself not to buy it. The benefits truly outweigh the addiction, but you'll always be in recovery. Dont let yourself be tepmpted by just one bite....that's all it takes to lure you back into the unforgiving and sickly addictive starch consumption.

What are good excuses for not eating?

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- I'm going on holiday and want to lose weight. - I'm not hungry right now I've just eaten, thanks. - I'm eating out tonight at a nice restaurant and don't want to spoil my appetite. - I've joined a slimming club and tonight is my weigh-in so I don't want to be too heavy. There are none. to be a healthy individual there are different diet choices that can be made to cater to your specific body type, but abstaining form food is not a smart choice, or a healthy one.

Is eating raw spaghetti due to a nutrition disorder?

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Raw flour and pasta contain large quantities of lectins and phytates, generally known together as anti-nutrients. Different lectins have different effects: some damage your intestinal lining, some disrupt enzymatic pathways, some cause systemic inflammation, etc. Phytates bind with minerals such as calcium and iron to make them bio-unavailable for absorption. Because of this, if you routinely eat raw flour or raw pasta you can rapidly become mineral deficient and sick.

Will your cat die if he eats an onion?

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Not immediately, but they can die of anemia from eating onions.

What role can fast food play in a healthy diet?

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This is all about frequency, amounts and proper choices. You should always look to have a food that is low in saturated and trans fat, and ideally has more vegetables. Choosing a "better" fast food place, like Subway, for instance, will probably be a better choice than restaurants that typically serve fried food. However, you can find healthy options at many fast food places, which I would recommend if you are going to eat out there. Eating smaller portions may help you to maintain a healthy diet (i.e. choosing a small size instead of a large). The healthiest diet wouldn't include any fast food, but if you eat fast food as little as possible, and not very many times per month, you can incorporate it into your diet and remain healthy with proper exercise and lots of other healthy foods.

How do you control anorexia?

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I would tell someone right away. I know it is harder said than done, but i knew someone who tried to commit suicide because of this. If you tell someone, they will not think any less of you. They just want the best for you. I would tell a mom or someone who is easy to talk to. Just remember. People are there for you. I am here for you, your family is here for you, and God is here for you.

How do you stop being acidic?

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Drink 8 glasses of water for 21 days along with only vegetables. Pretty much do the opposite of what you are doing and for at least 21 days. Then test the levels again and avoid junk food, potato chips, oils, saturated fats, salts, acidic fruits and butter. Juice your vegetables to make juice, no extra additives and cut out soda (IF you were drinking soda) no syrups or anything pretty much man/corporate made. Stick to nature and watch your levels. Stay away from the dinner table and only have a light lunch and include seeds, nuts, and most importantly no fatty meats. If you can avoid meats, please do so, meat is poison these days and cleanse your blood. But water does a magnificient trick!!!


What are the sport advantages?

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advantages of a sport car
what is advantages of sports?

Are models suffering from eating disorders?

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Usually, super models are suffering from anorexia nervosa. Sometimes, they have Bulimia.

What is the word for not eating?

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Are eating disorders a lifestyle choice?

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While the initial behaviors defining eating disorders such as starving oneself, excess food consumption, and purging are voluntary behaviors, it only becomes an eating disorder when the person has little control over these actions and develops anxieties about their bodies, their weight, and food. However, after developing an eating disorder and recognizing it, if the person does not seek help or try to end the behavior when resources are available they are choosing to live with or fully embracing their eating disorder. At that point they have chosen their eating disorder as their lifestyle.

A symptom of eating disorder is strict dieting followed by eating bings is what?

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Strict dieting might indicate anorexia nervosa, but binge eating and then purging said food would be bulimia nervosa. Most bulimics will starve themselves in between binges because they want to compensate for everything they will take in later because when you throw up your food you are only throwing about half of the calories you took in and it doesn't matter how many times you throw up it will still be the same.

What is the weight of an anorexic person?

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Technically, in order to be considered anorexic, you need to fulfil various criteria, one of which is weight related. If you are to be clinically considered anorexic, your Body Mass Index (BMI) needs to be 17.5 or lower. To work out your BMI, divide your weight in kg by the square of your height in m. Eg If you are 150 cm tall and weigh 50 kg,

50/(1.5)^2 = 22.2

Other criteria used to diagnose anorexia include a distorted body image, extreme calorie restriction by the individual and (in females) the absence of at least 3 menstrual periods.

In short, the so called weight limit depends on your height.

Which type of eating disorder is most likely to affect men?

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Asked by MistyBird

Muscle dysmorphia and anorexia athletica, and orthorexia affects men and women roughly equally.

Where is the vomiting center located?

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i don't quite understand your question, but here goes. you uvula (the dangley thing at the back of your throat that a lot of people think are your tonsils) controls your gag reflex. that's what you stimulate if you stick your fingers in your mouth to be sick. that signals to your medulla oblongata in the brain (controls reflex reactions) to start anti-peristalsis. your osophagus (food pipe) starts pulsing in waves going upwards, and vomit comes out! yay!

Are white women more prone to eating disorders than other people?

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Statistics show that women develop eating disorders more than men. Teenage girls are the highest affected, however, there is no evidence that white women contract eating disorders over other races.

How can you help your girlfriend who you think is anorexic?

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You can help your girlfriend who you think is anorexic by being understanding and supportive. Offer to attend a doctor's appointment with her but don't force it. Do encourage her to see a doctor because this is a serious problem that will not go away by itself.

What are three possible causes of eating disorders?

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There are dozens and dozens of factors that can cause eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Three common ones are peer pressure / social pressures to look a certain way, dieting that has gone too far, and low self-esteem.

What to do if your friend is bulimic?

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Tell her parents. I know she probably swore you to secrecy and will get mad if you tell, but you have too. Eating disorders are a really serious disease that could lead to death. She might get mad at you now, but in the end you'll be saving her life and it will be worth it. Please tell her parents so they can get the help that she needs!

Can anorexia lead to swollen lymph nodes?

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Anemia does not normally cause swollen lymph nodes. lymph nodes are most commonly the sign of bacterial/viral infections. These lymph nodes are usually soft, mobile, tender and swell to a large size over a short period of time. other causes of swollen lymph nodes incluse benign growths and malignancies. When watching out for malignancies, lymph nodes should be checked if they are hard, non-mobile, cause no pain and swell largely over a longer period of time (weeks-months)

Does g hannelius have an eating disorder?

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From the looks of it. She is 4' 11" and weighs 99.2lbs.... O.O

Did ancient Greeks have eating disorders?

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There have been reports, mostly through wiriting of monastaries, that some ancient Greeks might have partaken in starvation (anorexia) or throwing up after meals (bulimia), but the accuracy of these is not know. The starvation could have been due to religious fasting, and besides, most ancient cultures were known for glutton and a love of wine and fine foods.

What are the intellectual effects of eating disorders?

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There can be many intellectual effects of healthy eating, however it can depend on the persons overall mental attitude. Generally, however, healthy eating supplies the body with more lasting, substantial energy and therefore the person will tend to be less moody or tired, and will be able to concentrate a lot more on any tasks at hand. By being able to concentrate on the current tasks, the brain is able to focus more and people become less distracted, making it easier, for example, for student t concentrate in class and improve their intellectual capabilities in school work.

The brain is one of the most important organs in the body to keep well fed. A healthy diet will help keep the mind clear and will help nerve connections with the brain.

The overall intellectual benefit of healthy eating is being able to keep the brain focused by supplying it with substantial energy and, therefore, being more focused and clear minded.