

Tiger Sharks

Questions about a large ocean predator which has the bad reputation of having the most human attacks.

500 Questions

Do archaeologists travel around the world?

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Yes, archaeologists often travel to different parts of the world to conduct fieldwork, excavations, and research. This allows them to study various cultures and civilizations, uncover artifacts, and gain a deeper understanding of human history.

What is the scientific name for the Blacktip Shark?

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The scientific name for the Blacktip Shark is Carcharhinus limbatus.

What is the scientific name for a tiger shark?

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I will start it off by naming i large amount of sharks, and yes sharks are fish. * Austrailan Angel Shark * Squatina australis

* Bahamas Sawshark * Pristiophorus Schroederi * Basking Shark * Cetorhinus Maximus * Blacknose Shark * Carcharhinus Acronotus * Blacktail Reef Shark * Carcharhinus wheeleri * Blacktip Reef Shark * Carcharhinus Melanopterus * Blacktip Shark * Carcharhinus Limbatus * Blind Shark * Brachaelurus Waddi * Blue Shark * Prionace Glauca * Bluntnose Sixgill Shark * Hexanchus Griseus * Bonnethead Shark * Sphyrna Tiburo * Broadnose Sevengill Shark * Notorhynchus Cepedianus * Bronze Whaler Shark * Carcharhinus Brachyurus * Brownbanded Bamboo Shark * Chiloscyllium Punctatum * Bull Shark * Carcharhinus Leucas * California Hornshark * Heterodontus Francisci * Caribbean Reef Shark * Carcharhinus Perezi * Caribbean Sharpnose Shark * Rhizoprionodon Porosus * Cobblers Wobbegong * Sutorectus Tentaculatus * Colcloughs Shark * Brachaelurus Colcloughi * Common Sawshark* Pristiophorus Cirratus * Cookie Cutter Shark * Isistius Brasiliensis * Coral Catshark * Atelomycterus Marmoratus * Crested Bullhead Shark * Heterodontus Galeatus * Draughtsboard Shark * Cephaloscyllium Isabellum * Dusky Shark * Carcharhinus Obscurus * Epaulette Shark * Hemiscyllium Ocellatum * Freycinets Epaulette Shark * Hemiscyllium Freycineti * Frilled Shark * Chlamydoselachus Anguineus * Galapagos Bullhead Shark* Heterodontus Quoyi * Galapagos Shark * Carcharhinus Galapagensis * Ganges Shark * Glyphis Gangeticus * Goblin Shark * Mitsukurina Owstoni * Golden Hammerhead * Sphyrna Tudes * Graceful Shark * Carcharhinus Amblyrhynchoides * Gray Reef Shark * Carcharhinus Amblyrhynchos * Great Hammerhead Shark * Sphyrna Mokarran * Great White Shark * Carcharodon Carcharias * Greenland Shark * Somniosus Microcephalus * Gulf Catshark * Asymbolus Vincenti * Gummy Shark * Mustelus Antarcticus * Horn Shark * Heterodontus Francisci* Lemon Shark * Negaprion Brevirostris * Leopard Shark * Triakis Semifasciata * Longnose Velvet Dogfish * Centroscymnus Crepidater * Oceanic Whitetip Shark * Carcharhinus Longimanus * Ornate Wobbegong * Orectolobus Ornatus * Megamouth * Megachasma Pelagios * Mexican Bullhead * Heterodontus Mexicanus * Milk Shark * Rhizoprionodon Acutus * Necklace Carpet Shark * Parascyllium Variolatum * Nurse Shark * Ginglymostoma Cirratum * Pacific Angel Shark * Squatina Californica * Pelagic Thresher Shark * Alopias Pelagicus * Pigeye Shark * Carcharhinus Amboinensis * Piked Dogfish * Squalus Acanthias * Porbeagle Shark * Lamna Nasus * Portuguese Dogfish * Centroscymnus Coelolepis * Port Jackson Shark * Heterodontus Potusjacksoni * Prickly Dogfish * Oxynotus Bruniensis * Rusty Carpet Shark * Parascyllium Ferrugineum * Sailfin Roughshark * Oxynotus Paradoxus * Salmon Shark * Lamna Ditropis * Sandbar Shark * Carcharhinus Plumbeus * Sandtiger Shark * Carcharias Taurus * Scalloped Hammerhead Shark * Sphyrna Lewini * Seal Shark * Dalatias Licha * Sharpnose Sevengill Shark * Heptranchias Perlo * Shortfin Mako * Isurus Oxyrinchus * Shortnose Spurdog * Squalus Megalops * Shortspine Spurdog * Squalus Mitsukurii * Sicklefin Lemon Shark * Negaprion Acutidens * Silky Shark * Carcharhinus Falciformis * Silvertip Shark * Carcharhinus Albimarginatus * Smooth Hammerhead Shark * Sphyrna Zygaena * Smalltooth Sandtiger * Odontaspis Ferox* Soupfin Shark * Galeorhinus Galeus * Southern Lantern Shark * Etmopterus Granulosus * Speckled Epaulette * Hemiscyllium Trispeculare * Spinner Shark * Carcharhinus Brevipinna * Spiny Dogfish * Squalus Acanthias * Spotted Wobbegong * Orectolobus Maculatus * Starry Smoothhound * Mustelus Asterias * Striped Catshark * Poroderma Africanum * Swell Shark * Cephaloscyllium Ventriosum * Tiger Shark * Galeocerdo Cuvier * Tasmanian Numbfish * Narcine Tasmaniensis * Tasseled Wobbegong * Eucrossorhinus Dasypogon * Tawny Nurse Shark * Nebrius Ferrugineus * Wards Wobbegong * Orectolobus Wardi * Whale Shark * Rhincodon Typus * Whitespotted Bamboo Shark * Chiloscyllium Plagiosum * Whitetip Reef Shark * Triaenodon Obesus * Winghead Shark * Eusphyra Blochii * Zebra Shark * Stegostoma Varium

