


International Government

International government includes the way that governments organize themselves, internally and externally. Ask questions here about the government, history, organization, office holders and traditions of nations not covered elsewhere in the site, relations between states and systems of international governance like the United Nations.

500 Questions

What are the effects of modernization?

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Modernization can lead to economic growth, urbanization, increased access to technology and education, improved standards of living, and greater opportunities for employment and development. However, it can also bring challenges such as social inequality, cultural homogenization, environmental degradation, and the erosion of traditional values and practices.

Should the US intervene in foreign affairs?

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The Answer is obvious NO. By interfering the American government has earned a bad name for its people and country. If it wants to last a little longer as a super power it must learn to respect other countries' sovereignty. Otherwise it will meet a fate similar to the Soviet Union.

Here is a quote from Thomas Jefferson to go along with this answer:

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations --- entangling alliances with none."

Most of the time when the US government intervenes in another countries affairs, it usually isn't in the best interest of the US public or the interest of the other country.

Traditionally, the answer to such a question is NO - all sovereign states should have complete control of their own citizenry, free from outside interference.

HOWEVER, that situation not longer exists in the modern world. The primary reason is that we now recognize that many problems are no longer constrained to the immediate area where they occur - problems in one area may have drastic effects in other areas. An ordinary example of this is that allowing you to have a bonfire in your backyard is also a concern to your neighbors, and they should be allowed to interfere if you are not properly controlling that fire, as it may spread to others (or, it may dump toxic fumes elsewhere, etc.)

The modern question now has become: "At what point do the effects of actions inside your country affect others so much that they now should have the right to interfere with how you handle your country?" And THAT is a much trickier question.

In the current world, the answer is now a qualified YES. The U.N. provides a framework for declaring legal the use of military force in various situations, and the international community has long recognized the right of nations to engage in diplomatic, economic, and political efforts to influence other countries' governments. Of course, the degree to which these influence efforts are made is a huge grey area; many countries consider certain actions forbidden (such as actively supporting a political candidate for some office), but overall, it is very fuzzy as to which actions should be considered acceptable.


To a lot of people, they are unaware of just how much interference goes on around the world and how most of it is NOT from the U.S. The U.S. gets the most publicity because honestly, the Soviet Union did a good job at perception management all over the globe and also because of some really ill-conceived decisions by the U.S. government.

But every nation interferes with other nations, usually in the form of trying to influence policy. And if you think other nations are not interfering with the U.S., who do you think all those lobbyists are? Who has heard of AIPAC? How about the Chinese money in U.S. political campaigns? And who is printing stories in our newspapers?

Don't be so quick to blame the U.S. for everything. Every nation does it...some better than others.

AnswerThere is no rights involved here, the US can meddle in any other countries domestic affairs if they have the power to. If that country can't stop them, it is there own fault for being weak.

Having a right to do something is either given, understood or taken by force. The question is flawed and loaded to begin with. A republican form of government dictates that elected officials run the country for the rest of it's citizens and they are charged with protecting the country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Should Americans have messed with German domestic issues in the 40's? Pearl Harbor wasn't attacked by Germans. How about bombing campaigns in Kosovo during ethnic cleansing? Or perhaps security measures and aid in Haiti was no business of the U.S. Maybe, since the domestic course of one country can impact another, we should take things one at a time. The government needs to look at everyone's well being not just a few people's opinion of right and wrong, good or bad. Does Japan have a right to outlaw American products to increase the sale of domestic products in Japan? Can Iran call for the destruction of Israel and then continue a nuclear arms program? Ultimately the answer to the question is yes, not only does the United States have the right to interfere with the domestic affairs of other countries, it has been done in the past, it is being done now and will continue to in the future.

Is political science a science?

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Politics can be a science because it studies the people and reason why people do thing politically. Experiments and empirical data are all part of the political process.

What is the place of political anthropolgy among and in relation to other science?

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Political anthropology studies the relationship between power, authority, and social organization within societies. It intersects with other disciplines such as sociology, political science, and anthropology to provide insights into how political systems shape and are shaped by cultural practices. By examining power dynamics, governance structures, and political processes in various societies, political anthropology contributes to a comprehensive understanding of human societies and their dynamics.

What is containment theory in sociology?

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Containment theory in sociology suggests that society attempts to control deviant behavior through social structures and institutions. It focuses on how social norms and values influence individuals to conform to acceptable behavior, while also recognizing the role of external factors in influencing deviance. The theory emphasizes the importance of social control mechanisms in preventing individuals from engaging in deviant acts.

Define Asiatic theory?

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The Asiatic mode of production is a controversial concept in Marxist theory that suggests certain pre-capitalist societies in Asia were characterized by a form of collective ownership of land and a despotic ruling class. It was proposed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to explain the economic and social structures of ancient Asian societies. However, the concept has been critiqued and debated among scholars for its oversimplification and Eurocentric biases.

What effects did enlightenment philosophers have on government an society?

