


Computer Programming

A category for questions about computer programming and programming languages.

500 Questions

Why is anthropology science?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sociology can be considered a science as it involve systematic methods of empirical research, analysis of data and the assessment of theories. In addition,it asks questions which can be quantified.

When did cnc start?

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Asked by Wiki User

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) technology was developed in the late 1940s and became more widely used in the 1970s as computers and software became more advanced. It has since revolutionized the manufacturing industry by automating and controlling machining tools with precision.

What is the advantage of doubly linked list over singly linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not that one is better than the other. They are used in different circumstances. A linear linked list is used like an array, with the added benefits of random insertion/removal of elements, etc. A circular linked list is often used as a buffer where one portion of the program produces data and another consumes it, such as in communications.

What is hetrogenious linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

A heterogeneous linked list is a linked list where each node can store different types of data. This is different from a homogeneous linked list where all nodes store the same type of data. Heterogeneous linked lists can be useful for scenarios where you need to store multiple types of data in a single list.

What is a circular singly linked lists?

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Asked by Wiki User

A circular singly linked list is a data structure that contains a series of nodes where each node has a reference to the next node in the list. The last node in the list points back to the first node, creating a cycle. This allows for efficient traversal in both directions and can be used for tasks like implementing circular buffers or round-robin scheduling.

Student database using linked singly linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

A singly linked list can be used to implement a student database by creating a node structure with fields like student ID, name, and grade. Each node would point to the next node in the list, forming a chain. The advantage of a singly linked list is that it allows for efficient insertion and deletion operations, which are common in a dynamic database like one for students.

How do you implement a doubly linked list by using singly linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

To implement a doubly linked list using a singly linked list, you can create two nodes in each element of the singly linked list - one for the next element and another for the previous element. This way, each node will have access to both its previous and next nodes, effectively creating a doubly linked list structure using a singly linked list implementation.

What is heterogeneous linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

A heterogeneous linked list is a data structure where each node can store data of different types. This allows for a flexible way to organize and manipulate data that may vary in structure or content. Each node contains a pointer to the next node in the list, enabling traversal and manipulation of the data.

Give 10 difference between dda and bresenham algorithm?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. DDA algorithm involves floating-point operations, while Bresenham algorithm uses only integer operations.
  2. DDA algorithm calculates the exact position of each pixel, while Bresenham algorithm determines the closest pixel to the ideal line path.
  3. DDA algorithm can suffer from precision issues due to floating-point calculations, while Bresenham algorithm is more accurate and efficient.
  4. DDA algorithm is simpler to implement but slower than Bresenham algorithm.
  5. DDA algorithm is susceptible to rounding errors, while Bresenham algorithm is not.
  6. DDA algorithm can produce jagged lines due to rounding errors, while Bresenham algorithm generates smoother lines.
  7. DDA algorithm is suitable for both lines and circles, while Bresenham algorithm is primarily used for drawing lines.
  8. DDA algorithm can handle lines with any slope, while Bresenham algorithm is more efficient for lines with slopes close to 0 or 1.
  9. DDA algorithm involves multiplication and division operations, while Bresenham algorithm uses addition and subtraction operations.
  10. DDA algorithm is a general line drawing algorithm, while Bresenham algorithm is specialized for line drawing and rasterization.

What is the difference between doubly linked list and circular linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

A doubly linked list allows traversal in both directions (forward and backward) by having each node point to both its next and previous nodes. A circular linked list is a type of linked list where the last node points back to the first node, forming a circular structure. This allows continuous traversal through the elements without a definitive end.

What are examples of pattern recognition?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of pattern recognition include detecting faces in images, identifying fraudulent behavior in financial transactions, and recognizing speech in audio recordings. These tasks involve recognizing consistent and repeating patterns within data to make accurate predictions or classifications.

What are the disadvantages of teaching on a class blackboard?

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Asked by Laila104

Some disadvantages of teaching on a class blackboard include limited space for content, difficulty in erasing and rewriting information, potential for messy handwriting, and challenges in keeping all students engaged as the teacher faces the board.

How do you find whether linked list is circular or not?

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Asked by Wiki User

To determine if a linked list is circular, you can use the Floyd's cycle detection algorithm. This algorithm involves using two pointers moving at different speeds through the list, and if there is a cycle, the two pointers will eventually meet at the same node. If they don't meet and one of the pointers reaches the end of the list, then the list is not circular.

Main deffrent between c and cpp?

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Asked by Wiki User

C is a procedural programming language, while C++ is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports both procedural and object-oriented programming. C++ has additional features such as classes, inheritance, and polymorphism that allow for more flexible and modular code design compared to C.

Common operation of singly linked list?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common operations on a singly linked list include insertion (at the beginning, end, or specific position), deletion (from the beginning, end, or specific position), traversal (visiting each node in the list), searching (finding a specific value), and updating (modifying the value of a node).

