


African-American History

African-American history is the part of American history that discusses the Black American or African-American ethnic group. African American refers to black people from the Caribbean who migrated to the U.S. and celebrated their history during Black History Month.

500 Questions

What impact did Matthew Henson and Robert Peary bring to the world?

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Matthew Henson and Robert Peary are best known for their expeditions to the North Pole. They claimed to have reached the North Pole in 1909, although this claim remains disputed. Their expeditions helped advance the understanding of Arctic exploration and contributed to the exploration and mapping of previously uncharted territories in the polar region.

Was Matthew henson the first one to climb Mount Everest?

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No, Matthew Henson was not the first to climb Mount Everest. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay, a Sherpa from Nepal, were the first to successfully reach the summit of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953.

What book did Matthew Henson write?

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Matthew Henson did not write a book, but he is known for his exploration of the Arctic alongside Robert Peary. Henson's account of their journey was incorporated into Peary's book, "The North Pole."

What is Matthew Henson's famous quote?

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Matthew Henson, an African American explorer who accompanied Robert Peary on seven voyages to the Arctic, is famous for saying "I have make a contribution to the achievements of the North Pole."

Who stopped the segregation?

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Segregation in the United States was primarily stopped by the Civil Rights Movement, led by prominent figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and civil rights activists who fought against discriminatory laws and policies. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were key legislative measures that helped to end segregation.

What is the symbol for Alpha Radiation?

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The isotope radon-198 will alpha decay to polonium-194 as shown here: 86198Rn => 24He + 84194Po The radon is shown on the left, and the alpha particle, which is a helium nucleus, is shown of the right with the polonium.

When is a black person not black?

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The question is confusing. Actually, it makes little sense.

Here's why: your genetic make up is your genetic make up. The people make observational judgments of others has little to do with anything other that the pervasive ignorance of those who engage in such.

So, let's try this:

"Black" people are not black. They are Negroid or Congoid (these are scientific not racial discriminatory terms).

"White" people are not white. They are Caucasian.

"Red" people are not red. They are Amerind.

"Brown" people is just a confusing term. This could refer to Chicanos, Spanish, Italian, Mediterranean, Arabic/North African, perhaps even Amerind.

"Yellow" people are not yellow (unless they are jaundiced). They are typically Oriental.

In short, there is no such thing as a "black person," or any other "color" person.

Was there segregation in the 1920's?

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Yes, there was widespread segregation in the 1920s in the United States. Jim Crow laws enforced racial segregation in public facilities, schools, transportation, and housing, particularly in the South. African Americans faced discrimination and were denied equal rights during this time.

Explain the differences among foreshock mainshock and aftershock?

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Foreshocks are smaller earthquakes that occur before a larger earthquake (mainshock) in the same area. The mainshock is the largest earthquake in a sequence. Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the mainshock and can continue for weeks, months, or even years after the main event.

Who was Matthew Henson's first wife?

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Matthew Henson's first wife was Eva Flint, whom he married in 1891. They had two children together before divorcing in 1897.

What did Matthew henson do for Americans?

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Matthew Henson was an African American explorer and adventurer who is best known for being a member of the first successful expedition to the North Pole in 1909. This accomplishment contributed to American exploration and scientific knowledge of the Arctic region. Henson's skills as a navigator and his leadership played a crucial role in the expedition's success.

Who is the educator and the president of Tuskegee institute?

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The educator and president of Tuskegee Institute was Booker T. Washington. He was a prominent African American educator, author, and leader of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, advocating for vocational education and economic self-reliance for African Americans.

When Did Ludwig Purtscheller and Hans Meyer climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

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Ludwig Purtscheller and Hans Meyer successfully climbed Mount Kilimanjaro on October 6, 1889. Meyer was the first to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, accompanied by Austrian geologist Purtscheller.

Where did Matthew Henson go to school?

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Matthew Henson did not attend a formal school. He was largely self-educated and learned to read and write through self-study. Henson later went on to become an accomplished explorer and is known for being one of the first to reach the North Pole.

Who did Matthew henson sail with?

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Matthew Henson sailed with Robert Peary on multiple Arctic expeditions, including the successful 1908-09 expedition to the North Pole. Henson played a crucial role in the expedition's success and is often credited with being one of the first to reach the North Pole.

Where was Matthew Henson buried?

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Matthew Henson died because he had pie Hemorrhage which is when a type of stroke occurs when a defective artery in the brain bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood. He died on March 9, 1955 in New York.

Is Frederick Jones still alive?

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No, Frederick Jones passed away in 1961. He was a prolific inventor known for his contributions to the development of refrigeration in trucks and rail cars, which revolutionized the transportation of perishable goods.

What are Obstacles of Matthew Henson?

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Matthew Henson faced obstacles due to racism and discrimination based on his race as an African American explorer. Despite his significant contributions to Arctic exploration, his achievements were often overlooked or credited to his colleague Robert Peary. Additionally, Henson had to contend with harsh Arctic conditions, limited resources, and challenging terrain while exploring the North Pole.

What did Matthew Henson invent?

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Matthew Henson did not invent anything. He was an African American explorer who, alongside Robert Peary, accomplished the first successful expedition to the North Pole in 1909. Henson's contributions to the expedition were crucial in its success.

Which aspect of social science would a geographer most likely study un depth?

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A geographer would likely study human geography in depth, which focuses on the spatial patterns and relationships between people and their environment. This may include topics such as population distribution, urbanization, cultural landscapes, and globalization.

Was Matthew henson married?

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Yes, Matthew Henson was married to Lucy Ross in 1906. Henson was an African American explorer who accompanied Robert E. Peary on seven voyages to the Arctic, including the 1909 expedition where they claimed to be the first to reach the North Pole.

What did Matthew Henson discover in 1909?

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Matthew Henson, along with Robert E. Peary, claimed to be the first to reach the North Pole in 1909. However, there is debate over whether they actually reached the exact geographic North Pole due to discrepancies in their navigation records.

Why did Matthew Henson leave his job at the restaurant?

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Matthew Henson left his job at the restaurant to join Commander Robert Peary's Arctic expedition in 1887. Henson became Peary's most trusted companion and played a significant role in their multiple attempts to reach the North Pole.