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Enlightenment philosophers emphasized individual rights, reason, and equality, influencing revolutions like the American and French Revolutions. Their ideas challenged traditional monarchies and led to more democratic forms of government and greater emphasis on personal freedom and civil liberties in society. Thinkers like John Locke, Montesquieu, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau laid the groundwork for modern democratic principles and the separation of powers in government.

What is house surgency?

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House surgency, also known as housemanship, refers to a period of supervised medical training that newly qualified doctors undergo in a hospital setting. During this time, doctors are responsible for patient care under the guidance of experienced medical professionals. It is a crucial part of medical education and provides hands-on experience for new doctors.

What is the purpose of the presidential primary?

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The purpose of the presidential primary is to allow voters to choose their preferred candidate for the presidential nomination within their political party. It helps determine the candidate who will represent the party in the general election.

What is the advantage of cloning for farmers?

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Cloning can help farmers reproduce high-quality livestock or crops with desirable traits quickly and efficiently. This can lead to improved yields, disease resistance, and overall productivity on the farm. Additionally, cloning can help ensure a consistent supply of superior genetic material for breeding purposes.

Kailan ang birthday ni corazon Aquino?

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Ang kaarawan ni Corazon Aquino ay noong Enero 25, 1933. Siya ay isang dating pangulo ng Pilipinas at isang kilalang lider ng demokrasya sa bansa.

What are the examples of Jose P Laurel's Speeches?

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Some examples of speeches by Jose P. Laurel include his declaration of martial law in 1944 during World War II, his inaugural address as President of the Philippines in 1943, and his speeches promoting Filipino nationalism and collaboration with the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

What countries are in a democracy?

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Some examples of countries that are considered democratic include the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and Australia. These countries have systems of government that allow for free and fair elections, respect for individual rights, and the rule of law.

How do you get unlimited on reading eggspress?

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Go to the library and choose a book to read and go to fairytales and mums. It will get you 2000 eggs and one book has 5000 eggs.

Is communist limited or unlimited government?

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No The goal of communism is no government, but to get their you would have to go through socialism where the government holds the power of the market and then over many many many years the government and economic system would cease to exist and the people would live without it

What is international assignment?

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internal assighnment is a task given by college

What are 3 other countries that have senates?

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Three other countries that have senates are Canada, Australia, and France.

What party was Joe Clark from?

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Joe Clark was a member of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. He served as the leader of the party from 1976 to 1983 and was the 16th Prime Minister of Canada from 1979 to 1980.

What is Spain's Democratic form of government called?

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Spain's democratic form of government is called a constitutional monarchy. This means that while the country is ruled by a monarch, King Felipe VI, the government operates within the framework of a constitution and there is a system of parliamentary democracy in place. Spain has a multi-party system and the Monarch's role is largely ceremonial, with the Prime Minister being the head of the government.

How do local issues affect the ability of Congress make national decisions?

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Local issues can have a significant impact on Congress's ability to make national decisions. Elected representatives in Congress are responsible for representing the interests and concerns of their constituents, and local issues often shape their priorities and decision-making. When local issues are pressing, representatives may prioritize addressing those concerns over national-level policy decisions. Additionally, constituents' feedback and support on local issues can impact the decisions made by members of Congress on a national scale.

Which about the governments of great Britain and the united states is not true?

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One possible answer could be that both the governments of Great Britain and the United States have a bicameral legislature, with two chambers - the House of Commons and the House of Lords in the UK, and the House of Representatives and Senate in the US. However, this statement would be false as the UK has a unitary parliamentary system with a constitutional monarchy, while the US has a federal presidential system.

What events would definitely turn an unlimited government system into a limited government system?

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There are several events that can potentially turn an unlimited government system into a limited government system. These include widespread public protests and civil unrest, the emergence of influential opposition groups, a loss of support from key allies or powerbrokers within the government, and international pressure or sanctions. Additionally, constitutional reforms or the introduction of new laws and regulations can also contribute to the transition towards a limited government system.

One of the biggest obstacles to preventing terrorism is?

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the difficulty of predicting and identifying individuals who may become radicalized. Terrorist organizations often operate in clandestine networks, making it challenging to gather intelligence and disrupt their activities. Additionally, the complex motivations behind radicalization make it difficult to develop a one-size-fits-all approach to prevention.

Is Today's Government Responsible for Injustices of the Past?

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Today's government cannot be directly responsible for the injustices of the past, as they occurred before their time. However, the government can take responsibility for addressing the consequences of past injustices and working towards a more just society through policies, reparations, and initiatives. It is important for governments to acknowledge historical injustices and take steps to rectify them, fostering reconciliation and equality for all.

How good is MA International Relations at Durham University?

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MA International Relations at Durham University is highly regarded and well-respected. The program offers a comprehensive curriculum, with a strong focus on theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding global politics. The faculty are experts in their fields, and the university's strong ties to international organizations and research centers provide opportunities for networking and practical experience. Overall, it is a program that prepares students for successful careers in academia, policy-making, or international organizations.