


Road Distance

The distance in miles or kilometers driving on roads from point A to point B

500 Questions

How many miles is 60k miles?

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There are 37.2822715 miles is there in 60km.

60 km= 37.2822715 miles .

Driving time Tempe AZ to Las Vegas?

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The driving distance between Tempe, AZ and Las Vegas, NV is approximately 300 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)

How many ft are in a kilometer?

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There are 3280.84 feet in a kilometer.

How many miles is 14.5 kilometers?

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14.5 kilometers is approximately 9 miles.

If its 3 o'clock in Washington state what time is it in New York?

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3:00 PM in Washington State (PT) = 5:00 PM in Illinois (CT) 3:00 PM in Washington DC(ET) = 2:00 PM in Illinois (CT)

How many miles are in 13.7 kilometers?

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There are approximately 8.5 miles in 13.7 kilometers.

How many mile in 20 kilometers?

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There are approximately 12.4 miles in 20 kilometers.

What is the mileage between Billings Montana and Cancun Mexico?

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The distance between Billings, Montana and Cancun, Mexico is approximately 2,400 miles (3,862 kilometers) when traveling by air. It is important to note that this distance may vary depending on the specific route taken and mode of transportation used.

How far Dallas Texas from south pole?

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Dallas, Texas is approximately 9,100 miles away from the South Pole.

How many miles is 1050 kilometers?

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1100 miles are in a kilometer rounded to nearest hundred


Nope! 1 mile is approx 1.6km.

Therefore 1050km = 656.25 miles

365 miles is how many kilometers?

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365 miles is approximately equal to 587.41 kilometers. This conversion is based on the conversion factor of 1 mile being equal to 1.60934 kilometers.

Does Orlando Florida have tornadoes?

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Yes, tornadoes can occur in Orlando, Florida, but they are relatively rare compared to other regions in the United States known as "Tornado Alley." In the event of a tornado warning, it is important to follow safety protocols and seek shelter in a secure location.

What is Tasmania known for?

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Tasmania is known for its beautiful scenery, unique wildlife, and delicious food.

How far is it from Fairfax VA to Baltimore MD?

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The distance between Fairfax, VA and Baltimore, MD is approximately 55 miles. This typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to drive, depending on traffic.

What spurred road building in the 20th century?

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In the 20th century, the rise of automobile ownership and the increasing demand for transportation led to a surge in road building. Improved technology, such as the development of asphalt and concrete for pavement, also played a significant role in expanding the road network during this time. Additionally, government initiatives to support economic growth and national defense further fueled investment in road infrastructure.

How many miles of coastline does Columbia have?

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Colombia has around 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) of coastline along the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

How do you calculate geothermal gradient?

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Geothermal gradient is calculated by dividing the increase in temperature with depth by the depth interval. Typically, it is measured in degrees Celsius per kilometer. This can be done by monitoring the temperature variations in boreholes drilled into the Earth's crust.

Does it ever snow in San Antonio TX?

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Snow in San Antonio is rare, but it does happen occasionally. The last significant snowfall was in 1985. Typically, when it does snow, it is light and does not stick for long.

What is 2 to 4 kilometers in miles?

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2 to 4 kilometers is approximately 1.24 to 2.49 miles.

What volcano in Hawaii is near the city of Hilo?

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The volcano near the city of Hilo in Hawaii is called Mauna Loa. It is one of the most massive and active volcanoes in the world, located on the Big Island of Hawaii.

How far is 304.8 meters in miles?

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304.8 meters is approximately equal to 0.189 miles.

Convert 9.11 kilometers to miles?

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9.11 kilometers is approximately equal to 5.66 miles.

How far is it from Moscow to Kirov?

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For the many families who have adopted children from Kirov, the answer to this question is: 18 long hours of hope on the train from Moscow to meet your new son or daughter and 18 long hours back to the U.S. embassy at Moscow to finish up the paperwork and come home as a family. Bring your own TP.

How many miles is it from Olympia WA to Ocean Shores?

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The distance from Olympia, WA to Ocean Shores, WA is approximately 70 miles.

How far is Slidell LA from Baton Rouge?

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Slidell, LA is approximately 90 miles southeast of Baton Rouge. The drive time is about 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on traffic and road conditions.