


French Food

Traditional French dishes include souffle and escargot. Cheese and wine play a major role in the cuisine.

500 Questions

What cut of beef is a french roast?

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A French roast comes from the chuck/shoulder clod of beef.

Is snails a French national dish?

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They aren't, particularly. Snails are a famous French food outside France, which is quite different. Anglo-Saxons shudder at the idea of eating snails, though many of them will happily tackle cockles, winkles and whelks. Apparently, if the shell comes from the sea, you can eat it just boiled, whereas if it comes from the land, it must be disgusting, even if it's first extracted from the shell, chopped up and cooked in garlic and butter. There's no accounting for tastes.

Is ratatouille French?

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Ratatouille ( "ra-ta-too-ee" ) is a tasty French stew containing olive oil, onions, garlic, tomatoes, courgettes, aubergine, red and green peppers, veg stock and herbs. In a big casserole, fry the onions and garlic in a bit of oil, add the other veg and fry a bit more, then the tomatoes (can be tinned), then the stock and herbs. You can chuck in some red wine too, when you add the stock. If you want a hotter flavour, put a little paprika in between the onions and the other veg. Check the salt balance right at the end and don't cook it to a mush. I'm sure someone can add a precise recipe, with quantities and cooking times, but really: just use common sense and whatever veg you have got, enough to fit in the casserole pot, it will come out just fine. Goes very well with couscous, or else just eat it from soup bowls and mop up the sauce with bread... Bon appetit! Alternatively, Ratatouille is a funny animated movie about a charming rat with a talent for cooking.

How many calories do french frys have in them?

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There are a lot of calories in french fries, as they are quite unhealthy. The amount of calories in the french fries depend on the type and make. I suggest that you check the packaging of the french fries, which should have the amount of calories on it :D

What kind of food does France produce?

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France is famour for their wines and cheese!

French food words starting with z?

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Zeste- which is citruspeel with the white pith removed

Where did ganache originate from?

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Gateau is French for cake.

What do french people like to eat foe breakfast?

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Asked by Lukefreeman

In keeping with the term "continental breakfast", most French people do not eat large breakfasts. Many settle for simply a croissant with coffee, or bread and butter or preserves, possibly some fruit or yogurt. Eating cereals with milk is also popular, especially among younger people.

What happened after the fall of the french monarchy?

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Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI got beheaded. The rest of the noble family was either exiled or put to death.

What time do french people eat snack?

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The French usually eat breakfast around 8'0'clock

How many people eat snails in France?

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The simple answer: a lot. Reuters reported that the French eat about 30,000 metric tons of escargot yearly. The French Embassy in the United States tweeted that approximately 500 million snails are consumed every year in France.

What is the difference between french and English restaurants?

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No, a frenchmans diet consists of betrayal and nicotine, so no, english food is better

The history of the French classical menu?

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In the ancient time in Rome, there was a practice among the Romans that once when they have finished their meal, to go out of the eating house through the back door, where there was a huge well without water in it. Then they put their middle and index finger into the mouth and force vomiting. Again they go back and start eating.

This they do it several times. When they feel that they had enough then they leave the eating house.

This lead to compile a menu with so many dishes and consequently ended up with a menu with 13 courses.


What is the Italian translation of 'black butterfly'?

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Farfalla nera is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "black butterfly."

Specifically, the feminine noun farfalla means "butterfly." The feminine adjective nera means "black." The pronunciation is "fahr-FAHL-lah NEH-rah."

What time is lunch in France?

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Most businesses close for lunch at around 12:30, they might not open again till 2:00, 3:00 or even 4:00 in the summer months!

What are les escargots?

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It is ususally cooked vegetables that you can eat with garlic or spicy sauces : potatoes, courgettes, or rice. It is not a mainstay of French cuisine, and they're really popular with tourists only. If you want to eat some French cuisine, just go in plain-looking restaurants in places where there are less tourists.
fried in garlic butter or any spicy sauce (otherwise they have no specific taste) plus a serving of vegetables or rice. This is not really popular in France except for restaurants catering to tourists.

What are some different foods associated with French religious festivals?

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Provencal cuisine is very much like Italian cuisine, it uses a bounty of summer plants such as tomatoes, basil (pistou), green squash, squash flowers, eggplant, bell pepper, extra fresh vegetables such as young (purple) artichoke, but also garlic (in the aioli mayonnaise,) olive and olive oil, rocket.

Being on the Mediterranean Sea, all the local fish are used, for instance in the bouillabaisse dish, or barbecued fresh sardines.

Tuna is also used in the pain bagnat (pan bagnat, literally wet bread, wet with olive oil, of course), a sandwich which comes straight from the Italian pane bagnato and is now popular all over France.

