


Law & Legal Issues

The laws of a society is a set of rules and principles that determine a system of society's dos and don'ts, and the institutions that legislate and enforce the laws. Ask your questions about laws, legal systems, and legal issues here.

500 Questions

What do you understand by one person one vote one value?

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"One person, one vote, one value" is a democratic principle that holds each person's vote should carry the same weight regardless of their economic status or social standing. It emphasizes the idea that each individual's right to vote is equal and should be valued equally in the electoral process.

Are Israeli police officers corrupt?

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There have been cases and allegations of corruption involving Israeli police officers. However, it is important to note that not all police officers are corrupt and many uphold the law with integrity. Efforts are being made to address corruption within the police force through reforms and accountability measures.

What does the catholic church do about corrupt leaders?

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The Catholic Church takes allegations of corruption among its leaders seriously and may investigate the claims internally. Depending on the severity of the allegations, the Church may take disciplinary action, including removal from office. Ultimately, the Church aims to uphold the principles of integrity and ethical conduct among its leaders.

What are the legal basis of studying political science?

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The legal basis for studying political science varies by country, but generally, it is considered a field of study under the social sciences that examines political systems, government structures, and political behavior. In many countries, political science is part of the curriculum of universities and colleges, and its study is often supported by academic institutions and government bodies interested in understanding and promoting effective governance.

How do people bribe?

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Bribery involves offering money, gifts, or favors to someone in a position of power or authority in exchange for special treatment, favors, or access to benefits. It is illegal and unethical, with serious consequences for both the briber and the person being bribed.

In Michigan can a dpoa invoke a dnr if the pt has signed a living will stating they want CPR?

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A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA) typically does not have the authority to override a patient's express wishes contained in a living will, such as wanting CPR. If the patient has decided to receive CPR in their living will, the DNR order cannot override that decision. It is important to consult with a legal professional for guidance in such situations.

What are the political parties 3 main goals?

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The main goals of political parties typically include winning elections to gain power, implementing their policy agenda to address key issues, and shaping public opinion to gain support for their platform. It may also involve promoting their party ideology and values, as well as influencing government decision-making.

What is the most corrupt country in europe?

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Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries based on perceived levels of corruption. In Europe, countries like Russia, Ukraine, and Serbia have been consistently ranked as having high levels of corruption.

What are fiduciary relationships among countries alliances based on?

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Fiduciary relationships among countries alliances are typically based on trust, mutual respect, and shared values. They involve a commitment to act in each other's best interests and uphold common goals and principles. Such relationships often entail a higher level of accountability and transparency in decision-making processes.

What is the most free country in the world?

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The answer to this question can vary depending on the criteria used to measure freedom. Some organizations rank countries based on factors such as civil liberties, political rights, and rule of law. According to some indices, countries like Norway, Sweden, and New Zealand often rank highly in terms of freedom.

How has natural law been corrupt?

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Natural law theory has been criticized for being vague and susceptible to misinterpretation, leading to conflicting ethical conclusions. Some argue that it can be used to justify harmful actions by appealing to a supposed "natural order." Additionally, historical applications of natural law have been used to support oppressive practices, such as slavery, colonialism, and discrimination.

What are New Mexico's political parties?

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In New Mexico, the main political parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Additionally, the state also has minor parties such as the Libertarian Party and the Green Party which have some presence in elections.

Can you work as a home health aide with a resisting arrest felony in New Jersey?

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It may be challenging to work as a home health aide with a resisting arrest felony on your record in New Jersey. Employers in the healthcare sector often conduct background checks, and a felony conviction could disqualify you from certain positions. It's recommended to check with potential employers or licensing boards for specific guidance on this matter.

What is The purpose for the good samaritian act?

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The purpose of the Good Samaritan act is to protect individuals who provide reasonable assistance to those who are injured or in peril from being held liable for any harm that may occur while providing aid. It encourages people to help others in times of emergency without fear of legal repercussions.

In Arizona at what age are you considered a senior citizen?

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In Arizona, you are considered a senior citizen at age 65 for purposes such as eligibility for certain discounts and benefits.

Effect of quality of working life on organisation?

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Improving the quality of working life in an organization can lead to increased employee satisfaction, higher motivation levels, reduced turnover rates, increased productivity, and better overall performance. When employees feel their well-being is valued and supported by the organization, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, leading to positive outcomes for the organization as a whole.

A basic reason for the existence of so many interest groups in the US is?

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The existence of many interest groups in the US is due to the diverse range of issues and viewpoints present in society. These groups form to advocate for specific causes, represent various constituencies, and influence policy-making processes at different levels of government. This pluralistic system allows for a democratic expression of interests and ensures that various voices are heard in the political process.

Can the parents family doctor declare the parent incompetent?

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A family doctor typically does not have the authority to declare a person incompetent. Legal competency is usually determined by a court after a formal evaluation by a mental health professional. If there are concerns about a parent's competency, family members can raise the issue with appropriate legal authorities.

How do you declare someone mentally incompetent in miss?

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To declare someone mentally incompetent in Mississippi, a petition must be filed with the chancery court alleging the individual's incapacity. The court will appoint a committee of three individuals to evaluate the person's mental capacity. If the committee determines the person is incompetent, the court may appoint a guardian or conservator to make decisions on their behalf.

Role of agency for international development in foreign relations?

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Agencies for international development play a crucial role in foreign relations by promoting economic growth, poverty reduction, and social progress in developing countries. They help strengthen ties between nations, promote stability, and address global challenges such as climate change and health pandemics. Additionally, these agencies help foster goodwill and collaboration between countries, enhancing diplomatic relationships and mutual understanding.

Is it illegal to bribe someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

i think this kind of depends on the circumstances.

i mean it is an illegal offence, but if it were a friend or family etc i dont think it would stand up in court.

if however you were to bribe someone on somthing serious, eg, bribe someone to testify in court, or bribe an examiner to pass you, then that would be a serious offence

How are decisions made in an indirect democracy?

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In an indirect democracy, decisions are made through elected representatives who act on behalf of the people. These representatives gather input from their constituents, debate legislative proposals, and ultimately vote on laws and policies. The decision-making process involves a balance between representing the will of the people and using their own judgment and expertise.

What is the interrelationship of political science with other branches of learning?

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Political science intersects with various other branches of learning such as sociology, economics, history, and international relations. It draws on these disciplines to analyze political behavior, institutions, and policies. By integrating perspectives from different fields, political science can provide a more comprehensive understanding of political phenomena.

How does being a nation of laws both protect and limit freedom?

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Being a nation of laws protects freedom by providing structure and safeguards that establish rights and prevent abuse of power. However, it also limits freedom by setting boundaries on behavior and actions to maintain order and balance the rights of individuals with the needs of society.

After someone dies at home how long can you keep the body there?

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You can keep a body at home for a few hours to a day after death in most places. However, it is important to check local regulations and contact a funeral home for guidance on how to proceed with the deceased person.