

Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle safety revolves around the driver’s ability to safely control the vehicle, and requires the observance of proper self-defense driving, appropriate attire and body gear to minimize bodily injury during accidents.

500 Questions

What is the correct tire pressure for a Harley Davidson Heritage classic FXSTC?

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Asked by Wiki User

FXSTC is a Softail Custom with tire pressure 30 psi front tire and 40 psi rear tire. Heritage Softail is FLSTC WITH 36 psi front tire and 40 psi rear tire. Hope this is helpful.

Write what you like or dislike about being teenager?

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Asked by Wiki User

teenage a stage where child comes to know about the things going on in the world.

a a child usually hates about being a teenager as parents usually tell him/her not to do this or that or not to sit here and there

Do you think all motorcyle riders should be required to wear a helmet?

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Absolutely it is very important for motorcycle riders to wear a helmet. It is also very illegal in most state for a motorcyclist to drive without a helmet, it is for the saftey of the driver.

When to shift up and does it have to do with the RPMs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shifting up or down is directly related to the rpm. of the motor. It will vary with the motorcycle motor size.

How many motorcyclists died in 2009?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 2009, in the US, there were 4,462 motorcyclist fatalities.

What is 35 miles per hour in feet per second?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 35 miles per hour is equal to 35 x 5280 = 184800 feet per hour.

There are 3600 seconds in one hour. Therefore, 184800 feet per hour is equal to 184800/3600 = 51.3 recurring (that is, 51.3333...) feet per second.

How safe are dirt bikes for a 13 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

Check your state laws. Some require the child to be 16 and have a license before operating a dirt bike. Personally, I wouldn't let my child drive on anything less than 4 wheels. I have seen 2 gruesome accidents involving underage people without experience driving a 3-wheeler and a dirt bike. I have watched my nephew on one and to be honest nothing is truly safe for that age group, but dirt bikes have a lot of tread on the tires and are made for ware and tare. As long as they watch where they are going than everything should be fine. Make sure they wear a helmet, of course you probubly know that, but in some states it is the law. And start with less power and gradually get bigger and better, they can adjust slowly without feeling they are invinceble. you might want to get the special pants and long sleeve shirt, they will protect in the event they were to fall. Look for them in the dirt bike magazines or even at a sporting store.

What is the speed of 250 cc on motorcycles?

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This is a poorly phrased question, but we'll assume you want to know a bikes top speed with a 250cc engine. First, there are many other factors that determine an engine's peak hp other than it's displacement. Top speeds are generally influenced by aerodynamics, gearing, grip, and force (HP). A rider can reduce air resistance by leaning forward on the bike. Weight will effect acceleration, not top speed.

There are different 250cc motorcycles, CC = cubic centimeters, this is the capacity of the cylinders in the engine. There is no specific speed of a 250cc bike. you could have a 250cc dirt bike that goes about 60mph, or a 250cc Honda rebel that does 80. Hope this helps a little.

What colors show up best in the dark?

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Asked by Wiki User

Light colours, yellows, greens, pinks and hi-viz reflectives. Note, urban street lights take the coulourout of most things so it is good to invest in hi-vis; even if its just a belt.

35 feet in 2.63 seconds equals what mph?

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Asked by Wiki User

35 feet = 0.006628 miles.

2.63 seconds = 0.0007306 hours.

So 0.006628/0.0007306 = 9.072 mph.

Why do motorcycle riders wear leather?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is easily waterproofed. It is more resistant to ripping/shredding than other materials, in case of an accident. It doesn't flap in the wind.

My AnswerThe number one reason. Wind cannot penetrate leather, even on a warm day you will get cold riding a cycle.

Also, and the more important reason to me, is protection. Leather is much tougher than say, denim. Aside from being more durable, it also doesn't "grab" the road's surface if you wreck and cause you to tumble. Instead, you slide. And of course, leather looks great.

AnswerNot all motorcycle riders wear leather... Only those who ride on asphalt. As far as I'm concerned leather is the choice because it protects the skin if you happen to find yourself sliding down the street on your back after a crash. If you wear anything else it will shred and then your skin will get seriously damadged. AnswerNot all motorcyclists wear leather. It depends on the motorcycling you do and your personal choice. Mine is textile and I only ride on asphalt. Modern rip-proof materials with kevlar armour are becoming more commonplace; they are more stable, waterproof, breathable, comfortable and flexible than leather; whilst, with armour, offering the same if not more protection. Moreover, never seen the need to dance myself into a leather condom to look 'cool'.