Up until last century, local hunt and gather resources such as snails, small birds such as bunting or thrush were also very popular.

The saffron in the bouillabaisse probably comes from Spain, although saffron was cultivated as high north as Germany in the Middle Ages.

Provencal cuisine is almost vegetarian in nature, and has almost none of dishes in heavy sauce that are prominent in traditional French cuisine. One of the few exceptions (the only one I know) is the daube, of dish of beef slowly cooked in red wine the day before eating it.

The ratatouille, an iconic stew of summer vegetables has become world famous since the eponymous movie, and is an example of such a vegetarian dish.

The simplest soup, the purgative aigo boulido (literally boiled water) uses only garlic and fresh sage leaves. It is usually served over stale bread slices brushed with garlic and olive oil.

Local spices such as thyme, creeping thyme, summer savory (pèbre d'ai, donkey pepper), marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, tarragon, chervil, lovage, fennel, bay laurel are frequently used and most of them are ingredients to the herbes de Provence mix. In the United States, it sometimes includes lavender for a more Provencal touch.

Provence has many desserts and sweets inspired by the local fruits, such as almond, fig, melon. The nougat de Montélimaris for instance similar to the Spanish turrón, but most recipes seem original to Provence.

Provence is also famous for its anise alcoholic drinks such as Pastis, Pernod and Ricard, its wines from the Rhone valley or the rosé of Provence.

The sea salt from Salins du Midi present in your Safeway enjoys less fame, even though it is the only salt used all over France. No real influence on Provencal cuisine though. Growing rice such as the naturally red rice grown in Camargue certainly takes its origin from Italy, the largest rice producer in Europe, but no Provencal recipe uses it, not even the salade niçoise or stuffed vegetables such as tomato, eggplant and zucchini that use mostly sausage meat, bread and milk. One traditional Provencal recipe of stuffed cabbage (lou fassum) uses rice, with sausage meat and green peas.

More than cultures, it is probably the terroir and climate that influences Provencal cuisine most. The Alps isolate Provence from pretty much all of Italy and most of France, so it could develop its internationally recognized unique cuisine over the centuries.

The Italian influence probably came as much by sea as by land, the pan bagnat sandwich was for instance the cheap lunch of the Italian fishermen at sea, when it used to be made up of anchovies instead of the more expensive tuna that is in its modern recipe.

What do the French drink?

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The French tend to settle on mineral water and fruit juices as room temperature drinks. They tend to drink tea and coffee as hot drinks. They tend to choose French wines, liqueurs and champagnes as alcoholic beverages.

Why do French people like to eat snails?

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According to the Larousse Gastronomique, snails have been popular since Roman times. Since France once was part of the Roman Empire, it may well be that the custom started then. What's more, the most common kind of snail eaten used to be that on vines, so it would have been readily available in wine country. Alan Davidson says they were included in the Menagier de Paris, a famous 14e c. cookbook, but had their ups and downs over the centuries in terms of popularity.


Snails is a traditional meal came from Roman empire, French cuisine is famous but there are a lot of countries where snail is a traditional meal and they eat it more than in France: some regions in Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Asia (they put snails in the soup), Africa (there are giant snails). Contrary to what one might think most of people don't eat snails in France.


It is believed that the edible snail or Roman snail was introduced to England during the Roman occupation. In Gloucestershire they are known as wall fruit.

i have had snails and they are good. The Greeks also eat snails. the French like snails, that's why.

What do french people eat for desert on Christmas day in France?

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French people often have a lavish family meal at Christmas.

Starters could be for example oysters, shellfish or foie gras (may also be cooked into a main dish), or even escargots (snails in garlic butter) for those who like. The main course could be a nice piece of roastbeef, a goose, game meat, or a fine piece of red meat. It is very frequent that the menu will try to include something unusual, either expensive or original. The side serving would be greens and / or fruits, but nothing as ordinary as French fries or rice.

Adults could drink water, fine wine and Champagne , kids would have soft drinks or fruit juice.

Dessert would likely be a nice pastry, like the traditional "bûche de Noël", a log-shaped Christmas cake, or a Bavarois (a light fruit mousse).

The party and the meal itself are called "le réveillon" (the same name is used for New Year's eve party).

Joyeux Noël!

What are some French foods that begin with the letter K?

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Poire, petit pois, poivre, pommes, pomme de terre, patisserie

What time do french have there dinner?

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they eat snails and frog legs bonjour


Contrary to what one might think most of people don't eat snails or frog legs in France, There are a lot alot of dish, recipes in France, our main meal is lunch and we eat very little at breakfast... There are too much things we can eat at dinner in France depend regions depend if there are guest if you need more precision send me a message here ( petit choux) , I would be happy to help you.