

University of Phoenix

Founded in 1976, the University of Phoenix has become one of the premier online universities in the U.S. Its flexibility with online courses and over 200 onsite locations provide opportunities for many in a nontraditional format.

265 Questions

What degrees does University of Phoenix offer?

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University of Phoenix offers a wide range of degree programs including associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in fields such as business, education, healthcare, technology, and more. They also offer certificate programs and professional development courses.

Compare and contrast behaviorism and psychodynamic approach?

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Behaviorism focuses on observable behaviors that can be studied through conditioning and reinforcement, while the psychodynamic approach emphasizes the role of unconscious drives and conflicts in influencing behavior. Behaviorism is more focused on external influences and learning principles, whereas the psychodynamic approach is more focused on internal psychological processes like the role of early childhood experiences and unconscious motivations. Both approaches have contributed valuable insights to understanding human behavior and therapy techniques.

How long does it take to get a bachelor's degree in Psychology at University of Phoenix?

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The Bachelor's degree in Psychology at University of Phoenix typically takes around 4 years to complete when studying full-time. This duration may vary depending on factors like transfer credits, course load, and individual pace of study.

How many people can the sunderland stadium of light hold?

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The Sunderland Stadium of Light has a seating capacity of around 49,000 people.

Is the journalism communications degree at the University of Phoenix an accredited program?

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Yes it is. The university has a full regional accreditation. Thus, the institution and its programs are recognized by all other accredited colleges and universities, as well as employers.

Is degrees from Kaplan University recognized as much as the University of Phoenix?

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Both schools have the preferred regional accreditation. Therefore, the coursework and degree completed through either university will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers.

What is the address of University of Phoenix?

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To go to University of Phoenix, all you have to do is go on their website, and if you can not find it, ask for customer support, by calling them, or just do it on their website. Hope this helped good luck logging in to the website

What is the nickname of the University of california?

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Pennsylvania. The word "keystone" comes from architecture and refers to the central, wedge-shaped stone in an arch, which holds all the other stones in place. The application of the term "Keystone State" to Pennsylvania cannot be traced to any single source. It was commonly accepted soon after 1800.

How many credits in an associates degree at the University of Phoenix?

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A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 120 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the masters and doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

How long does it take to Receive excess refunds from University of Phoenix?

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When the financial aid disbursement gets posted to your account, it then takes 14 days for it to sit on your account before it is adjusted and a check is cut. After the 14 days, and the check gets cut, it has to get signed by the proper department and is mailed. I would say 3 weeks max for it to arrive in your mailbox from the day it is posted as a credit to your account.

Post is now offering the debit card option for undergrad students as of this spring. You certainly are better off looking into that because you wouldn't have to wait for the check to be cut after the 14 days. It would be deposited onto the debit card as soon as the adjustment is made (after the 14 days).

How do I know this? Because I am a Post University student waiting for my check as I am typing this reply.

Good luck!

How long does it take to complete a associate degree at the University of Phoenix?

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The associates degree is designed as a two year program of study as a full-time student provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college, and provided the student does not require prerequisite coursework as a result of basic skills testing. There are some programs of study that may take a bit longer depending on the number of credits required. Usually these are programs within the health related fields. In addition, for students who require developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing, it would take longer. How much longer would depend on the extent of the developmental courses they are required to take. Evidently, those individuals who attend college on a part-time bases would also extend their time in school. How much longer would depend on the credit load carried each semester. Typically, an associates degree takes between 60 and 64 credits to complete depending on the specific school, program of study, and state mandates.

Do employers recognize degrees from the University of Phoenix?

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The University of Phoenix has both online and Campus degree programs. It is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Therefore their degrees are recognized by other colleges and universities as bona fide and valid. It is excellent in the area of student services with good student support. The faculty and staff are energized and eager to help their student body. The university offers bachelors, masters, and doctorate programs. The online programs are well developed, and accommodating to those adult students who are working and cannot find the time for classroom presence. The down side; it is not inexpensive, especially at the graduate level. Viper1

Can you transfer your credits from the University of Phoenix to San Diego State University for an MBA?

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It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

It will depend on whether they fit into your chosen major, if they are equivalent, the required grade, and if the college or university your transferring from has the appropriate accreditation.

How is University of Phoenix seen or valuated by prospect employers?

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That depends. Employers who aren't familiar with the University of Phoenix and just see it as another school on the resume seem to regard it just fine; those who've done their homework, so to speak, tend to view it with suspicion. Of course, there's a growing network of UOP graduates out there who help each other and more recent graduates out in the job department, so if you can get into that network your luck is probably pretty good.

Think of it this way: If you spent 4 years of your life working hard to get to where you are today, would you trust somebody who did it in a year?