Are worms classified by their body shapes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, worms are classified based on their body shapes and structures. There are various types of worms, such as flatworms, roundworms, and segmented worms, each with distinct body structures that help define their classification.

What are the scientific classifications of the dormitator maculatus?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scientific classification of dormitator maculatus is as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Actinopterygii
  • Order: Gobiiformes
  • Family: Eleotridae
  • Genus: Dormitator
  • Species: D. maculatus

Do baby sharks swim next to mothers at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

no. when pups are born the mums usaully leave them to live their on life.

What is sand tiger sharks diet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Great a question on one of my specialties Sharks Ok the answer is blub crabs

What materials are use to dissect frogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

a probe

a scalple

a pair of surgical scissors

a pair of good rubber disposable gloves

a rubber mat

a preserved bullfrog ( can be ordered online )

[you can also look up some instructions online!]

NOTE: don't use regular scissors- they aren't sharp enough!

hopefully this helps you...

Can anything eat a tiger?

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Yes. Asians :D

- Haha

Anything that digests flesh can. Other animals can eat them raw, we gotta cook em.. But I wouldn't advise eating the tiger's skin.. You can make coats with this though..

But please, leave the tigers alone?

What eats a great white shark when its dead?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the bottom of the ocean there is a type of shrimp that can starve for years then once a whale or a shark dies it slowly makes its way to the deep sea bed, and once that journey is complete the shrimp engorge on the carcus and left-over skin. Hope that answers your question! :)

- Amanda age 13 grade 8 :)

What size are tiger sharks?

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they are very big

How many tiger shark attacks are there per year?

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well when you look at these 2 picture's what do you think?

Why does the great white shark attack people when they smell blood?

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Sharks smell blood so they go after it and because of mucky water or not clear water and/or because the bad sight sharks have,they attack what is in the area of blood

Why are sharks teeth black that you find?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shark teeth are made up of calcium phosphate, which is the mineral apatite. Although shark teeth are sturdier than the cartilage that makes up their skeleton, the teeth still disintegrate over time unless they are fossilized. This is why you rarely find white shark teeth on a beach.

Shark teeth are preserved if the tooth is buried, which prevents decomposition by oxygen and bacteria. Shark teeth buried in sediments absorb surrounding minerals, turning them from a normal whitish tooth color to a deeper color, usually black, gray or tan. The fossilization process takes at least 10,000 years, although some fossil shark's teeth are millions of years old! Fossils are old, but you can't tell the approximate age of a shark tooth simply by its color because the color (black, gray, brown) depends completely on the chemical composition of the sediment that replaced the calcium during the fossilization process.

Is a stinkbug a vertebrate or invertebrate?

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It's an invertebrate. Stinkbugs are insects (several species). All insects are invertebrates (they have no bones, let alone backbones).

Why are sharks adapted to where they live?

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To ensure survival. Without adaptations, they would die to changing environments and prey. As with many animals in the sea, they are extremely sensitive when environments change too much. For example, with overfishing certain areas, sharks have the choice to starve to death or adapt. Sometimes, this forces sharks to search for food in new places and become more desperate. This can lead to higher shark attacks on people, since there is nothing left in the water. It is important for us to stop over-fishing the oceans because we are inevitabley risking our own lives.

What time of the day do sharks usually hunt?

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They tend to eat after a light work out or when they become hungry, say about breakfast time, lunch or dinner time. Scientific research has shown that sand sharks like nothing more than a nice donner kebab when they leave the pub; say about 02:55. They cannot abide chilli sauce though science has proven!

Does a great white shark have a penis?

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No, but they have 2 claspers to position and deposit sperm into the female.

Is a tiger shark smart?

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Apart from fur color, a white tiger is exactly the same animal as a normal tiger, so just as strong.

Do sharks live near the surface of the water or the bottom of the ocean?

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It always depends on the shark, so both, basically.

What kingdom classification is a shark?

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Sharks are members of the kingdom Animalia.

What is the life cycle of a Barracuda Shark?

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Their lifespan has not been definitively established, though many sources estimate 30 to 40 years. It would not be unreasonable to expect such a large marine animal to live longer however.



well acully a shark only lives up to 30-50 if the shark is luky it will reach over 40 but i highly doubt that

hottest stuff

the oldest ever recorded lifespan of a shark is about 113