


Bill of Rights

The first 10 Amendments of the US Constitution, commonly referred to as the Bill of Rights. These amendments were considered crucial by many of the early founders and were necessary to gain support of some of the states.

500 Questions

How do you rewrite the seventh amendment in fifth grade words?

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The Seventh Amendment is like a rule that says if there is a disagreement about something, like money or property, you can have a jury decide who is right. It helps make sure that everyone gets a fair chance in a legal situation.

What is the Acrostic poem of the bill of rights?

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The Acrostic poem for the Bill of Rights could be something like:

Basic rights for all Individual freedoms protected Limiting government power Laws safeguarding liberties Ensuring justice and equality

What is a haiku for bill of rights?

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Bill of Rights penned Liberty and justice for All in land of free

How might news reports differ if freedom of speech and the press were not part of the constitution?

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Without freedom of speech and the press in the constitution, news reports might be heavily censored or biased to reflect the views of those in power. Journalists could be at greater risk of persecution for reporting on sensitive or controversial issues, leading to self-censorship. The public's access to diverse viewpoints and information could be restricted, impacting transparency and accountability in society.

What type of police action was banned by the 4th amendment?

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The 4th Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement, which means that police cannot conduct searches or take property from individuals without a warrant or probable cause. This includes entering homes without permission or conducting searches without a valid reason.

How does the bill of rights influence individual actions and social interactions?

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The Bill of Rights shapes individual actions by guaranteeing fundamental freedoms such as speech and assembly, empowering citizens to express opinions without fear. It influences social interactions by fostering a culture of respect for personal liberties, promoting a sense of equality, and encouraging open discourse. Additionally, the Bill of Rights serves as a legal framework, guiding individuals in navigating their rights and responsibilities within society. Overall, it plays a crucial role in shaping a democratic and just social environment.

What do the ninth and tenth amendment do?

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The Ninth Amendment states that the Constitution does not deny or disparage other rights that belong to the people, even if they are not specifically mentioned. The Tenth Amendment states that powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people. These amendments emphasize the protection of individual rights and the limitation of the federal government's authority.

What is the article of confederation's highest advantage?

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The highest advantage of the Articles of Confederation was that it allowed the thirteen original states to maintain their independence and sovereignty while creating a unified government. It provided a system for resolving disputes and coordinating common interests among the states, such as defense and foreign affairs.

When was Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners created?

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Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners was not created on a specific date. It is an ongoing movement and concept rooted in the recognition and protection of the human rights of individuals who are incarcerated. Efforts to improve the rights of prisoners have evolved over time through various legal and advocacy initiatives.

What was abolished by the 20th amendment?

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The 20th Amendment abolished the practice of the "Lame Duck" session in Congress. It shortened the amount of time between a president's election and inauguration, reducing the potential for a prolonged period of inaction or stalemate. It also established January 20th as the date for the president's inauguration.

What did the Bill of Rights add to the constitution?

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They added the bill of rights to make sure the rights of citizens would be safe.

When was the Bill of Rights adopted?

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when was the 13th 14th and 15th admendment adopted

Why was the ninth amendment added to the constitution?

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The ninth amendment covered other rights not specifically mentioned in the constitution.

Which theory of incorporation holds that the fourteenth amendment applied to the entire bill of rights to the states?

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Total or Mechanical Incorporation (sometimes also called complete incorporation), which was championed by Justice Hugo Black. The US Supreme Court uses "selective incorporation," however.

For more information, see Related Questions, below.

What the fourth amendment of the bill of rights mean?

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The Fourth Amendment means that no one can search you, your home, or your personal property without a warrant, unless their reason is justified. (reasonable)

There are exceptions to the "personal" extent of the amendment, such as suspicious activity, commission of a crime, or making threats against others. Your home may be entered without a warrant only if circumstances lead the police to believe that someone is in imminent danger, or is becoming the victim of a violent crime.

