

Space Aliens

The existence of life beyond earth is strictly theoretical. Whether you consider them friendly visitors, aggressive invaders, or just characters in a science fiction novel or film, ask your questions about our space neighbors here.

500 Questions

Did aliens bring us to earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to many religions, aliens did not bring us to Earth. There are virtually no religions that acknowledge the existence of aliens. There is no fact that they did or didn't, so we must rely on the most popular religions, and all popular religions do not acknowledge the existence of aliens, let alone their bringing us to earth.

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It all depends on how you define "alien." The word alien really just means "stranger" or "foreigner." Just because they are not mentioned in religious texts using that name doesn't mean there are no aliens in the text. If we were to see God or angels today, we'd think they were aliens. The Bible speaks of angels. Also, the Bible does mention on "alien" race, and that is the Annunaki (Genesis 6:1-2,4.).

Are aliens imaginary?

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Aliens are typically considered to be fictional or speculative beings that have not been proven to exist. There is no conclusive evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting Earth. While the idea of aliens has been popularized in science fiction, there is a lack of scientific evidence to confirm their existence.

What is life REALLY all about?

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The meaning of life is a highly debated topic and may vary based on individual beliefs and experiences. Some believe it is about finding happiness and fulfillment, while others may find purpose through relationships, contributions to society, or spiritual beliefs. Ultimately, the meaning of life is subjective and can be different for each person.

If Adam and Eve were the first humans on earth after being booted from the Garden of Eden were they the first aliens to come to earth and as a result aren't all human beings descendants of aliens?

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Asked by Wiki User

The story of Adam and Eve in the Bible is a religious story, not a literal account of human history or the origin of life on Earth. From a scientific perspective, human evolution occurred over millions of years through natural processes without extraterrestrial intervention. So, humans are not descendants of aliens in the literal sense.

When you put your goo alien in the freezer do you leave the goo with it?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you should not leave the goo alien in the freezer with the goo. Freezing the goo could damage it and possibly alter its texture or properties. It's best to remove the goo from the alien before placing it in the freezer.

How do you get rid of nightmares They really scare me because i get some about aliens and what not?

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Asked by Motleycrueman13

To reduce nightmares, try establishing a calming bedtime routine, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding stimulating activities before bed, and creating a peaceful sleep environment. It may also be helpful to process any underlying stress or anxieties through techniques such as journaling or speaking with a therapist.

How do alien birth pods grow?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alien birthpods do not 'grow', they are an alien pod with a pregnant alien Mum in it, and sometimes 2 other babies (usually twins), and you help the alien give birth by gently squeezing her head or body ( depending if it comes out of the back or the head - you will know by the huge hole which opens up that the baby will pop out of) and gently pulling it out if it does not pop out. Sometimes it is embedded in the aliens head, so you might have to it off of the head.

I hope this helped.

Does George Washington's diary really contain references to small people known as green-skins?

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No, there is no credible evidence to suggest that George Washington's diary contains references to small people known as green-skins. This claim is likely a myth or a misconception. Washington's diary primarily documents his daily activities, thoughts, and interactions during his lifetime.

Do Aliens exsist in space?

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Asked by Mokey321

There is currently no definitive scientific evidence to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. While the vastness of the universe suggests that it is possible for alien life to exist, it remains a topic of speculation and ongoing scientific research.

Does aliens exit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists have found underground caves on earth that have about the same conditions as mars and have found microscopic life forms in these caves, and as humans we had to have started as (protists) one celled creatures believed to live mostly in water so my opinion is how can Earth be the only planet that sustains life forms that we know of.

But there is, as yet, no firm scientific proof. After all, someone must be the first form of intelligent life in the universe; it may well be us.

I believe there are. What's the point of having the other planets if nothing goes on on them? Everyone has their own opinions though, there had been many claims of alien sightings such as mysterious crop circles appearing at night in Europe.

The universe is a huge place.

However, this does not mean aliens are flying around making weird designs in cornfields or flying saucer shaped space vehicles, or even abducting people.

