

Rodeo Events

In Spanish, rodeo means "round-up" and is also correlated to the time when a group of local cowhands and ranchers had a friendly competition of who could tame the wildest horse and ride the meanest bull. Today, it is a sport in the USA, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, Mexico and South America, and includes events such as bull riding, saddle bronc, barrel racing, team roping, bareback bronc riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, wild cow milking, etc. Questions about rodeo and rodeo events can be asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How do you add freon to 2000 Isuzu Rodeo?

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Buy a kit at Wal-Mart or auto parts comes with instructions You shouldn't...freon in your car is under high pressure and takes special equipment to do properly. In addition, today's cars require a very specific quantity of freon to work properly. Too much will result in high internal pressures and heat, too little will prevent proper lubrication...both of these conditions will lead to an early death of the compressor and a very expensive repair. There is an organization where you can get more info, and I have help in locating good mechanics on my site. See the related links for more info. Hope this helps!

How do they make horses buck in a rodeo?

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They do a number of things to make a bull buck. One is that the bull is not tame and doesn't like people much. He has not been castrated so is still producing lots of male hormones which do make him want to fight. He has been kept in a small pen while he would rather be out. They also use a flank strap which is very tight but it doesn't not touch the genitals. This also encourages him to use his back legs. All in all, they will buck if they want to or perhaps he will not.

How do bull riders use rope?

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It wraps around the bull completely with a bell attached to the rope on the bulls belly. At the top there is a handle that the rider puts his hand through then he wraps the excess rope around his hand for extra security

What town held the world's first rodeo in 1883?

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Actually, Deer Trail, Colorado held a rodeo contest 20 years before Pecos' event. Colorado Joint Resolution #1025 declared Deer Trail the Home of the World's First Rodeo. The event was held on July 4, 1869.

Is bull riding at a rodeo considered a sport?

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It's a sporting event where contestents show their skills in riding horses, roping cattle, bull riding, barrel racing, and other activities involved in ranching.and some times polebending and some other events

What is the average size of a rodeo bull?

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Since rodeos like to have moderate-framed bulls and not overly large bulls in the ring, the average a rodeo bull will be is around 2000 lbs, more or less. This all depends on each individual bulls' breeding, as some bulls, like the Brahman crosses, will weigh more than other bulls, like Texas Longhorn crosses or Hereford crosses.

What rhymes with bronc?

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Iron, Ron, Tron, Sharron, Patron, Moron, Baron, Sharon, Lebanon, Squadron, Efron

How do you tie the calf's legs in calf roping?

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With a clove hitch.

When did team roping start?

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Back in the earlier days of ranching, back when they had cowhands to drive cattle from one place to a another. when two trail gangs would meet up on the trail they would have a "rodeo" it would be just to see who is the best and toughest cowboy .the first recorded rodeo was held in deer trail Colorado..hope this helps..

Who is the WWE chapion?

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right now cm punk is wwe champion and still will be after extreme rules on sunday april 29 2012 in a chacigo street fight for the wwe championshipaganist his opponet chris punk is not an achoholis he is straight edge

Why were roping steers a popular feature of a rodeo?

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It takes a lot of skill and accuracy. Personally i would find it difficult to throw a rope loop over a post, let alone while being on a fast moving agile horse, trying to throw the loop over another fast moving animal !

When did the Calgary Stampede start?

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It opens with the 9 a.m. parade that starts on the first Friday of the first full week in July.

How much does a movie star get paid?

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Depends on how famous the movie star is, and depends on how much the producer is willing to spend on a particular actor. The exact figue is worked out by the actor & the producers legal team, with a binding contract. from someone:dude or dudette this is not an answer k so go jump off a cliff REAL ANSWER: alot! like $1,00,000! but not just for one movie. THE ACTUAL AWNSER: NO neither of u are correct well maybe the first awnser. but actually depending on how famous they are. like tom cruise got paied 75 million for mission impossible. but he was really famous his 1st movie he got paid 70,000. so there

How much do Broadway stars get paid?

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It varies greatly. If your just a chorus member or swing, you could get upwards of $1,600 a week depending on how many tracks they do. If your a lead it could be more than $10,000 a week. If the actors name is what is selling tickets, then it could be around $80,000-$100,000 a month. Other factors also contribute the salary; such as, dangerous conditions (flying, dropping, jumping, etc.)

*All numbers are estimates

Yes, it adds up, as of 2010, to approximately $75,000 per year for a chorus member.

Why do you think sharpshooting was not found at rodeos?

