

Heroes (TV Series)

Heroes was an American science fiction television drama series. It was about the stories and lives of ordinary people who discovered that they had special powers. First aired in 2006, it ran for four seasons until canceled in 2010. It achieved high ratings for NBC but these declined in the later seasons.

500 Questions

Is it heroic to avenge someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Only if the person you are avenging is someone you deeply care about.

Why is umar ibn khattab a hero?

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Asked by Wiki User

He is a model of justice, good morals, and obedience to Allah (or God and same God in Christianity and Judaism).

Answer 2 (shia view)

He is hero only according to sunni Muslims. but according to shia Muslims he is not a hero and his attack to Iran is not considered as an Islamic action based on this verse of Quran:

No compulsion is there in religion. Rectitude has become clear from error. So whosoever disbelieves in idols and believes in God, has laid hold of the most firm handle, unbreaking; God is All-hearing, All-knowing. [2:256]

Shia Muslims believe Iranians were converting to Islam before this attack specially by Salman Farsi the Iranian companion of prophet SAWW and many parts of Iran (for example current Yemen) became Muslims before this attack.

Also Shia Muslims beleieve Fatima Zahra a.s. daughter of prophet Muhammad SAWW was martyred 75 or 95 days after her injury in attack of Umar to home of Ali a.s. for enforcing him to give Bayat (pledge of alliance) to Abubakr.

At the end of Heroes Season 1 why didn't they shoot Peter in the head since he could regenerate?

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Asked by Wiki User

That is what Claire was going to do but she didn't have to because Nathan flies in and then flies Peter into the sky. Peter had told Claire to shoot him because she was the only one who could get close enough once Peter had started to go nuclear.

Why was William tell considered a hero?

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Asked by Wiki User

William tell is a legendary figure in Swiss folklore. it is disputed whether the man actually lived or not, however, he is commonly referenced. the story goes that austrians were oppressing the mountain folk of Uri, and the new bailiff, Herman Gessler, posted his hat atop of a pole and commanded all that passed by to bow to it, things appeared to be getting out of hand. William Tell, walking by the hat, either did not know about the edict, or chose to ignore it (most likely the latter), and he walked proudly past the hat without bowing. infuriated, Gessler, knowing that Tell was a well reputed marksman, challenged Tell. If Tell could shoot an apple off of his son's (who had accompanied him) head with his crossbow, Tell would be released. however, if Tell failed, or refused, both he and his son would be sentenced to death. According to legend, Tell refused, but his son ( often called Walter) voiced his undying ( literally) faith in his father's skill with a crossbow. Walter's hands were tied, and the arrow placed upon his head. Tell put one arrow in his quiver, and another in his crowwbow. Taking aim, Tell shot the apple neatly off of his son's head. Gessler, impressed and angered, asked what the second arrow was for. Tell is said to have replied that if his first arrow had struck his son, the second arrow would have been for Gessler. For this statement, Tell was sentenced to life imprisonment in Gessler's dungeon. Whilst rowing to Gessler's castle, a violent storm arose, and the oarsman, being unfamiliar with the waters, begged Gessler to unshackle Tell, to let have him navigate. Tell rowed the boat to shore, then escaped and pushed the boat back into the tempestuous lake. by now, Tell was determined to utilize the arrow he'd reserved for Gessler, and Gessler alone. Making his way to Gessler's castle, he awaited until Gessler and his companions came along the lane. Tell leapt from his hiding place, shot Gessler straight through the heart, and returned to his village. His countrymen were emboldened by his courage, and rose against the oppression, to remain forever independent. William Tell was considered a hero for being brave enough to act out against the injustice thrust upon the village of Uri, and through his courage and tenacity, inspiring those around him as well.

How do you get her back after a break?

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Sometimes getting her back after a break may not be so easy. Depends on why you broke up in the first place. If it was for another woman, eeek, might not be good for you. If it was over a disagreement then be a man and go and appoligise. It's hard to say I'm sorry, but it's harder to see the one you love and not be able to hold her, to love her and to walk hand in hand with her.

Best tv hero name?

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me super BillyBobJoe me super BillyBobJoe

What are five things that heroes must have?

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Hero must have super powers

The seven qualities of a classical hero?

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Asked by Wiki User

The classical hero:

1. Special or miraculous birth

2. Humble or obscure upbringing

3. Foreshadowing of greatness in early years

4. Rapid rise to prominence

5. Descent into "hell"

6. Battle pride to establish courage

7. Death by sacrifice or betrayal

What country was Spartacus made in?

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Spartacus isn't a real city but it was based off of the country greece

Who is the hero of davao toril?

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kim rossven morata bersano is the one and the only hero in toril

Who were the finalists in choosing of the national hero?

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Asked by Kringie

-Jose Rizal -Andres Bonifacio -Apolinario Mabini -Emilio Aguinaldo -Antonio / Juan Luna -Melchora Aquino The first two are the most favored.But in the end, Rizal was chosen because he managed to defend our country w/o striking a revolution.

What are the names of some Spanish heroes?

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Juan Pablo

Juan Alfredo



Jesus (Heysoos)


Jose (Hosay)

Jorge (Horhey)




Alexandro (Al-ay-han-dro)


Javier (Havier)










Jaime (Hymie)

Who is Bouken Silver?

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Bouken Silver is the Silver warrior from Boukenger. In Power Rangers, Bouken Silver would be the Mercury Ranger from Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.

When was Claire Bennet created?

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Claire Bennet was created in 2006.