

West Highland White Terriers

West Highland White Terriers were first used for fox, badger, and vermin hunting. To distinguish it from the animals that they hunt, they were bred to have a beautiful, white coat. In this category, there are questions relating to this breed’s temperament, characteristics, etc.

500 Questions

How do you spot a slumlord?

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You can spot a slumlord by looking for signs of neglect in their properties, such as poor maintenance, safety hazards, and unsanitary conditions. Slumlords often prioritize profits over the well-being of their tenants and fail to address issues promptly or adequately. Additionally, frequent turnover of tenants and a history of complaints or violations can indicate a slumlord.

Do you capitalize west highland terrier?

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Yes, "West Highland Terrier" should be capitalized as it is a proper noun referring to a specific breed of dog.

What is the scientific name for West Highland White Terrier?

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The scientific name for West Highland White Terrier is Canis lupus familiaris.

How can you find Breeders of west highland white terriers?

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In a recent search, I found four in Western Australia. Phone numbers and addresses being prohibited in answers on WikiAnswers, I've linked the search site below.

What is the age of the oldest recorded west highland terrier?

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My darling westie Mack lived until his was 15 1/2 years old, he died on 20/07/2010. He was a fantastic and very special little friend and I miss him so so much.

We have a westie named Maxi who is currently 19 1/4 and going strong.

Should west highland terriers ears be clipped?

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Yes they are, however when they are born their ears are closed like most newborns and they stay droopy until about 10-12 weeks of age. There are some pups who will have one ear that doesn't come up. You can stabilize it with a little splint, but that does not always work. So unless you were planning to show him my advise is to just love him anyway.He will still be adorable.

Do West Highland white terriers have seizures?

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Not realy. But they have little bumps where it seems as if they are suppost to have them. They may have some little stubles

What size crate should I buy for for a west highland terrier?

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Medium, because they are small-medium sized dogs.

Why do you get spots?

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you get spots from either not washing every few days or if you sweat a lot you during the day some people just have them because they have greasy skin THANKS.

thanks you for your answer, i will try and change ;)

look you get spots because god was trying to cover your face as he wasnt happy of his creation(you) maybe if you washed your face you wouldnt have these growths, to me you are revolting that you dont clean yourself enough and you will not get far in the love lift of life if you carry on like this! you will end up having an obese ackney child as a girlfriend that cheats on you with your gardener! so get scrubbing my friend!

I'm sorry, i really want to change and i defntly dont want a cheating girlfriend, but im not bothered if shes obese its personality that counts but i will try and wash my face more offen i really dont want to end up like this, i am quite religious and i realy want god to accept me for who i am. But if she feels this way then i must change! thanks geeliv ;)

How many babies can a west highland terrier have?

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That depends on how much sperm your father's carrying...

Do west highland terrier dogs come in another color besides white?

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No; although the shade of white might vary, all West Highland Terriers will be white. Cairn and Scottish Terriers look similar to the Westie, but they are brown/blonde and black.

Is there a breed of black west highland terriers?

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Asked by Laughoutloud1111

Scottish Terrier

Cairn Terriers are just different coloured versions of Westies, Westies were singularly bred from Cairns for their colour so that they could be seen easily on the moors, and you can get very near black Cairns.

Why are your westies paws and face stained brownish?

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because your dog is the son of Harry Potter. and you have a magical dog attending Dogwarts school of bitchcraft and wizardry

What breed of dog appers in cigna commercial?

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Interesting, I was just watching the latest Cigna Commercial and had the same question about a dog that appears in it. It resembled a basset hound, dalmatian, dachshund, and a beagle. Strangely enough a small segment that would otherwise be insignificant has individuals discussing, searching and repeating the organization's name. Well done marketing agency of Cigna, well done.

Are westies good pets for children with allergies?

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People who are allergic to dogs are allergic to two aspects of the dog: their dander, and their saliva. Though Westies shed very minimally, especially if they are brushed and groomed regularly, if you are seriously allergic to dogs, you might not be able to live with the little bit of dander, and the saliva.

What can you do for your westie that itches all of the time?

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Westies are susceptible to the same environmental affectors as we are. Therefore, keep in mind that certain weeds in the yard can affect your Westie as well as indoor things like mold and mildew. Do not wash your Westie too often as this can cause skin irritation. In extreme cases of discomfort, consult with your vet immediately. A good vet can prescribe a simple skin cream to help your Westie, or even an oral medication. Your Westie will reward you with years of love and appreciation.

Why is my West Highland terrier shedding a lot?

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Fur and hair are the same things. The term fur refers to the body hair of non-human mammals, also known as the pelage.

What is the average cost of west highland White terrier?

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A good quality westie will cost somewhere from 1,500 to 2,000 dollars If you want a cheaper westie then you would have to adopt. A westie breeder that sells their pups at 800 dollars or less , you probably wouldn't want to buy from them because that might have health problems in the future.

Why is your Chihuahas skin turning black?

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Quite possibly, that is your dog's mature skin color. Dogs, just like people, have varying skin colorations. If you think there is something wrong with the dog, however, by all means, take it to a vet and have it checked out.

What is a westie?

