



Electronics are a branch of technology and science that deals with the control of the flow of electrons.

500 Questions

How do you open a tamagotchi hexagontchi so you can put batteries in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are two holes with buttons in them on the back of the tamagotchi. The bottom one resets the tamagotchi. The top one opens the battery cover. You need something small enough to fit in the hole(like a paperclip, toothpick, etc.) Press the button and then you will be able to slide the battery cover off.

Where can people find a external hardrive for a ps3?

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Asked by Joeyaskalot

You can purchase an external hard drive from a variety of places, including retail and online stores. Most stores that sell electronics will have an external hard drives in many different sizes. Online stores, such as DiscounTechnology, also carry external hard drives. Prices vary depending on brand, model, and storage space of the external hard drive, though Sony recommends Seagate external Hard Drive due to it's higher compatibility than other external hard drives with the PlayStation 3 system. Be sure that when you buy one, you have one equal to or greater than the total capacity of your current PS3 to ensure that your data is transferred. If you do not have enough storage space, your data will not transfer at all.

Where do you get the instructions for electronic battleship advanced mission?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here ya go!

Enjoy, ~JT

Or you can just buy it

or buy missing parts.

You have to do it through mail though...

What starts with a B and ends in H?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • backlash
  • backslash
  • backwash
  • badmouth
  • balderdash
  • bash
  • batch
  • bath
  • beach
  • bearish
  • beech
  • belch
  • bench
  • beneath
  • berth
  • beseech
  • besmirch
  • bewitch
  • birch
  • birdbath
  • birth
  • bismuth
  • blabbermouth
  • blackish
  • bleach
  • blemish
  • blondish
  • blotch
  • blowtorch
  • blueish
  • blush
  • bookish
  • boorish
  • booth
  • botch
  • both
  • boyish
  • brainwash
  • brandish
  • brash
  • breach
  • breath
  • breadth
  • breakthrough
  • breech
  • broach
  • brooch
  • broth
  • brownish
  • brush
  • brutish
  • bullish
  • bunch
  • burnish
  • bush

How much pictures and songs can a 8gb hold on a dsi?

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Asked by Wiki User

to put songs on your dsi you put a memory card into a card reader into a computer

to find out how many songs you find out the gb of your memory card x 1000 and divide by 4

PS. is the cheapest website i have seen for memory cards and also free delevry on everything

the memory card is called a sd card some people call them sd hc but so far i have not seen the difference

there are 3 types of memory cards


micro sd

memory stick duo

only sd works on dsi

sd is larger than micro sd and memory stick duo so if you put the others in the dsi it may be stuck but shoud come out with a shake

Can electronic media replace print media?

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Asked by Wiki User

Media have always played a major role in our lives. In olden days, people carved stories on stones and temples. Today we have known a lot about those days by seeing the sculptures carved on such stones. With the invention of paper, it made it easier for people to know about the happenings around the world through newspapers, magazines, banners, posters, leaflets, pamphlets etc.

But now with the advent of electronic media like Radio, television, Internet, which have moving images, facilitate easy understanding; is it really the end of print media?

Why Electronic Media?

On an electronic media, screen glare, font size and website layout can seriously affect readability. Which of these is easier? Reading a 600 page novel on your laptop or holding the novel in hand and reading it while lying on your bed? If a person does not mind shelling out some money, he/she would choose the second option since LCDs hurt our eyes. But these days with the invention of e-book readers, even this problem does not exist. E-book readers like Kindle use paper-like ink display which makes it easier to read books and carry thousands of books everywhere you go. You can download a newspaper within seconds from the remotest corner of the world. If you do not want to spend money on these costly devices, you can still read news at your fingertips on your mobile phones, which almost every person can afford to buy these days. With the invention of Internet, a person in a different country can read news about his native country just by having an access to a computer or laptop. These days, people can listen to radio on even their mobile phones, thus making it easy to listen to them even while travelling.

There are chances that the paper can deteriorate with time and hence the records can get wiped out. Now that the storage is getting really cheap, it is easier to take multiple backups of data and thus archival is easier with an electronic media. Also with the usage of various search tools, it is easier to search for a file or image on a computer, than searching manually in cupboards. Information is available sitting at home to people, which they would previously find by browsing in a library. It is easier to grab people's attention by showing them a visual or a video than dumping them with a lot of text and few still images. Not everyone can read print media and for such illiterate people, TV would be helpful.

