


General Educational Development (GED)

A group of five subject examination, the General Educational Development (GED) test certifies students who pass this examination that they posses Canadian or American high school-level academic skills. GED is developed by the American Council on Education.

500 Questions

When was the article the early catastrophe published why would this be important?

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The article "The Early Catastrophe" was published in 2010. This information is important because it allows readers to contextualize the research findings and understand when the study was conducted, helping them gauge the relevance and potential evolution of the discussed issues over time.

Can you get your GED and attend to a university or collage?

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Yes, you can get your GED (General Educational Development) and attend a university or college. Many institutions accept GED certificates as an equivalent to a high school diploma for admission. It's important to research the specific requirements of the universities or colleges you're interested in attending.

What are psychological influences?

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Psychological influences refer to internal factors that impact an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These can include beliefs, attitudes, motivations, emotions, and cognitive processes that shape how a person perceives and interacts with their environment. Psychological influences play a significant role in shaping an individual's experiences and decision-making.

What theory did Jean Piaget contribute to child development studies?

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Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development is one of his major contributions to child development studies. He proposed that children progress through distinct stages of cognitive development as they grow, each characterized by different ways of thinking and understanding the world around them. Piaget's theory emphasized the active role of children in constructing their knowledge through interactions with their environment.

What percentage of tax payer's money goes towards social services?

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The percentage of taxpayer money allocated to social services varies by country and government budgets. In general, social services can account for a significant portion of government spending, often ranging from 20-40% of the total budget. It is important to note that these figures can fluctuate based on economic conditions and government priorities.

Do college degrees make you more socially accepted?

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Having a college degree may open up more opportunities for social interactions and networking, as it can potentially indicate a level of education and achievement that others may value. However, social acceptance is determined by various factors beyond academic qualifications, such as personality, values, and communication skills. Ultimately, acceptance is based on how you connect with others on a personal level, rather than just having a degree.

What is percentile rank for US on a GED test?

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The percentile rank for the United States on the GED test represents where the performance of test-takers in the US falls within the overall distribution of scores. For example, if a student's percentile rank is 75%, it means they scored equal to or better than 75% of test-takers in the US.

What percentage of people do not have a dominant learning style?

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Approximately 70% of individuals do not have a dominant learning style, meaning they have a mix of auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning preferences. This suggests that most people benefit from a variety of teaching methods to effectively absorb and retain information.

Is it possible to use all 6 of bloom's cognitive domain in one lesson?

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Yes, it is possible to incorporate all six levels of Bloom's cognitive domain (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation) in one lesson by designing activities that progressively scaffold students' thinking skills. This can be achieved by starting with foundational knowledge and moving towards higher-order thinking tasks that involve analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information.

How many types of hierarchy of learning in Gagne's learning theory?

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Gagne's learning theory outlines five types of hierarchies: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes. Each hierarchy represents a different type of learning outcome and suggests different instructional strategies to achieve mastery.

What fractions are smaller than 1 over 10?

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All fractions with a denominator greater than 10 are smaller than 1/10. For example, 1/11, 1/12, 1/100, and so on are all smaller than 1/10.

Is education of girlchild is a burden?

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No, the education of girls is not a burden. It is crucial for their empowerment, breaking gender stereotypes, and contributing to social and economic development. Investing in girls' education has far-reaching positive impacts on families, communities, and societies.

What is the role of students in the development of curriculum?

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Students play a key role in providing feedback on the curriculum based on their learning experiences and needs. Their input can help educators make adjustments to improve the effectiveness and relevance of the curriculum. Additionally, involving students in the curriculum development process promotes student engagement and ownership of their learning.

Concept development and its relationship with learning?

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Concept development involves the process of understanding, organizing, and internalizing new ideas or information. It is closely related to learning, as individuals need to grasp new concepts in order to expand their knowledge and skills. Through concept development, learners are able to build on existing knowledge, make connections, and deepen their understanding of various subjects.

What to expect from ADD meds in children?

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When children take medication for ADD, they may experience improved focus, impulse control, and behavior regulation. However, there may also be potential side effects such as appetite suppression, disrupted sleep, and mood changes. It is important for parents and caregivers to closely monitor children on ADD medication and consult with their healthcare provider regularly.

What are the types of supervision?

