

Marinating and Basting Foods

Marinating is soaking food in a sauce to add flavor and tenderize. Basting is brushing liquid, juice, melted fat or butter on food, usually meat, to keep it moist while cooking.

500 Questions

Is marinating a chemical change?

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No, marinating is a physical change. Marinating involves soaking food in a mixture of ingredients to enhance flavor, and does not result in a new chemical composition being formed.

How long does beef stay fresh when marinating?

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In a covered container in a cold fridge, covered in marinade, depending on the marinade anywhere from 3 days to over a week, as long as it is stirred.

It seems to be an oxymoron to call marinated beef 'fresh'. Depending upon the marinade, it could be adding acid, salt and/or sugar which could have some preservative properties that might allow for a longer shelf life compared to non-marinated beef.

Use a recipe from a trusted source and don't push the time table to it's limits.

Can I marinate with Italian dressing in an aluminum pan over night with chicken?

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Yes, but depending on what type of metal it is, and what Marinade is being used. Some marinades may have citric acid in them which might possibly get remanants of metal in the food. What is in the Marinade?

Can you brine a jennie-o premium basted turkey?

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Needed to know myself; and here's what I found:

Q: What are self-basting turkeys?

A: Some turkeys are sold as "basted" or "self-basted". That means that a solution, usually containing natural broth, stock, or water, and seasoning has been added. The percentage of solution added to the turkey is printed on the label.

So you could, but it is alreadybasted.

Good luck and happy holidays!

What is a Spoon used for basting and stirring?

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Large spoon designed to scoop up the meat juices, as the meat cooks, for pouring over the meat in able to ensure it browns.

What does 'basting a turkey' mean?

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Basting means to pour or brush liquid over meat.For turkey you would normally use the meat drippings, broth, or butter.

How long should you marinate jerky before dehydrating?

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depends on the machine(and other conditions) that you are using but i would say between 5 and 7hr

How do you baste a Thanksgiving Turkey?

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Asked by Melindacook

Before roasting the turkey prepare it by massaging butter between the skin and the breast meat, then as the turkey roasts the butter will start the basting process as is slowly melts, some of the butter together with meat juices and turkey fat will gather in the base of the roasting pan, use this liquor to continue the basting process.

Why do people marinate meat in vinegar?

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Meat is marinated in wine to give it flavour. It all so bring out more flavour. When the alchohol is poured on the meat into the fry pan the flavour stay with the meat but the actual alchohol content is cooked away.

How do you preserve marinate sauce?

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Marinade cannot be preserved because it contains bacteria from the raw food it was used for. It can, however, be used for the marinaded product as a sauce if the marinade is brought to a boil and used immediately.

Can beef be marinate overnight?

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Yes as long as it is not left in a very warm room, better left in a cool, place out of the sun

How do you baste?

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You baste meat by squirting or brushing liquid, such as melted butter or broth, on the meat while it is roasting. You do this to maintain flavor and moisture in your meat.

What should you marinate shrimp in?

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Scallops have a delicate, mild flavor with minimal to no fishiness, so a subtly flavored marinade that accentuates the flavor of the scallops would be ideal. Flavors that pair well with scallops in a marinade or sauce are:

White wine



Mushroom (esp. mildly brothy e.g. oyster, king trumpet, shimeji, enokitake, etc.)

Lemon or Lime

Light herbs (e.g. chervil, parsley, sage, etc.)

Soy sauce


Along the same line, flavors that would overpower or drown out scallops would include:

Red wine

Heavy spices (e.g. cumin, cinnamon, etc.)


Nut butters


What is basting and a example?

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Basting means to pour meat juices over a joint of meat whilst it is roasting.

An example would be a roast rib of beef, as the meat roasts the juice and fat from the meat collects in the roasting pan.

Spoon the liquid over the joint several times during the roasting process. This keeps the meat moist.

Is marinating chicken ok to be left out of fridge?

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Raw chicken should never be left at room temperature. Once it's cooked it's safer; if the party lasted only a couple of hours it's probably fine. On the other hand, if you started at 8 and went to four in the morning, throw it out.

How long does it take to marinate a chicken?

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I would personally go for over night if possible

How do you marinate garlic cloves?

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Answer:I remember my grandmother would put hers in a piece of pantyhose or stocking and hang it in the basement in a dark corner. She did the same with her vidalia onions and both kept longer. I don't know if the stocking part is important or if it was just handy. Answer:Garlic should be stored in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. The worst place to store garlic is in a refrigerator or freezer which promote sprouting and destroy the flavor and texture of garlic. Most commercial varieties (California early and late) will last 4-12 months.

How long should you marinate steak tips?

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If you want it to fully soak in I recommend at least 24 hours.

I have an additional technique I sometimes use. Where I'll marinade for 24 hours in the fridge, then freeze the meat without the marinade. Then make a fresh batch of marinade. Take the steak out of the freezer and put into the new marinade as it thaws for 48 hours.

How can you use baste in a sentence?

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They may also be used to baste food being cooked by dry heat.
She proceeded to baste the turkey.
They had to baste the seam to keep it in place.

Every time the timer went off, their job was to baste the turkey.

How long do you marinate beef jerky?

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Asked by Cardog1120

To marinate beef brisket, you should use dried chanterelle mushrooms, tomato paste, cranberry sauce, onions, and simple spices like salt and pepper obviously.

What is a basting syringe?

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If you are familiar, it is the same as a turkey baster. Otherwise, it is a plastic cylinder with a tapering tip on one end and a squeezeable rubber bulb on the other. It is used for sucking up liquids/redistributing juices over meats.

What foods would you use for baste?

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The pros use a brush -I use a tablespoon-

How long can raw beef marinate at room temperature?

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After an hour or so at room temperature, meat should be cooked.