

Goth Music

Goth music is characterized by dark themes and a post-punk sound. Ask questions about the music and the adherents to the subculture here.

378 Questions

Are goths cool?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes but if you are not goth dont ask because if ur not then why be. i am goth so keep asking me these questions ------------------------------------------------------- Being Goth is a lifestyle, for others a phase. Many Goths enjoy life (contrary to the stereotype.) So, I suppose being Goth would be 'fun.' I have been called Goth so I would know a little about it.

What is an eco goth?

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Asked by Wiki User

An eco goth wears black and thinks green. they are goth like you know but they care for the environment, the planet, and anything else living. they still do spells and the very eco eco goth will go through thousands of herbs and spices a year. eco goths are kinda like Wickens except no chance of them being evil!

What percent of goths are Capricorns?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is hard to say exactly how many goths are born as Capricorns. Many people believe that most goths are Capricorns because of their moody nature.

In silverwing how did goth and throbb figure away out of the cage?

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They find an air vent. there was a fast fan at the end. They were bound to slip through, and, of coarse, Goth forces Throbb to go first. And so he did, and so did Goth.

Are the queen of the damned soundtrack songs apart of the goth culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. Not even a little bit. It's mostly Nu-Metal, with a couple Trip Hop tracks.

Is Taylor Swift an Emo Goth or a Hippy?

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Asked by Wiki User

No way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why would you think that??

she is none of these!

How long did soldiers have to stay away from home for?

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It really depends on what legion or if they're fighting or training.

Is Joan Jett Gothic?

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No. She's not a Goth at all. She is more into Rock.

Did goth end yet?

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Asked by Wiki User

why r u obsessed with goth and no

Is Cristina Scabbie Gothic?

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Asked by Angellyca

If you read the May 2008 edition pf Revovler magazine you will see that Cristina clearly states that she is not gothic.

What is the best hockey pump up song ever?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fat lip by sum 41!!!!!!!!!

Is Avril laving Goth?

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no way is she a goth, shes just a wannabe. shes about as much of a goth as tinky-winky!

What does little goth mean?

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By the sound of it, probably the same as Baby Bat.

What do Industrial Goths dress like?

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Industrial goth style generally involves Industrial band t-shirts with the sleeves sometimes cut off, heavy boots, ripped jeans, vinyl pants, or slim fitting bondage pants. Sometimes will include various types of goggles or face masks.

Is the lead singer of evenecence goth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure, evanescence is a very goth band so I guess the band members would be considered gothic too.

Is voltaire a satinist?

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Asked by 302135

No, Voltaire is not a Satanist. His religious standing is fairly ambiguous, but he pointed out in his interview with Fox News that he himself doesn't personally know any Satanist goths. There's a good likelihood he was raised Catholic, but he seems to be secular now, and has stated that he's raised his son secular as well.

Do true goths listen to slipknot or does that make them poser?

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Asked by Wiki User

Goths can listen to whatever music they want as long as they also listen to some actual goth music. If you want to listen to Slipknot, you can, just be sure you also have something like The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, or Siouxie and the Banshees on your iPod.

Why do people mistake goths for emos or even think their the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because both emo's and goths have crazy hair, wear black, and are sorta dark.

Can you be goth at the age of eleven?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes u can!I am an 11 year old goth and it is defenitely possible. I love black,purple and red its fun to experiment with more grown up looks but dont go to tarty. Lace with spiders on is so cool and rosaries can look good. You don't have to like hard metal music to be goth its all about being your own person and expressing yourself its fine no matter what u like most goths are very open minded its part of the job description u can be whatever orientation u like be any religion u like do what u like its just about being u and not moulding yourself to a specific steriotype. Its gr8 fun so join the party there are lots of haters out there but just ignore them its just cause they're jealous of ur carefree ways and easy style good luck in ur choice of lifestyle best wishes and good scaring

Rosered10 xxx

What do Goth believe in?

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Asked by Wiki User

The definition of a goth is basically a person who dresses in black and listens to heavy metal music so as to appear very emo or solitary. Goths are entitled to believe in whatever they want to believe in although a good percentage are free thinkers as they prefer not to be "chained to a religion" or they want to maintain the cool aloofness that most goths seem to radiate.
in the dark clothes dark attitude and way cool.!

What is an elite goth?

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Asked by Wiki User

An Elite Goth is almost identical to your "typical" goth. The differences are usually the following:

-Over the age of 25

-Will REFUSE to shop anywhere goth clothing is sold (Hot Topic)

-Sneers at other, younger goths

-Is more pathetic than its younger counterparts

-Not as attractive as its younger counterparts (this is due to living a life of being a bum and not having a job that offers medical/dental care)

The best way to spot an elite goth is to judge its reaction to other goths. Elite Goths will always act like they're better and will whine about it to other Elite Goths. They will constantly refer to their youth as the "good ol days" when they had to search thrift stores for clothes or make them instead of having Hot Topic to go to. And they drink absinthe.