Actually University of Phoenix is accredited the same way as most if not all of the major Universities. I.E. University of Michigan. With 250,000 students at a steady pace of growth, this University is only different by the way it focuses for the working professional. When you enter class, yes there are campuses locally, you enter with adults that are focused to succeed, complete and finish their degree. All classes locally meet one night a week to abide by most adult schedules, as crazy as they are nowadays. Can't pay for school, great! Financial Aid considers this one night a week full time. Classes are five to six weeks, depending on undergraduate or graduate programs.

Number one thing is not so much where you went to school, but did you get the education to back the degree up and how you intend to apply it. UOP has had its name in the news the last few years and not favorably, with its trouble with the government on pratices.

As a former hiring manager, I can tell you that UOP degrees are viewed with suspicion. If you're going to invest that kind of time, take online classes from an established university or college.

I disagree. I have been in Human Resources and a recruiter for over 15 years and I have hired quality people with degrees from UOP. Not all HR professionals think the same.

Where is the University of Phoenix?

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type in Wetsern International University or University of phoenix in Google. Get the numbers to some enrollment counselors and go from there. Call your local campus and ask for the receptionist's favorite Enrollment Counselor.

Are phoenix university credits transferable?

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If you are referring to the University of Phoenix, yes it is. The university has the preferred regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and is a member of the College Board. Therefore, all the degrees offered are recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers.

University of Phoenix high school requirements?

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University of Phoenix

Phoenix, Arizona

High School Preparation
  • High School diploma required, GED accepted

How do you withdraw from the University of Phoenix?

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How do you withdraw from any University without owing money?

Why did the University of Phoenix get sued?

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I believe there were some issues on the method of recruiting students some time ago. Then a professor from anther institution did not like the curriculum of the MBA program, and one faculty remember stated he was forced by the university to cram in too much work in a course. Still, you would be surprised on the number of good universities that get sued for one reason or another. The question is what were the findings and results of the case? Many colleges and universities have been sued for ridiculous reasons. The fact remains that the university holds the preferred regional accreditation, and that is what counts.

Will you get accepted into a masters program with a degree from University of Phoenix?

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Follow degree holders will tell you that a degree is a degree. The accreditation organization assesses whether a degree program meets the highest standards, whether the degree is from University of Phoenix or Harvard: same education!

How long does it take a transfer student to graduate from university of phoenix?

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A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 120 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the masters and doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

What is the ticker for university of phoenix?

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The stock symbol for University of Phoenix is UOPX.

How good or bad is the University of Phoenix?

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I think it is a good school and the material is more than adequate for college coursework, since I have attended both an online school and a regular university and I can compare the two. The pros are definitely that I can attend on my own time and it doesn't take too long to complete a class (just 9 weeks), and I don't have to worry about traffic or finding a parking space, etc. It is very intense breaks whatsoever, as soon as you finish one class you start the next one the day after. No spring break or summer or anything, but it is possible to get your bachelor's in 3.5 years if you are dedicated. Some of the CA state universities take 5 years just because the classes are so overcrowded you have to wait for availability. The most I had in a class at UPX was about 15 other students.

The cons are the cost. I am receiving financial aid in the form of student loans, but sometimes the loans fall a little bit short. In the two years I've been there I've probably had to pay about $1,000 total out of pocket, but you get to write off some of it on your taxes the following year. Since I've been there, the tuition has gone up 4 times. I guess it is because they have to pay for all those TV ads and the naming rights to that huge stadium in Phoenix. I guess it depends on how you look at it. Tuition is going up at almost every university in the country. Why would the University of Phoenix be any different? As far as the name on the stadium? That can be great for students! University of Phoenix is know worldwide because of the genius marketing. Is that really hurting it's students and alumni?

Overall though, the instructors are pretty good, the material isn't too tough and I can get a hold of my guidance counselor when I need to. It remains to be seen what happens when I get my degree - a lot of employers out there still don't see UPX as a "real school". Some of the students in my classes seem like they don't have a high school education, but at the same time I have a lot of friends that attend traditional universities that I know would never make it at UPX. It takes a lot of discipline to attend classes on your own, so if you slack off for even a week, you'll be failing the class in no time.

I attended a traditional brick and mortar school as well as the University of Phoenix and I found that working on the team projects was closer to my real world work experiences. It seemed like every team had a couple of people that did the most to complete projects and then there would be a couple of people that everyone else was always waiting on. Completing the University of Phoenix coursework required a significant amount of discipline because the entire semester of a class was squeezed into a 5 week period so if you fall behind it is very difficult to catch up. If you stay on top of the work and put in the effort then the class work is reasonable to keep up with even when working a full time job. University of Phoenix also provides a significant amount of resources to help your progress, you pay for them with resource charges so make sure that you use them. As far as job prospects, I haven't had any negative feedback concerning my degree and have several people who are my direct reports that have attended more "prestigious" 4 year schools. If anything, I get the curious questions about the experience. However, even if I attended Harvard, someone from Columbia may turn their nose up. If you are worried, remember there are more people graduating from University of Phoenix than any other school so eventually most of the hiring managers will be University of Phoenix Alumni.