Electronic media is more environment friendly - the lesser the paper used, the lesser the trees that are chopped off. It is faster than any other kind of media; for example, if there was an earthquake or a hurricane somewhere, you can instantly watch the damages caused by it on the Television within minutes. Live streaming has helped us in watching tennis/football matches taking place in a different country on TV. Anything that we watch on TV remains in our memory for a longer time. For example, we still remember Sachin's ad on TV where he says "Boost is the secret of my energy", but how many of us remember Boost's ad that came in the local newspaper? These days anyone can open an account online and start blogging. This way people can use the electronic media to convey a message to hundreds and thousands of people easily. RSS feeds help us in keeping ourselves up to date with the information available of the net.

Electronic media these days includes these:

· Social Networking sites where one can meet millions of people - FaceBook, MySpace, LinkedIn.

· Information can also be shared via the phones through Twitter.

· Sharing Audio/Video through YouTube, FaceBook.

· Digital Photos can be shared using FlickR, Picasa, Facebook.

. Various contests, polls, surveys, asking/answering questions, commenting on information on the Internet.

. Searching and watching videos/news clips/interviews on Youtube.

Why Print Media?

The longevity of written media is much more than the electronic ones. It is the written media which has made history recordable and accurate. The age of an old manuscript found while digging a historical site gives information about the era in which it was written, which is not possible with electronic media. Print media is durable, whereas a small virus or a bug in the software can erase the most important data needed from a computer.

Anyone can anonymously post articles and raise their voices. It is difficult to track the real owner of an article. With electronic media, anyone can copy any piece of information and present it as his own; plagiarism is at its peak these days. There is no means to determine which of the two websites have authentic data. Rumors and lies circulate all over the Internet and hence the legitimacy of the information becomes questionable. The information provided by a newspaper is usually more authentic and genuine. TV is a very popular media these days but with so many channels available to watch, there are fewer chances of more people watching an advertisement or a show on a particular channel and hence there is no guarantee about viewership, whereas a family which subscribes to a newspaper would definitely go through it on a daily basis.

Electronic media depends mainly on electricity. In areas with frequent power cuts or in the rural areas, it is not a viable replacement for newspapers. Print media is easily accessible and widely read. Anyone can buy it since it is cheaper and available in the remotest of the villages. In a country like India, subscribing to newspapers is cheaper than taking an Internet connection. Print media is local to the city or the region and carries information about the local events like a play being screened in the town or an inter-school chess tournament. Even if you read a nice article online, what are the chances that you will store it and re-read? Searching for the article will take forever amidst the GBs of data that you have. I read Stanford commencement speech by Steve Jobs and I liked it so much that I took printout of it and kept it in my drawer, because I wanted to re-read later. It is easier to locate a piece of paper in your drawer than locate a file among the 120 GB data that you have on your hard disk. On TV, the quality of news is deteriorating these days because of the competition between the channels. They try to sensationalize the news unnecessarily in an attempt to increase viewership.

Even though both kinds of media have their own pros and cons, can we survive without any one of them? I don't think so. When Tsunami attacked, I saw video clips on the TV. Watching the video of the destruction live is better than visualizing it with a few photos in newspaper. But I also read about it in detail in the next day's newspapers. The newspapers had the information in greater detail, depth and also had images which were not shown on TV. According to me, both types of media can exist simultaneously and neither of them will perish. These days many print media are also available in electronic forms. I used to read Indian newspapers online when I was in USA. But I also liked reading the local newspapers there which came in the print media format. Print media has been around from so many centuries and the reason why it has survived for so long is the reason why it will not die in the future. We must not compare these two forms of media as they both have their own importance.

What type of the battery has a memory effect?

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Asked by Wiki User

A few types of rechargeable batteries have what is called a "memory effect". The "memory effect" causes a loss of charge capacity in some rechargeable batteries if they are repeatedly recharged at exactly the same point on their discharge curve. When this "short cycle" discharge then recharge has happened enough times, the battery only retains the charge capacity between full charge and the point it was discharged to, it can no longer be discharged below that and will drop to zero voltage instantly.

