


Muscle Relaxants

A muscle relaxant is a drug that reduces muscle tone. It provides relief from muscle pain, spasms, and overactive or overresponsive reflexes. Available as prescribed drugs, there are also natural muscle relaxants such as valerian and chamomile.

1,094 Questions

Does Valium depolarize or hyperpolarize a cell?

Valium (diazepam) acts as a positive allosteric modulator of GABA-A receptors, leading to an increase in inhibitory synaptic transmission. This typically causes hyperpolarization of the cell membrane potential, decreasing the likelihood of action potential firing.

Can Valium be taken 9 hours after methadone?

It is generally safe to take Valium 9 hours after methadone since the drugs do not interact significantly in terms of their metabolism. However, you should always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure it is safe for your specific situation as individual circumstances can vary.

How do you turn Valium pill into liquid?

To turn a Valium pill into a liquid form, you can crush the pill into a fine powder and mix it with a small amount of liquid, such as water or juice. Make sure to stir well until the powder is fully dissolved. It is important to use an appropriate dosage when converting the pill to liquid form and always consult a healthcare provider for guidance.

Is the chemical composition of soma a benzodiazepine?

No, the chemical composition of soma is not a benzodiazepine. Soma (carisoprodol) is a muscle relaxant that works by affecting the communication between nerves in the central nervous system, while benzodiazepines are a class of drugs primarily used for their sedative and anxiety-relieving effects.

How many mg of Baclofen gets you high?

It is not appropriate or safe to use Baclofen to get high. Baclofen is a prescription medication used to treat muscle spasms. Misusing Baclofen to get high can lead to serious health risks, including overdose and dependency. It is important to always take medications as prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Can you mix Valium and pain killers?

It is not recommended to mix Valium with painkillers, as both can depress the central nervous system and increase the risk of side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or difficulty breathing. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before combining these medications.

Can caffeine use disrupt the production of neurotransmitters by the soma region of the cell?

Caffeine primarily blocks adenosine receptors in the brain, leading to increased neuronal activity and the release of neurotransmitters. However, caffeine does not directly disrupt the production of neurotransmitters by the soma region of the cell. Instead, it affects neurotransmitter release and signaling pathways in the synapse.

Does Klonopin and Valium show up as the same drug in a drug screening?

they both fall under the category "benzodiazepines" which is a category on most drug tests, but a lab can easily figure out what drug triggered the benzodiazepine reaction.

most drug test will be testing for the ingredients of the benzodiazepines, not the drug it came from. a much more advance and expensive test would be required to determine if it came from xanax, koltipin or Valium because they are all benzodiazepines. This came from a doctor.

Is tizanidine addictive?

Tizanidine has a potential for abuse and addiction, especially if taken in higher doses or for long periods of time. It is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. It is important to take tizanidine exactly as prescribed by a healthcare provider to minimize the risk of dependence.

Is it illegal to take HGH without a prescription?

Yes, it is illegal to take human growth hormone (HGH) without a prescription. HGH is a prescription medication due to its potential risks and side effects when used improperly. Engaging in the unauthorized use of HGH can lead to legal consequences.

Can Valium harm a cat?

NO!!! You should never, EVER give your cat ANY medication unless your vet says it's okay. Many human medications can permanently injure, or even kill, a cat. If you have any concerns about your cat's health, the best thing to do is always to take the cat to a qualified veterinarian.

Furthermore, Valium isn't even a painkiller to begin with. It is an anti-anxiety medication. It does not relieve pain. So, even if it were safe to give to a cat, it still wouldn't relieve the cat's pain.

Could you pass a drug screen on xanax if your prescribed valiums?

Nope - both contain Benzodiazepine, which is what the drug test keys on.

I disagree with above you will test positive for benzodiazepine which both have they will not be able to tell the difference.

What cold medicine can i take while on lithium and seroquel?

Ask your Dr. or a pharmacist, many of the meds for a cold combined with the meds that you are on cause high blood pressure

Can you take methocarbamol with phentermine?

I would not recommend taking them within 4-6 hours of each other. Phentermine is going to make you uptight and nervous. You are trying to relax your muscles. Taking phentermine is just going to counteract that muscle relaxant.

What muscle relaxants can you take with Cymbalta?

You can, but there is a potential for various adverse effects. This can range from not feeling the effects of the muscle relaxant due to prozac's (fluoxetine) negative effect on some of the enzymes that the body typically uses to breakdown chemicals that enter the body, to making the reason for taking prozac (anxiety, depression) worse upon introducing the muscle relaxant. I am not a Dr by any means, but I am prescribed prozac and I took the initiative to learn as much as possible about it. I also enjoy benzos (muscle relaxants) and other pill formed narcotics. There are 2 main different types of muscle relaxants, but in reality nearly all types out there can have different reactions. My suggestion, ALWAYS due your research, even if that means looking at a pharmacology reference book at the library to calling any pharmacy and ask about adverse effects between the 2 drugs. Once this is done, proceed with caution. OD death can happen with benzos, usually due to respiratory failure. Because the prozac can create the effects I talked about earlier, you potentially can take too much. So don't go crazy on the benzos, no matter how much fun it can be. And again, as I said before, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Diving into cloudy water where you can not see the bottom can kill you, but once you know the correct depth, your chances of survival increase dramatically. Hope this helps.

Lastly, since most people I know that like popping benzos also enjoy other pills, you should know the huge risk of taking prozac & opioids (percocet, morphine, roxie, oxy, fentanyl, even methadone, suboxone, and subutex). This can lead to a condition that will ruin your life called Serotonin Syndrome. I don't have time to go into this syndrome, but it sucks and has even been known to cause fatalities.

How can diazepam show up on urine drug screen when you don't take it?

Drugs tests are not 100% accurate and can give false positives and false negatives for various reasons. To prove that you have not taken diazepam, ask to take an alternative form of test.