

Motorcycle Safety

Motorcycle safety revolves around the driver’s ability to safely control the vehicle, and requires the observance of proper self-defense driving, appropriate attire and body gear to minimize bodily injury during accidents.

500 Questions

What is the shift pattern on a motorcycle 6 speed transmission?

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Asked by Wiki User

1 down and 5 up is traditional, however if its equipped with a GP shifter, it will be 1 up and 5 down

What is the correct tire pressure for a Honda seven fifty?

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The information is on the tire sidewall.

Do you need to wear a helmet in Ohio while on a motorcycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

You must if you are a Temporary Permit Holder, or first-year endorsed operator

or a passenger, and during the test. Please check the details in the motorcycle manual (related link).

How old do you have to be to wear a helmet?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can wear a helmet at pretty much any age.

Depending on location and local laws, sometimes you don't have to wear a helmet once past a certain age.

Distance travaled in feet after 45 seconds at 60 mph?

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Asked by Wiki User

Assuming the rate of 60 mph is constant, traveling 60 mph means you are traveling one mile per minute. Since 45 seconds is 3/4 of a minute, you have traveled 3/4 of a mile, or

3,960 feet

What is the purpose to conduct grease cone penetration test?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cone penetration value gives information on the consistency of the grease. If the cone sinks deeper into the grease, the grease has a lower consistency and will flow more easily. The consistency of greases is divided into different classes by the NLGI. Customers use these classes as an indication of how fluent a grease is at 25 degrees Celsius. The cone penetration test is also used as a way to quickly confirm if the delivered grease is on specifications.

In the early days of grease testing the cone penetration test was thought to say something about the viscosity of the grease. However, since those days it was proven that greases do not have one viscosity but that this viscosity is a very complex variable among others dependent on the greases previous history, on temperature and on time. This is why for theoretical research the cone penetration test does not have a lot of value.

What is the importance of inscribed angle in your life?

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Asked by Wiki User

The inscribed angle is important in your life because it is used in architecture and construction. It gives the placement or location of adjoining walls. It is also important in astronomy.

When do you shift gears on a street bike?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shifting gears on a street bike depends on two things: your desired speed/mode of travel, and the engine revolutions, in RPM, of your machine. There is a point where the RPM meter shows such a low rev, that shifting gears at this point will stall the engine, stopping the motor. Shifting to first gear, which is the largest and most powerful gear in your engine, should be the easiest, starting off at about 1,500 to 2,500 RPM, while slowly releasing your clutch.

Here's where the desired speed/mode of travel comes in: are you revving up for a fast ride, or are you just cruising slowly, taking in the sights? If you're on a race-track, or on a clear, safe, familiar highway, revving to a fast ride will mean accelerating to 8,500 RPM or more, before releasing the accelerator slightly, depressing your clutch lever, shifting to 2nd gear, and releasing clutch while revving up to 8,500 RPM or so, again to shift to 3rd.

If you are cruising slowly, changing gears at 2,500 to 3,000 RPM should give you a steady, comfortable cruising shift without stalling your engine. Remember: the higher the gear you are shifting to, the higher your engine revolutions should be.

What is the stopping distance when traveling at 197 mph?

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It depends upon the weight of the car, the coefficient of friction for the brake linings, and the type of tire and contact with the road surface. A formula one car can stop in these conditions very quickly. See this link for further explanation: A calculator can be found here: Using the calculations from this website's downloadable EXCEL sheet shows that a vehicle traveling 197 mph and weighing 4000 pounds would take 1764 feet to stop with a drivers reaction time of .5 seconds considering the coefficient friction value of .8 which would be considered an ABS brake system with excellent tires.