


Cheat Codes

This category includes questions and answers regarding cheat codes. Please note that WikiAnswers does not support sharing serial codes.

500 Questions

What is army G1?

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Asked by Wiki User

The army G1 is responsible for personnel management and administration within the U.S. Army. This includes overseeing personnel policies, programs, and services related to recruiting, assignments, promotions, and separations for army personnel.

Where do you find the last spectrobe in spectrobes 1?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find the last Spectrobe in Spectrobes 1 by completing all missions, exploring all areas, and defeating all enemies in the game. Some Spectrobes can only be found in specific locations after meeting certain conditions. Make sure to thoroughly explore each area and interact with everything to find the final Spectrobe.

What is the difference between a strong acid or base and a weak acid or base?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strong acids and bases completely dissociate in water to release H+ or OH- ions, while weak acids and bases only partially dissociate. Strong acids and bases have higher dissociation constants and conduct electricity well, while weak acids and bases have lower dissociation constants and conduct electricity poorly.

What planet is Kirby from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kirby is from the planet Pop Star in the Kirby video game series. Pop Star is a colorful and whimsical world filled with interesting characters and creatures.

Is it possible to jump through a invisible hoop?

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Asked by Alexwall

No, it is not possible to jump through an invisible hoop because there is no physical barrier or structure to pass through.

How do you beat the global warming in simcity creator?

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Asked by Wiki User

In SimCity Creator, to combat global warming, focus on reducing pollution by emphasizing clean energy sources like wind or solar power. Implement green policies such as recycling programs and encourage the use of public transportation. Plant trees and create green spaces to absorb carbon dioxide and reduce the city's carbon footprint.

What is the x in DNA?

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Asked by Wiki User

In DNA, the 'x' does not represent a specific element or component of the molecule. DNA is comprised of four different nucleotides: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). These nucleotides form the genetic code that determines an organism's traits.

How do you unlock people in Dragon Ball Z budokai af?

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Asked by Wiki User

To unlock characters in Dragon Ball Z Budokai AF, you typically need to complete specific tasks or meet certain conditions within the game. This may involve completing story modes, reaching specific levels, or achieving certain objectives in battles. Check the game's specific unlock guide for detailed instructions on how to unlock each character.

What is the strongest spectrobe?

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Asked by Wiki User

The strongest Spectrobe is likely subjective, as different players may have different strategies or preferences. However, some players consider the Ultimate form of the Spectrobe known as Rallen's "Ultimate Spectrobes" to be among the strongest.

Were is the password for the five island FireRed?

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Asked by Wiki User

one of them is one the first island when you are going up the mountain after you have deleted the elite four and got 60 different kinds of Pokemon in your pokedex..... you go by the rockets and they battle you and u figure out the password.... the second is on island 5 or 6 wherever the ancient ruins are you have to go into the ancient ruins building by cutting the door, then finding the way.....

How do you get the fastest racing chocobo in ff7?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get the fastest racing chocobo in FF7, you need to breed and raise chocobos with high stats. Start by catching and breeding chocobos with good racing potential, then race them to improve their abilities. Use specific nuts and breeding combinations to increase your chances of getting a top-tier racing chocobo. Keep retrying until you achieve the desired outcome.

Where can you find action replay codes including all fossils and all spectrobes maxed out for spectrobes?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can find Action Replay codes for Spectrobes by searching online forums, websites, and dedicated cheat code platforms. Be cautious when using these codes, as they can potentially corrupt your game or save file. It's recommended to back up your save data before attempting to use any cheat codes.

54 C in a D with the J?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 54 cards in a deck with the joker card included.

How can i convert my new craftsman 30 gal compressor that is 240 volt to operate on a 120 volt outlet for use in customers houses.?

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Asked by Ttkates

It is not recommended to convert a 240-volt compressor to operate on a 120-volt outlet as this can damage the compressor and pose safety risks. You should consider using a step-up transformer if you need to operate the compressor on a 120-volt outlet, but it's essential to ensure that the transformer can handle the power requirements of the compressor.

What is Residential heat pump wiring electrical code?

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Asked by Wiki User

The electrical code for residential heat pump wiring typically includes requirements for wire size, conduit type, disconnect switch location, and grounding. It is important to follow local building codes and regulations to ensure the safe and proper installation of a heat pump in a residential setting.

How do you get 1 million stickers on First In Math with a cheat code?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is one cheat. Press Alt and F4, but it won't give you one million stickers.

Who cheats more boys or girls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cheating is not determined by gender, but rather by individual behavior and choices. Research suggests that both boys and girls are capable of cheating in relationships, and the prevalence of cheating may vary based on factors such as personal values, relationship satisfaction, and opportunity. It's important to address issues of trust and communication within relationships, regardless of gender.

How to to get the cheats for aqw free no survey?

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Asked by Wiki User

Using cheats or hacks to gain an advantage in AQW is against the game's terms of service and can result in penalties such as bans. It's best to play the game fairly and enjoy the experience as intended.

What helped crack the code for hieroglyphics?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, played a significant role in cracking the code for hieroglyphics. It contained the same text in three scripts, including Greek, which scholars could read. By comparing the known Greek text with the unknown hieroglyphic text, they were able to decipher the meaning of the hieroglyphics.

How do you cheat on read theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Read the passage and answer you lazy cheating couch potato!

What are cheats for nitro type?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can edit the code in Nitro Type in order to change your the car you're racing and get more money. In the game, click "Dealership," scroll down to the car you want, and right click the image of the car and select "Inspect Element." The code will show up and copy the image as HTML. Go back to your car, right click and select Inspect Element again. Swap out the image in the code with the one you copied. If you refresh the page, it will revert back to normal.

What is the code for shadow warrior armor?

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Asked by Wiki User

What did dad tell Abby as they drove down vale hall

What is the cheapest you can buy dbz budokai 3?

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Asked by Wiki User

you should bid for it on eBay or buy it on amazon

Is there any cheats for mangahigh?

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Asked by Wiki User