Is a ruler a line or a line segment?

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Asked by Wiki User

A ruler is a line segment because it ends at a one point when a line goes on forever.

What are conditional statements?

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Asked by Wiki User

Conditional statements are used in programming to make decisions based on certain conditions. They allow the program to execute different code blocks depending on whether a condition is true or false. Common conditional statements include if, else, and else if.

Disadvantages of custom written software?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some disadvantages of custom written software include higher development costs, longer implementation times, potential compatibility issues with other systems, and difficulties in scaling and maintaining the software as business needs evolve.

What is the difference between artificial neural network and hidden Markov model methods?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artificial neural network is a machine learning model that processes data in a non-linear way, while hidden Markov model is a statistical model that deals with sequential data and uses probabilities to model transitions between states. In neural networks, the focus is on learning the underlying patterns within the data, while in hidden Markov models, the emphasis is on estimating the probabilities of transitioning between different states.

Is tablize a word?

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Asked by Wiki User

Now it is! This is how every word is "invented". Someone like you comes up with a new word to meet a new need, and eventually it finds its way to a dictionary. A dictionary is a follower, but you can be a leader. Good answer. Yes it is a word

How to get an output in inverted commas for example thank you in inverted commas in c progr amming?

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Asked by Wiki User

To print "thank you" in inverted commas in C programming, you can use the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("\"thank you\"\n");
    return 0;

This code will display the output as: "thank you"

What languages can a browser understand?

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Asked by Wiki User

HTML, CSS, & JavaScript.

How do you find what version of Microsoft Excel you have?

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Asked by Wiki User

Go to the Help menu and look at the About option which will tell you. The version of Excel you have is linked to the version of Office you have. If you know what version of Office you have, then you know what version of Excel you have.

How do I calculate the position of 12 squares aligned around the edges of a do-decagon?

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Asked by Cacē Jones

To calculate the position of the 12 squares aligned around the edges of a perfect dodecagon, you can use the following steps:

  1. Calculate the radius of the dodecagon:

    • The edges of the dodecagon are 576 units long, and the dodecagon is a regular polygon, so the radius can be calculated as:

    • Radius = (Edge Length) / (2 × tan(π/12)) = 576 / (2 × tan(π/12)) ≈ 500.00 units

  2. Calculate the position of the centers of the squares:

    • The squares are 576 × 576 units, so their centers will be 288 units away from the edge of the dodecagon.

    • The centers of the squares will be evenly spaced around the dodecagon, with an angular separation of 30 degrees (360 degrees / 12 squares).

    • The coordinates of the centers of the squares can be calculated using the following formulas:

      • x = (Radius + 288) × cos(θ)

      • y = (Radius + 288) × sin(θ)

    • Where θ is the angle of the square, starting from the positive x-axis and increasing counterclockwise.

Applying these formulas, the coordinates of the centers of the 12 squares are:

  1. (681.40, 1801.21)

  2. (1365.45, 1117.77)

  3. (1365.45, -1117.77)

  4. (681.40, -1801.21)

  5. (-681.40, -1801.21)

  6. (-1365.45, -1117.77)

  7. (-1365.45, 1117.77)

  8. (-681.40, 1801.21)

  9. (0.00, 2000.00)

  10. (1000.00, 1732.05)

  11. (1000.00, -1732.05)

  12. (0.00, -2000.00)

Okay, let's solve this step-by-step:

  1. We have a regular dodecagon with edge length of 576 units.

  2. The dodecagon is centered at (0, 0).

  3. You want to place 12 squares of size 576 x 576 units around the edges of the dodecagon.

  4. The squares should be rotated 30 degrees more than the previous one.

To calculate the position of the centers of the 12 squares:

  1. The angle between each square is 360/12 = 30 degrees.

  2. The radius of the dodecagon is 576 / (2 * tan(π/12)) = 500 units.

  3. The center of the first square is at:

    • x = 500 * cos(0) = 500

    • y = 500 * sin(0) = 0

  4. The center of the second square is at:

    • x = 500 * cos(30 * π/180) = 433.01

    • y = 500 * sin(30 * π/180) = 250.00

  5. Continuing this pattern, the coordinates of the 12 square centers are:

| Square | X | Y |

| --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | 500.00 | 0.00 |

| 2 | 433.01 | 250.00 |

| 3 | 250.00 | 433.01 |

| 4 | 0.00 | 500.00 |

| 5 | -250.00 | 433.01 |

| 6 | -433.01 | 250.00 |

| 7 | -500.00 | 0.00 |

| 8 | -433.01 | -250.00 |

| 9 | -250.00 | -433.01 |

| 10 | 0.00 | -500.00 |

| 11 | 250.00 | -433.01 |

| 12 | 433.01 | -355.o1

The coordinates are rounded to two decimal places, as requested.