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Because it's very dangerous. the definition for sharpshooting is; one skilled at shooting. rodeos may be crazy but it's also safe. you wouldn't want to see a person OR an animal dying just for your entertainment.

What is saddle bronc?

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Commonly seen in rodeos. A rider tries to stay on the bucking horse for a length of time but is permitted to use a saddle.

Why is a clove hitch called a clove hitch?

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Because a clove hitch is two half hitches cloven together.

Where there any black Confederates?

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The blacks, almost overwhelmingly slaves, who were pressed into service by the Confederate Army as servants, teamsters, drovers and laborers were *not* soldiers. They were not trained, were not uniformed, were not paid and were not armed. Furthermore their service was not voluntary, they did what their owners required them to do. Although the nature of their duties was such that they did sometimes come under fire, even being killed and wounded, without weapons they could not fight. They were not in the army, they were all merely laborers used by the army for detail work to free white men, soldiers, for fighting. The only black militia unit of which I am aware was formed in New Orleans in 1861. New Orleans had a large free black population who were accepted as such by white society. The blacks formed a militia regiment and offered there services to the Confederacy but were refused. After the city fell to Union forces they accepted service in the Union army. The only blacks actually enlisted in the Confederate Army were those taken under an act of a desperate congress in 1865. A few regiments of slaves were formed in Richmond and they began drilling but the city fell before they could be put into line. They do not seem to have been with the army when it surrendered at Appomattox so presumeably the units just dissolved and the men went home. Now having said all that, I will acknowledge that, nationalism being a funny thing, there were Southern blacks with regional pride that was stronger than whatever resentment they may have had of slavery and who hoped for and did what they could for Southern victory but they were not enlisted in the Confederate Army nor were they soldiers.

there were Black Confederate soldiers. This is a fact, not fiction. Conservative estimates state that over 50,000 African-Confederates served in the Confederate Army. Many of these men saw combat and participated in it. Some died.

Although the Confederate Congress did not authorize Colored Units in the Confederate Army until 1865, when it was too late, there were many unofficial soldiers overlooked by officers who were desperate to fill the ranks so quickly dwindling. Also, many individual Southern states authorized colored militia units. For example, Alabama in 1862.

Some would ask, "Why would they serve; why would they fight?" They served and fought for the same reasons as their white counterparts. They felt that the South was their home, too. Whether slave or free, each had a stake in the society and each had a home they felt endeared to. For example, many Charleston negroes actually cheered at the possibility that they would be able to shoot Yankees shortly after the outbreak of War.

African-Confederates not only offered their services as soldiers but also as laborers. Many colored communities took up collections for the Confederate War Effort. Even individual negroes, both free and slave, contributed their money for the Confederate Government.

The African-Confederate went to War for the South as body servants, teamsters, laborers, and even soldiers. Many saw action. Some were wounded and some were killed in defense of the South. Most were loyal and cared for their master with whom they went to war. Many cases tell of a body servant removing a wounded soldier to the surgeon or taking the body of a fallen soldier home for proper burial.

How many Black soldiers served for the Confederacy in the War Between the States? Perhaps no one will ever know. Estimates run anywhere from 30,000 to 100,000. However, because the victors- the north - needed to give the world the impression the War was fought over slavery, a concerted scheme was put into motion to suppress the figures by destroying records, thus giving credence to their 'the war was fought over slavery' mantra. While a large number of government records were distorted or destroyed, thousands of 'other' records in the form of letters and photos remain.

The black Confederates were a combination of free blacks and slaves who were house servants accompanying white masters, Kennedy said. Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest freed 44 of his slaves after they served Forrest's cavalry forces, Kennedy said. Unlike blacks in the Union Army who served in all-black regiments, blacks in the Confederate Army fought in mixed units, he said.

Black Confederates Why haven't we heard more about them? National Park Service historian, Ed Bearrs, stated, "I don't want to call it a conspiracy to ignore the role of Blacks both above and below the Mason-Dixon line, but it was definitely a tendency that began around 1910" Historian, Erwin L. Jordan, Jr., calls it a "cover-up" which started back in 1865. He writes, "During my research, I came across instances where Black men stated they were soldiers, but you can plainly see where 'soldier' is crossed out and 'body servant' inserted, or 'teamster' on pension applications." Another black historian, Roland Young, says he is not surprised that blacks fought. He explains that "some, if not most, Black southerners would support their country" and that by doing so they were "demonstrating it's possible to hate the system of slavery and love one's country." This is the very same reaction that most African Americans showed during the American Revolution, where they fought for the colonies, even though the British offered them freedom if they fought for them.

What is a bull riding ring called?

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That would be an arena.