What right does the fourth amendment protect?

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unnecessary searches and seizures of property or belonging (aplus) :) you're welcome!

What impact does terrorism and cyber crimes have on the fourth amendment?

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What impact does terrorism and cybercrimes have on interpreting the fourth amendment

Difference between Texas Bill of Rights and US Bill of Rights?

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The Texas Bill of Rights and the U.S. Bill of Rights contrast in that the U.S. includes the Bill of Rights only as an addendum in the first ten amendments. Texas places it's Bill of Rights in the beginning of Article I.

Texas changes the order of its Rights significantly and goes on to include the perceived dangers of the time, such as the threat of the national government. Since Texas did not trust the government they added protections from the government in the Bill of Rights.

  • The threat of national government - "the maintenance of our free

    institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government unimpaired to all the States." [Article I,

    Section 1]

  • The threat of state government - "[the people of Texas] have at all times

    the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such

    manner as they may think expedient" [Article I, Section 2]

  • The threat of government favoritism - "All free men, when they form a social

    compact, have equal rights and no man, or set of men, is entitled to exclusive

    separate public emoluments, or privileges, but in consideration of public

    services." [Article I, Section 3]

  • Article VI: Suffrage: Specifies separately the basic right to vote and the qualifications for voting for Texans
  • The two constitutions are similar in that they provide for a separation of powers, checks and balances, and a bill of rights.
  • The concept of federalism is also embodied in both documents.
  • The supremacy clause and the necessary and proper clause found in the U.S.. Constitution distinguish the federal constitution from its state counterpart.

Why do you need the 2nd amendment?

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The Second Amendment allows one to protect themselves should their home or family be threatened. It also may be necessary should our country be invaded and it becomes necessary for the American people to join forces with the military to protect what is ours.

How are the Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights similar?

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Both were made to give the people their freedom.The declaraition declared it, the bill of rights protected it.

What does it mean to have an armband tattoo on your right arm?

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Among gay men, piercing the left nipple only or tattooing an armband on the left upper arm only, can be perceived as a statement that the wearer is a top or dominant, meaning that sexually he is anally insertive and orally passive (he receives oral from his partner). In the context of someone who is into B&D or S&M, it means that they are the dominant partner in sexual activities and function as the master, daddy or sir. A gay man who has pierced his right nipple only or has tattooed an armband on only his right upper arm, can be perceived as the bottom or submissive, meaning that sexually he is the anally receptive partner and orally active (he gives oral to his partner). In the B&D and S&M subculture, it means that they are the submissive partner in sex, and function as the slave or boy.

The origin or left/right can possibly be attributed to the following:

The wearing of various colored bandanas around the neck was common in the mid and late nineteenth century among cowboys, steam railroad engineers, and miners in the Western United States. It is thought that the wearing of bandanas by gay men originated in San Francisco after the Gold Rush, when, because of a shortage of women, men dancing with each other in square dances developed a code where the man wearing the blue bandana took the male part in the square dance, and the man wearing the red bandana took the female part (these bandanas were usually worn around the arm or hanging from the belt or in the back pocket of one's jeans). The modern-day version of this Bandana Code or Hanky Code actually originates back to the 70s when the New York City newspaper, the Village Voice, published an article suggesting that it would be easier for gay men in the Village to pick each other up if they didn't only have to rely on wearing their keys in their back pockets, left to denote active, right passive. The feature suggested that they should all get down to the surplus store at the intersection of Christopher and Washington Streets where they could buy color-coded Levi's bandanas. Although it was originally said in a sarcastic manner, the gay community took the recommendation to heart, not only in New York, but eventually across the globe. Although the code isn't as strong as it once was, it still exists in some circles.

Who signs the bills to become laws?

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Any senator or Representative can draw up a bill.

most of the time an administrative agency will draw up a bill and interest group will have a hand in this. but only a member of congress can introduce a bill to their house. in which case they become the bill sponser.