Life most likely does exist in other parts of the universe, however.

We have no evidence of intelligent beings from other planets who have visited the Earth, movies like "ET" and "Independence Day" notwithstanding.

However, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". The fact that we cannot prove that "aliens" exist does not mean that we can prove that "aliens" DO NOT exist. The "U" in "UFO" stands for "UNIDENTIFIED". If there's a strange light in the sky, we don't know what it is.

As much as the little kid in me would like to believe in Martians and aliens in flying saucers, the scientist in me knows that it would be extraordinarily unlikely that they have ever visited Earth.

I think there are. But nobody knows for sure. Why would we be the only living things in our universe?

Actually, scientists don't know yet if there is aliens out there. The Hubble telescope can see really far away that doesn't mean that there isn't aliens out there. I believe that there is aliens out there.

So far, aliens from another world are still a fantasy. Human imagination is a powerful tool that helps us with so many things in our real world. It can be interesting and fun to use your imagination to create, solve problems, and imagine what could be. Until there are facts to support alien life forms that are from outer space, there is nothing wrong with the fantasy as long as you know where it separates from reality.

There is an alien invasion what will you do?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would follow emergency procedures and seek safety in a designated shelter. It's essential to stay calm and listen to official instructions to ensure personal safety and well-being during such a crisis.

Are aliens real or just science fiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, there is no definitive scientific evidence proving the existence of extraterrestrial life. While it is a popular theme in science fiction, there has been no confirmed contact or discovery of alien beings. The search for extraterrestrial life continues in the scientific community.

When will the aliens attack?

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There is no evidence to suggest that aliens are planning to attack Earth. It is important to base beliefs on facts and remain open to new information.

Why are aliens not real?

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Asked by Wiki User

God didn't create other planets with icing beings, but God said there would be a new heaven and a new earth. And plus, there are no such thing as aliens.

What is that white gooey thing in your underwear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vaginal discharge.

Do alien really egsist?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can learn it in deeper perspective in this youtube channel: The History Buff

What have people that saw space aliens say they look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hello am 12 years old and this is what I have to say. People that say they have seen aliens say they look short and gray. They call them the Gray's also say men in black (not the movie) that never talk are aliens. How I know this is because I did a research project on aliens. Still no matter what they say we will never know for sure unless with see a alien with are own two eyes.

Is alien hominid multiplayer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Alien Hominid has multiplayer capabilities. The game features a cooperative multiplayer mode where two players can play together locally. Players can team up to battle enemies and progress through the game's levels together.

How many times have aliens been on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence or consensus to suggest that aliens have ever visited Earth. While claims of alien sightings and encounters have been made, none have been substantiated by credible scientific investigation. The existence of extraterrestrial life remains an open question, but to date, there is no definitive proof of interactions between aliens and humans.

When does alien 5 come out?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of now, there is no official release date for Alien 5. The project has been in development but has faced several delays and changes in direction. It is unclear when or if the movie will ultimately be released.

What are the names of aliens in Ben-10 alien force?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the alien names in Ben 10 Alien Force include Swampfire, Big Chill, Humungousaur, Chromastone, Brainstorm, Echo Echo, Jetray, and Goop.

Is it true that martians are aliens?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not true that Martians are aliens. The term "Martian" refers to beings or things that come from or are associated with the planet Mars. While the possibility of life existing on Mars is still being explored, there is no confirmed evidence of aliens or extraterrestrial life on Mars or any other planet.

How long are birth pod aliens pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive answer as birth pod aliens are fictional and can vary in different stories or interpretations. In science fiction, the pregnancy duration of different alien species can range from days to years. It ultimately depends on the imaginative concept created by the author or creator.

Do aliens live like we humans?

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It is difficult to say for certain because we have no evidence or knowledge of extraterrestrial life. However, it is likely that if aliens do exist, their lifestyles would be different from those of humans due to differences in their biology, environment, and cultural development.

Do all elephants look the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

All elephants do look the same. There are 2 types of elephants, African and Asian. But they don't look the same.