



Exploring the world of those who choose to eat no meat -- whether for concerns about their health, or for ethical/religious/environmental reasons. Find out about the various kinds of vegetarian, and follow the debate on the pros and cons of eating fish, chicken, and eggs.

500 Questions

Can a vegetarian digest beef?

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Asked by Jbrown456

Yes, and no. While it is physically possible, the longer a person has been vegetarian the more difficult it will be since the bocy will lose some of the enzymes designed for digesting animal protein. While still possible, the indivdual may experience some stomach cramps during digestion.

Can you get vegetarian at Haribo's?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can get Haribo candy without gelatine.

How many pounds of raw potatoes are needed to make mashed potatoes for 150 people?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 5 pounds of mashed poatoes are needed for twenty people. ~in my opinion, five pounds of potatoes could feed ME!!!!!!!!........ but i LOve potatoes

Are wine gums vegetarian?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, they contain gelatin.

There are gelatin free wine gums, see the question -

Why is eating meat wrong?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a tough question, not all meats are bad, you should check if it has any preservatives that are bad to the human body such as MSG and nitrite. If it does you could be eating really bad meat. If it has no preservatives then meat is pretty good.

Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, provided that the crackers do not contain gelatin or any other product containing animal parts.

Animal Crackers contain whey, so vegetarians who eat things like cheese, milk etc can eat them. However vegans who don't consume any animal products cannot.

What year did chuck Taylor play basketball?

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What team did basket ball player chuck Taylor play on

Is ricotta suitable for vegetarians?

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Pollio Ricotta cheese is suitable for vegetarians.

Are eggs a meat or a dairy?

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Asked by Wiki User

AnswerEggs are often confused as both a form of dairy and of meat, but in reality, they are neither.

Because eggs are an animal byproduct, just like milk, many people catagorize eggs as dairy. However, dairy is very specifically designated as the byproduct of the mammary glands of mammals like cows or goats. Essentially dairy is any milk or milk-made product, such as butter or ice-cream.

However, eggs are not meat either. Eggs are the fetal form of a mature animal, and are considered their own entity in and of themselves, than meat. Eggs are eggs and meat is meat.


The answer above is both right and wrong. I'm sure the asker was wanting a food group, and eggs are not a food group. They are protein, the food group with meat IN it. But everything else is correct

Is rocky a vegetarian?

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Asked by Wiki User

first told cece an rocky about the audition on shake it up Chicago

Can vegetarians eat refreshers?

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As far as I can ascertain - all the ingredients used to make Refresher chews are vegetarian friendly.

Is Aqua fresh toothpaste vegetarian?

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Aquafresh is not vegan as Aquafresh is known to be tested on animals so it is classed as a product of animal exploitation.

It is a matter of conjecture whether Aquafresh is vegetarian because of the fact it is a product tested on animals but doesn't contain animal products (to the best of my knowledge), so in the case of any doubt go down the vegan route and avoid it altogether.

Are mars suitable for vegetarians?

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Don't think so - the whey powder used is not suitable .

What do vegetarian restaurants generally serve?

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A simple answer like meatless foods helps some but it is necessary to realize that vegetarians come in varying degrees of "meatlessness". You should ask the vegetarians you are preparing the food for what their own personal limits are.

Some vegetarians just don't eat meat (cattle, sheep, chickens etc.) but will eat animal products (eggs, cheese, butter). Some exclude meat but will eat fish. Some exclude food with any relation to animals including some types of fish oil based vitamins. Jains (an Indian religion) are vegetarians but also exclude root vegetables and seeds that represent entire living plants or potential plants.

Are L'oreal lipsticks suitable for vegetarians?

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  • Eco Lips - Bee Free Vegan Lip Balm
  • Lush - None of your Beeswax Lip Balm
  • Merry Hempsters

Is Kristen Bell a vegetarian?

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Are jainists vegetarians?

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Jains believe in ahimsa, or nonviolence. To stop the cycle of reincarnation, Jains believe that they must follow the path of ahimsa. If they do not behave as their religion dictates, they believe that their next life could be as a lower animal. Thus they do not kill any animal because it could have been their ancestor, etc. But primarily, because they believe in preventing the suffering of all who feel pain.

What happens to your body if you eat no meat at all?

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Asked by Wiki User

Meat is a great source for some necessary nutrients, but not the only source. You can stay healthy w/o meat, but you need to watch and plan your diet so that you still get what you need. If you ignore this and simply stop eating meat your health is likely to deteriorate and you may even develop deficiency illnesses.

Why are vegetables suitable for vegetarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vegetarians have lower cholesterol level because vegetable have lesser saturated fats. Additionally, fewer saturated fats mean fewer instance of hypertension and heart diseases. Moreover, as compared to meat, vegetables are easier to digest because of more fibers and fewer proteins.

How long does it take to lower your cholesterol levels on a vegetarian diet?

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Asked by Wiki User

So far I've been at it about four months with only small decrease (about 5 points still 236) I will keep at it and try to get back here if I don't die first :)

What religion doesn't eat pork or beef?

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Jews (Judaism) and Muslims (Islam) do not consume pork. Hindus (Hinduism) do not consume beef. However, there is no religion where both beef and pork are forbidden, but other forms of meat are permitted. There are vegetarian religions, such as Jainism and Buddhist Monks are vegetarian as well.

Since India has large populations of both Hindus and Muslims, Indian cuisine has historically avoided both pork and beef to avoid offending the two religions. This persists in many Indian restaurants in the Diaspora today, which do not have beef or pork selections on their menus even if the owners and workers are all Hindu or all Muslim.

Why should vegetarians use soy protein?

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Many vegetarians and vegans have fallen susceptible to a loud voice in the public sphere that tells us people need meat for protein. The message is that plants do not contain enough, but this is not the case. Plants contain protein too and it turns out the be the perfect about that our bodies require. Someone can eat nothing but potatoes and fulfill their bodies requirements for protein. As a vegetarian of 19 years, I too fell into this myth and for a while consumed a lot of protein alternatives such as tofu and tempeh. But the more I have researched and experimented with my diet over the years I have come to find that fruits and vegetables contain complete protein and I have no craving or desire for these more artificial sources.

What do you call a person who does not eat red meat?

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They are a vegetarian. They may be something more specific, like a pescatarian or vegan, though, if they choose to eat things like fish or eat no animal products at all, respectively.

Do vegetarians have a higher RDI for iron than non vegetarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Vegetarians have an RDA for iron 1.8 times that for non-vegetarians. Specifically, vegetarian women 19-50 years old need 32mg/day compared to the 18mg/day RDA for non-vegetarian women of the same age range.

What country has the most non vegetarians?

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Asked by Wiki User

China. India has a high percentage of lacto vegetarians.