The most notorious for this problem are nickel cadmium batteries, however even in them it had been shown that normal real world use does not produce a true "memory effect" in them and almost all failures attributed to nickel cadmium "memory effect" were really caused by other mechanisms.

Where could one go to find the cheapest electronic guitars for sale?

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Asked by Wiki User

At a music store or try a site online. Some sites will enable you do a lot of price research and compare models between all the big music retailers.

Which is better a 5mw green laser pointer or a 5mw blue laser pointer?

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Asked by Obro12345

Well I wouldn't say either one is better; it depends on what you want:

If you want a visible beam / bright laser get the green one.

green can do everything a blue can and more if its limited to 5mw but blue is just cool because its blue. its not better its just expensive

I perfer green they can be quite cheap for the type of laser on Ebay.

Blue always hangs cheapest around 50$ less if your lucky

Blue is always expensive I dunno why but its not better if your comparing 5mw to 5mw, not in my opinion at least

the green laser is better you can go all the way to 1000mw's witch is powerful don't go to eBay. you can find what you want on this site here ya go. happy hunting have fun you will be on that page for awhile.

What electronics should I bring on holiday?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you join in a travel agency to travel, nothing sepcial you need to prepare. However, if you want to enjoy a cycling trip or a hiking, then bicycle computer odomete, lamp clip, bicycle flash light, etc are the neccessarites.

Advantages of two way communication?

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Asked by Wiki User

Simple. You can get a response!

What is the end of a battery called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The top of a battery is called a carbon rod, which is on the positive terminal.

What is semi controlled switch?

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Asked by Wiki User

A switch that is controlled by other electrical components.

HDMI full form?

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Asked by Wiki User

HDMI is short for "High-Definition Multimedia Interface"

What does an envelope mean when electronic service requested?

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Asked by Wiki User

Change Service Requested. Separate notice of new address or reason for nondelivery provided; in either case, address-correction fee is charged; mail piece is not forwarded or returned but disposed of by the Postal Service. This endorsement option is available for First-Class Mail only when used in conjunction with electronic ACS™ Service.

Ancillary service endorsements allow the sender to obtain on request (provided the appropriate endorsement is used) the addressee's new (forwarding) address (if the addressee filed a Change-of-Address Order with the Postal Service) or the reason for nondelivery. These endorsements also provide the Postal Service with instructions for the disposition of USA mail. These new endorsements provide a simpler and more consistant system than the previous endorsements.

What is the proper name for a smartboard pen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Smart Pen (Well at least for school/college SmartBoards)

How does a negative feedback work?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some output signal is fed back to thee input and subtracted. This results in a much more stable reliable amplifier.

What is tristate bus and how it used in microprocessor?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Microprocessor based system devices are connected n parallel through the bus in this situation it is required that one device is interact with the bus at a time .If more than one device make communication wid bus then more then one signal is places that they will produce damaging current known as Bus Contention.To avoid bus contention tristate buffer are placed between buses and peripheral...

Can you use a 12VDC 500 mA on a unit that asks for 12VDC 1amp?

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Asked by Wiki User

No you can not use this power supply 12 V DC 500 ma instead 12VDC 1amp because this battery will not able to deliver sufficient power to that device which you want to power it from this battery and your device will not work fine or it will work with very poor performance.

Where is the red plastic negg?

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Asked by Wiki User

u have 2 look in moltara,tyrannia, the lost desert, and u actually have 2 look around.... go 2 a bunch of places.

What is globalisation and how has it affected modern design?

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Asked by Wiki User

Globalization can lead to design diversification as the markets undergo cultural segmentation and varying expectations of need, value, and quality. This can be both advantageous as well as puzzling to design teams.

That having been said, globalization also allows for cross-cultural collaboration and a far more accessible evaluation of predecessor or even competitor designs. On a global scale, this then can, and has led to large scale market adoption resulting in possible premature design trends. This is also both good and bad, as the market begins to adopt and demand the 'trend' and inherent design paradigms in lieu of possibly better emerging ones. But at the same time, globalization almost antithetically provides for greater market diversity which in turn allows for emerging designs to replace the archetype.