



Relationships include parent/child, sibling/sibling, friendship, dating, marriage, and lots of others. They can be great, but many times they are problematic and can be unhappy or even abusive. This category is for questions about relationships, both good and bad.

500 Questions

Do girls give off pheromones when their around a boy they like or some kind of a weird scent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, research suggests that humans may release subtle chemical signals called pheromones that can influence attraction and bonding. However, the extent to which pheromones play a role in human interactions is still a topic of scientific debate. Personal hygiene, perfumes, and natural body odors can also impact how individuals perceive each other.

What does brown and blonde make?

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Asked by Wiki User

When brown hair is mixed with blonde highlights, it creates a dimensional and natural-looking hair color that blends the richness of brown with the warmth and brightness of blonde. The result is often referred to as a "bronde" hair color.

Which isotope is used Pest Control?

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Asked by WilliamDo

Phosphorus-32 (P-32) is commonly used in pest control as a radioactive isotope that can help control insect populations. When pests are exposed to P-32, it can disrupt their biological processes and lead to reduced populations.

What do you do if a guy does not call you anymore?

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Asked by Wiki User

If a guy stops calling you, it may be a sign that he is no longer interested. It's best to communicate directly with him to understand his intentions and discuss how you both feel. If he continues to show disinterest, it may be time to move on and focus on yourself.

How are evolutionary relationships determined?

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Asked by Niomieshon

Evolutionary relationships are determined by analyzing similarities and differences in genetic material (DNA) among different organisms. By comparing specific genetic markers or sequences, researchers can construct phylogenetic trees that show the evolutionary history and relatedness of species. These relationships are then used to understand the evolutionary processes and patterns that have shaped the diversity of life on Earth.

What is a description of cell membrane?

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Asked by Wiki User

It encloses the cytoplasm, and is a protective barrier that controls what goes in and out of the cell.

What can help to determine evolutionary relationships between species?

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Asked by Wiki User

Comparing DNA sequences, examining physical characteristics, studying fossil records, and analyzing embryological development can all help determine evolutionary relationships between species. Phylogenetic analysis, which looks at shared ancestry based on these characteristics, is a common method used in evolutionary biology.

Why do DNA comparisons provide the most direct evidence of evolutionary relationships?

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Asked by Wiki User

DNA comparisons provide the most direct evidence of evolutionary relationships because they reflect the actual genetic changes that have occurred over time in different organisms. By comparing the sequences of DNA, scientists can determine the degree of similarity between species and estimate how closely related they are in terms of their evolutionary history. This molecular evidence is more accurate than comparing physical characteristics because it is less influenced by environmental factors.

Can your boss fire you without telling you directly?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most cases, your boss should communicate termination directly to you. However, depending on the circumstances or the laws in your area, there may be situations where termination can occur without direct communication. It is always best practice for HR policies to outline procedures for termination.

What is the space achievement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Space achievement refers to significant milestones in human space exploration, such as landing on the moon, launching satellites into orbit, conducting spacewalks, and exploring other planets with missions like the Mars rover. These achievements represent a culmination of scientific, technological, and human endeavors aimed at expanding our understanding of the universe and pushing the boundaries of human capabilities.

Different types of symbiotic relationships?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you mean biology-wise, then the answer is:

Mutual relationship: Where both parties, in this case animals, benefit from each other.

Parasitic relationship: Where one benefits on the others' behalf. Such as a tapeworm in a human.

Commenalism: Where one organism benefits but the other isn't harmed or effected in any way.

What is a ground hugging stem?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ground-hugging stem is a type of stem that grows close to the ground or trails along the surface. It allows plants to spread out horizontally rather than grow vertically, helping them to creep or spread across the ground. These types of stems are often found in plants like strawberries or certain types of vines.

What does it mean if a boy calls your name and when you turn around he doesn't say anything else?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean that the boy wanted your attention for a specific reason but maybe changed his mind or wasn't sure how to proceed in the moment. Or, it's possible that he was just trying to get your attention momentarily and didn't have anything further to say.

Why men need space and time alone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Men, like all individuals, need space and time alone to recharge, reflect on their thoughts, pursue personal interests, and maintain their independence. This allows them to decompress, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. It can also help them feel more self-reliant and in control of their life's direction.

Should you make the first move to ask out your crush?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's okay to make the first move and ask out your crush if you feel comfortable doing so. Taking the initiative can show confidence and may lead to a positive outcome. Just be prepared for any response and respect their decision.

What are the differences between closeness of fit and the strength of relationship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Closeness of fit refers to how well a statistical model fits the data, while the strength of relationship measures the degree of association between two variables. Closeness of fit is indicated by metrics like R-squared, which quantifies the proportion of variance explained by the model, while the strength of relationship is evaluated through correlation coefficients, which indicate the direction and strength of the relationship between variables.

He says he likes me we work toghter what do I do now?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you're interested in him, you could try spending more time with him outside of work to get to know each other better. If you're not sure about your feelings, take some time to think about how you feel before making any decisions. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with him to understand each other's expectations and feelings.

What makes a volcano romantic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sight of the glowing lava flowing down the volcano's slopes can create a mesmerizing and awe-inspiring scene. Additionally, the power and energy of a volcano can evoke feelings of intensity and passion, which some may find romantic. Furthermore, the unpredictability and raw beauty of nature displayed by a volcano can be seen as a symbol of life's impermanence and fragility, prompting a sense of appreciation for the present moment.

How do i get my girl back who i love and still has feelings for me?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get your past female partner back would be by apologizing what you did wrongly with her before she broke up with yourself. Understand her feelings for yourself and sense her emotions deeply. Press your moods to keep in touch with her while acknowledging such affections.

Why are hosts often not killed in parasitic relationships?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hosts are often not killed in parasitic relationships because it is in the parasite's best interest to keep the host alive for as long as possible to continue providing nutrients and resources. If the host dies too quickly, the parasite may not have enough time to reproduce and spread to other hosts. Additionally, killing the host too quickly may alert the host's immune system, leading to the parasite being eliminated.

What are the characteristic of left handed individual?

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Asked by Wiki User

Left-handed individuals typically have a dominant left hand for tasks such as writing, eating, and throwing. They may also have better spatial awareness and creativity compared to right-handed individuals. Left-handedness is believed to be influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Why do cells make copies of themselves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cells make copies of themselves through a process called cell division to ensure growth, repair damaged tissues, and replace old or dying cells. This process is essential for maintaining the overall health and function of an organism.

Manual sperm insertion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Manual sperm insertion, also known as intrauterine insemination (IUI), is a procedure where sperm is placed directly into a woman's uterus to facilitate fertilization. It is commonly used as a fertility treatment for various reasons, such as low sperm count or cervical issues. The procedure is typically done in a medical setting by a healthcare provider.

How did the complementary relationships between the sequences of nucleotides lead to the discovery of DNA replication?

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Asked by Wiki User

By observing the pairing of nucleotides in DNA (A with T, G with C), scientists inferred a mechanism where each strand could serve as a template for the other during replication. This complementary base pairing suggested a semi-conservative mechanism of replication, which was later confirmed by the Meselson-Stahl experiment.

What does 'reinforcement erosion' mean when talking about couples?

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Asked by Wiki User

'Reinforcement erosion' in couples refers to a decrease in positive behaviors or actions that previously strengthened the relationship, leading to a weakening of the connection between partners. This erosion can result from neglecting to nurture the relationship, taking each other for granted, or allowing negative patterns to overshadow positive interactions. It is important for couples to address reinforcement erosion to maintain a healthy and strong bond.