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'Westie' is the abbreviated name for a dog called a West Highland White Terrier. It's a West Highland White Terrier. West Highland White Terriers are furry coated dogs, with dots for coal black eyes and button noses. Why are West Highland White Terrier puppies sought after by many dog lovers? Because these friendly creatures are well-behaved, loyal and affectionate dogs, who may be pocket sized (average a 10-11 inches tall), but are highly intelligent animals. You won't have a hard time training these dogs, whether solely as house pets, or for show. Their keen intelligence makes it seem like play. However, they learn better and best to training sessions that are done on a schedule. Brush their white coats two to three times a week, to keep it shiny and clean. If you do intend to enter them for competition, make sure your pet is regularly trimmed, plucked and stripped of his or her coat. A West Highland white terrier lives an average of 15+ years, and usually has a litter of two to five puppies. What is the history behind the West Highland White Terrier breed? This breed originated in Scotland developed in the high mountains of West Scotland, to hunt vermin. They claim a common ancestry to the Scotch Terrier. References to the existence of the West Highland White Terrier can be seen as early as the 18th century, like one painting done by Sir Edwin Landseer. The piece entitled "The Breakfast Party" clearly features the West Highland Terriers. Another name of the West Highland White Terrier, is as the Poltalloch terrier. The name refers to the home of Col. E.D. Malkolm, the first breeder of these breed. In 1907, the breed then registered as the Roseneath terrier, little Skye and Cairn. Then in 1909, AKC officially changed the breed's name to what it is known as today, West Highland White Terrier breed. In the past West Highland White Terriers, were considered to belong to the one breed, with Dandie Dinmont, Skye, Cairn and Scottish Terriers. However, although they share common ancestors, selective breeding resulted in the differences between their coat type and colors. A surprising fact about this breed is, given that the West Highland White Terrier was originally bred to traipse the steep and rugged mountain sides, Westies are well adjusted to today's living conditions. As long as they are walked several times a day, they are good apartment dwellers. It's not that hard to see then that the West Highland White Terrier definitely qualifies as one of man's best friends. Hope this helps and by the way I own a westie THE STORY OF WESTIES Hi, I own a westie bitch and she is awesome!! Let me tell you their story short but full of info... Temperament: loyal, highly intelligent, playful, don't like to be treated as dressing puppets, full of energy, full of affectionate love, have a giant heart, like other dogs, like other people, don't prefer cats or little children, easy to spoil Keeping: easy and full of fun. trimming 2-4 times a year, brushing once a week is enough. if gets dirty, wait till dries and than just brush dirt off. Health: can have many kinds of skin allergies but its more common to the animals older than 10. Mine doesn't have any yet and I hope never will <3 Well, that's about it. If you wanna buy one, go for it. Nothing to be sorry after!! C yaa
a westchester Terrier It's a West Highland White Terrier. West Highland White Terriers are furry coated dogs, with dots for coal black eyes and button noses. Why are West Highland White Terrier puppies sought after by many dog lovers? Because these friendly creatures are well-behaved, loyal and affectionate dogs, who may be pocket sized (average a 10-11 inches tall), but are highly intelligent animals. You won't have a hard time training these dogs, whether solely as house pets, or for show. Their keen intelligence makes it seem like play. However, they learn better and best to training sessions that are done on a schedule. Brush their white coats two to three times a week, to keep it shiny and clean. If you do intend to enter them for competition, make sure your pet is regularly trimmed, plucked and stripped of his or her coat. A West Highland white terrier lives an average of 15+ years, and usually has a litter of two to five puppies. What is the history behind the West Highland White Terrier breed? This breed originated in Scotland developed in the high mountains of West Scotland, to hunt vermin. They claim a common ancestry to the Scotch Terrier. References to the existence of the West Highland White Terrier can be seen as early as the 18th century, like one painting done by Sir Edwin Landseer. The piece entitled "The Breakfast Party" clearly features the West Highland Terriers. Another name of the West Highland White Terrier, is as the Poltalloch terrier. The name refers to the home of Col. E.D. Malkolm, the first breeder of these breed. In 1907, the breed then registered as the Roseneath terrier, little Skye and Cairn. Then in 1909, AKC officially changed the breed's name to what it is known as today, West Highland White Terrier breed. In the past West Highland White Terriers, were considered to belong to the one breed, with Dandie Dinmont, Skye, Cairn and Scottish Terriers. However, although they share common ancestors, selective breeding resulted in the differences between their coat type and colors. A surprising fact about this breed is, given that the West Highland White Terrier was originally bred to traipse the steep and rugged mountain sides, Westies are well adjusted to today's living conditions. As long as they are walked several times a day, they are good apartment dwellers. It's not that hard to see then that the West Highland White Terrier definitely qualifies as one of man's best friends. Hope this helps and by the way I own a westie
Westie means West highland White Terrier.

Do westies have hair?

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All dogs eat grass from time to time; it's probably in part because of moisture on the grass, in part because they like the feel of the blades in their teeth (similar to dental floss), and in part it's because the roughage from grass is good for their digestion and elimination. Don't let dogs eat grass that has been treated to fertilizer or pesticide, but otherwise a small amount of grass eating isn't a problem at all.

They Somtimes Eat It If They Feel Sick.

Are West Highland Terriers Good Dogs?

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i use to have a westie! he was the best dog.........they are good dogs, good watchdogs, excellent with children good temperment. however its also how the dog is raised if you socialize it from a puppy it would be a great dog..........and they are so adorable!! hope this helps! I agree talk to your dog when a puppy! call them play with them nuture them like u would a child exept no diaper change!

Are west highland terriers easy to train?

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Terriers are stubborn dogs so they need a person who understands their personality. I have always had Scotties and have learned that you deal with a terrier in ways that are different from other dogs. A terrier won't do something just because you want him/her to they have to want to do it. They are smart dogs and very independent so they are not easy to train. I saw an experienced trainer defeated by my Scotty because he wasn't going to do what she wanted.

What kind of dog is Maggie in the Caesar dog food commercials?

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west highland white terrierMaggie's breedThe last person who answered this question who said Maggie was not a Westie was clearly an idiot. Westie's come from different parts of the world there are scottish westie's and American westies and Canadian westies. So check your facts before you answer a question.