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The types of supervision typically include administrative supervision, clinical supervision, and supportive supervision. Administrative supervision focuses on organizational policies and procedures, while clinical supervision deals with professional development and skill building. Supportive supervision aims to provide emotional support and guidance to supervisees.

Can all rocks be referred to as ores?

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No, not all rocks can be referred to as ores. Ores are rocks or minerals that contain sufficient quantity of a sought-after material, like metals, that can be extracted and processed for use. So, while all ores are rocks, not all rocks are considered ores.

Basic trends for development of system approach in education?

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The development of a system approach in education includes the focus on interconnected components within the educational system, such as curriculum, assessment, and teacher professional development. It emphasizes viewing education as a complex system with interdependent parts that work together to achieve common goals. The integration of technology and data-driven decision-making are also key trends in advancing a system approach in education.

Is education better than money?

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Education and money serve different purposes. Education provides knowledge, skills, and personal growth, which can lead to better opportunities and overall well-being. While money is important for meeting basic needs and providing financial security. Both are valuable in different ways and can complement each other for a fulfilling life.

How do you apply insight learning theory in the classroom?

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Educational Implications:

(i) The teacher should present a topic as a whole, teaching the relationship between the

constituent parts so that understanding of the learning situation results: The learning

experiences should be so arranged that the learner discovers & generalises the

relationship by himself. The subject matter should be organised into larger units /

meaningful wholes. The concept of unit - planning is based on the gestalt psychology

of learning. The children should, at the end, be able to perceive the relationship

between different units taught. The teacher should maintain the continuity while

teaching a big unit in smaller parts.

While teaching Geography, parts of a flower, etc. the region / flower should be emphasized.

While reading the spelling should be read as a whole word & not individual letters; in

Maths, the relationship between the different steps should be made clear; while teaching

grammar, the functional aspect is also to be emphasized.

Just definitions about nouns, pronouns etc, without showing how they are used, is going to

be of no value. In Biology different systems (respiration, degestion, circulation, etc.) should

be related into an organised whole - functioning of the human body.

(ii) The 'purpose' or 'motive' plays the central role in the learning process. Hence the

students should be motivated by arousing their interest & curiosity.

(iii) Understanding, reasoning & such use of creative mental powers is needed rather than

rote learning or dirll / practice work. The learner should be given opportunities to use

thinking & reasoning powers. Instead of giving him re facts & figures, he should be

placed in the position of an independent enquirer / discoverer. Instead of spoon - 4

feeding the information, scientific & progressive methods like analytic & problem

solving which advocate learning by insight should be made popular.

However, it is difficult to rely exclusively on particular method to teach a topic. A

method cannot be based purely on stimulus response or field theories. This is because

all children are not equally intelligent nor have the required capacity for insight

learning at a particular moment. Hence, the whole - part - whole method is to be

emphasized, which in involves the giving of the general outline or broad features of

the topic; then analysis the various specifics through stimulus response associations,

then generalize & integrate into a summated whole unit / topic.

What was lev vygotsky theory?

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Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory focuses on how social interactions and cultural factors influence cognitive development. He emphasized the importance of social interactions, language, and culture in shaping an individual's thought processes and learning abilities. Vygotsky proposed that learning occurs through collaboration with others and that development precedes learning.

What are the differences between General Objectives and Specific Objectives?

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General objectives provide an overall direction or purpose of a project or task, while specific objectives outline the detailed steps or outcomes needed to achieve the general objectives. General objectives are broader and more high-level, whereas specific objectives are more focused and measurable.

What is ment by partnership working in the context of safeguarding?

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Partnership working in safeguarding refers to different organizations and agencies collaborating to protect vulnerable individuals from harm or abuse. This involves sharing information, resources, and responsibilities to ensure a coordinated and effective response to safeguarding concerns. Effective partnership working can help to better identify risks, provide support, and prevent harm.

What are the importance of human relations in education?

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Human relations in education are important for building positive relationships between students, teachers, parents, and administrators. These connections foster a supportive and collaborative learning environment, leading to improved academic performance and overall well-being of students. Additionally, positive human relations promote engagement, motivation, and a sense of belonging within the school community.

What are the roles of the library in the students goal acquiring knowledge?

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Libraries provide resources like books and databases to support students in their research and learning endeavors. They also offer quiet study spaces and access to librarians who can assist with finding information. Additionally, libraries often host workshops and events to help students improve their research skills and access information effectively.