


Entertainment & Arts

Entertainment and Arts provide us with diversion and pleasure that make life a true joy. Whether it is through movies, music, games, or theater, the arts have a way of touching our souls. Questions in this category have to do with all types of entertainment, including the arts, media, modern and historical entertainment, as well as the effects of entertainment and arts on our society.

500 Questions

Which Poet wrote Galosheslessness is foolishness when sharply slants the rain?

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E. E. Cummings wrote the poem "Galosheslessness is foolishness when sharply slants the rain".

What sparks in the night and makes territory in fright?

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Fireworks usually spark in the night and can make animals in the territory frightened due to the loud noises and bright lights.

Is malcom macbeths son?

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No, Malcolm is not Macbeth's son. In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Malcolm is the son of King Duncan of Scotland. Macbeth is a nobleman who later becomes king through treacherous means.

What are the rules of kite fighting?

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In kite fighting, the goal is to control your kite and use it to cut the strings of your opponent's kite. The strings are typically coated with glass or abrasive materials to make them sharp. The last kite flying without its string cut is declared the winner. It is important to play in an open area away from obstacles and people to prevent accidents.

What does anti-climatic mean in literature?

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In literature, anti-climactic refers to a situation where an expected significant event or moment falls short of expectations, resulting in a lack of intensity or impact. This can create a sense of disappointment or underwhelming resolution for the reader.

Who is the evil wizard on 'The Smurfs'?

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Gargamel is the evil enemy of "The Smurfs."

Specifically, a wizard is supposed to accomplish what he wants by magic or supernatural means. Gargamel does not appear to boast of any such magical properties. Instead, he seems to know how to make magic potions. This is part of the job description of an alchemist. An alchemist who makes magic potions specifically for the purpose of doing evil is considered an evil alchemist and enemy of the Smurfs.

What is a Roman à clef novel in which characters are based on real people?

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A Roman à clef novel is a fictional work where the characters are thinly veiled representations of real people. One example is "The Beautiful and Damned" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, where the characters Anthony and Gloria are believed to be inspired by the author himself and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald.

Who is the evil wizard in 'The Castle in the Attic'?

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Alastor is the evil wizard in "The Castle in the Attic."

Specifically, he is a character in a book published in 1985. The book's plot revolves around the adventures of a ten-year-old boy being able to shrink to the size of his friend, a toy Silver Knight in a toy castle gifted by an English nanny. The book's author is Elizabeth Winthrop (b. 1948). Winthrop is the great great niece of 26th U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 - January 6, 1919).

Why do they not see many ships in their waters in Three Skeleton Key story?

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Asked by Kennethlopez71619

They do not see many ships in their waters in the story "Three Skeleton Key" because the remote island is known for its treacherous currents and rocky shores, making it dangerous for ships to navigate through. The island is also believed to be cursed, further deterring sailors from venturing too close.

What is a 'tricky ending' in a story?

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A tricky ending in a story is one that includes unexpected twists, turns, or revelations that challenge the reader's expectations. It can involve a surprising resolution to the plot or the development of a new perspective that changes the meaning of the entire story.

What does it mean there is no man who has never looked upon a woman without desire. It seems to me that it means all men have at some point looked upon a woman without desire?

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The statement suggests that all men, at some point, have likely experienced a moment of looking at a woman without feeling desire or attraction. It acknowledges the complexity of human interactions and the potential for platonic or neutral gaze, despite societal assumptions about male desire towards women.

What did Holmes mean by this comment about the death of the Doctor I cannot say that it is likely to weigh very heavily upon my conscience?

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It means that he isn't going to worry about it

The whole quote goes like this:

"And also with the result of causing it to turn upon its master at the other side. Some of the blows of my cane came home, and roused its snakish temper, so that it flew upon the first person it saw. In this way I am no doubt indirectly responsible for Dr. Grimesby Roylott's death, and I cannot say that it is likely to weigh very heavily upon my conscience."

Is there a sequel to the girl in blue by Ann rinaldi?

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No, there is no direct sequel to "The Girl in Blue" by Ann Rinaldi. However, if you enjoyed that book, you might like other historical fiction novels by the same author that explore similar themes and time periods.

What is meaning of who art thou?

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"Who art thou" is an old-fashioned way of asking someone to identify themselves or to explain who they are. It is a poetic and formal way of inquiring about someone's identity or purpose.

What does it mean where art thou?

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"Where art thou" is an archaic way of asking "where are you" in English literature, often associated with Shakespearean language. It is used to inquire about someone's location or whereabouts.

What is the meaning of feel the rush?

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"Feel the rush" typically refers to experiencing a surge of excitement, adrenaline, or intense emotions in response to a particular situation or activity. It describes the sensation of being caught up in a thrilling or exhilarating moment.

Which line in this excerpt from Guy de Maupassant's The Necklace reveals situational irony?

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The line in the excerpt that reveals situational irony is "She danced with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting everything in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness. ". This is ironic because Mathilde believes she is reveling in luxury and happiness, when in reality she is unknowingly setting the stage for her future hardship and suffering due to losing the necklace.

What is the theme for the story of king Midas?

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Midas was a wealthy king of Phrygia in Asia Minor.

He 'captured' Seilenos, who was the companion of the god Dionysus, with the lure of wine and treated the old satyr hospitably and upon returning him to the god was rewarded with a wish. He prayed for a golden touch, a boon which quickly proved a curse when the king discovered his food likewise transformed. Petitioning the god again, he was instructed to bathe in the river Paktolos which rid him of the power, and imbued the river's sands with gold.

Later the king was called upon to attend a musical contest between the gods Apollon and Pan (or else the satyr Marsyas, who was flayed). The foolish king declared his preference for the music of the pipe and was inflicted with a pair of asses' ears by the angry lyre-god. Ashamed of this deformity, Midas hid the ears beneath the flaps of a Phrygian cap, the traditional head-gear of the local nobility.

How do you get the pig token in icicle creek?

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To get the pig "Beanzie" token in "The White Wolf of Icicle Creek" game, you first need to find all the hidden snowman pieces scattered around the lodge. Once you have all the pieces and build the snowman, he will give you the pig token as a reward.

Who wrote the outcast of a poker flat?

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The Outcasts of Poker Flat was written by American author Bret Harte. It was first published in 1869.

Does Lady Seymour in Chains die?

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Yes, Lady Seymour dies at the end of the story.

Is there a 4th book in the Once series by Morris Gleitzman?

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Yes, there is a 4th book in the Once series by Morris Gleitzman titled "After". It continues the story of Felix and explores the aftermath of the events that occurred in the previous books.

What is the name of this book where two twins change places and one twin is killed in an explosion while the other takes over her sister's family?

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This book is "The Other Twin" by Lucy V. Hay. The story follows the protagonist who takes on her twin sister's identity after she dies in an explosion, delving into the complexities of identity, family secrets, and the aftermath of the tragedy.

What is the story of the three kings?

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The story of the three kings, also known as the three wise men or magi, comes from the Christian Bible. They are said to have followed a star to Bethlehem to visit and bring gifts to the newborn baby Jesus, symbolizing the revelation of Jesus as the savior of the world to both Jews and Gentiles. The story is commemorated in the Christian festival of Epiphany on January 6th.

How did Kunta Kinte die?

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Kunta Kinte, a character in the novel "Roots" by Alex Haley, did not die in the book. He faced various struggles, including capture, enslavement, and attempts to escape, but he did not die during the events depicted in the story.