


This category is for questions about cyberbullying. A cyberbully is a person that uses the internet to be threatening or abusive to another person. If you ever feel you are being bullied by another user on WikiAnswers, report it using the Report Abuse link at the top of your message board.

500 Questions

How can cyberbullying affect kids self esteem?

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Asked by Ladygertie02

Cyberbullying can negatively impact a child's self-esteem by causing feelings of shame, guilt, and worthlessness. The constant harassment and negative messages can erode their sense of self-worth and lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. It can also affect their ability to trust others and feel confident in social interactions.

Should you sue people for insulting you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Suing someone for insulting you may not always be the best course of action. It is important to consider the emotional and financial costs of pursuing legal action, as well as whether the insult meets the criteria of defamation or harassment in your jurisdiction. Often, addressing the issue directly with the person or seeking mediation can be more effective in resolving conflicts.

Why do people insult other people?

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Asked by Darksyde

People insult others for various reasons, such as to feel superior, to defend themselves, or to express anger or frustration. Insults can also be used to assert dominance or control in a social situation.

Why do people make fun of others?

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Asked by Wiki User

People make fun of others because the are insecure or have a need to feel superior to others. It can include jealousy, like if a fat girl is making fun of you, they are jealous that you have the body they want. Others simply cannot accept differences.

There is also a pack mentality at work. Animals that hunt in packs look for the weakest among their prey because they are the easiest to attack. Bullying works much the same way. The aggressors often choose those they perceive as the weakest. So if someone else is insecure, has a poor self-esteem, doesn't seem to fit in, seems different, and seems oblivious to the world, they would be the first target.

Sometimes people bully others because they hate something in themselves that others remind them of, or because the other person is doing something really bold that they secretly want to do themselves. So they bully and ridicule others who are most like them to keep others from suspecting they are different, or because they are mad that another person can openly be what they can only dream to be.
People do that because they are just big jerks that obviously are losers with boring lives and are seeking attention, which is not good. They may be jealous of you or see you as weak. Or they could hate themselves, be covering for a weakness in themselves, or believe that bullying prevents them from being bullied. So if anyone makes fun of you or bullies you to your face here are the list of things to do below.

1. Be polite and say please stop bothering. (If they don't stop proceed to step 2.)

2. Try to ignore them. (If they don't stop proceed to step 3)

3. Tell an adult. (If does not work proceed to step 4)

4. If they keep keep touching you and hitting you, proceed to step 5.

5. Use whatever reasonable self-defense.
They are either jealous of them, or they just have absolutely nothing else to do.

Why do people bully others?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may bully others due to feeling insecure, seeking power or control, or having difficulties managing their emotions. It can also stem from a learned behavior or a lack of empathy. Engaging in bullying behavior may be a way for individuals to cope with their own internal struggles or project their insecurities onto others.

Why do people stop exercising?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may stop exercising for various reasons such as lack of time, loss of motivation, injury, or feeling overwhelmed. Life circumstances and priorities can also change, leading to a decrease in physical activity. It's important to find ways to make exercise enjoyable and sustainable to maintain a consistent routine.

How can you get people to stop teasing you?

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Asked by LindenKemper

If someone is teasing you, calmly and assertively communicate to them that their teasing is hurtful and ask them to stop. If the teasing continues despite this, consider seeking support from a trusted adult or friend. It's important to remember that you deserve to be treated with respect.

Why disable people consider themselves normal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many people with disabilities consider themselves to be normal because they view their disability as just one aspect of who they are, and they do not let it define their entire identity. Additionally, they may believe that their disability is a natural part of diversity and that what is considered "normal" should be inclusive of all abilities. Ultimately, everyone has their own perspective on what it means to be normal and how they define themselves.

Why are people cyberbullied?

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Asked by Wiki User

People are cyberbullied for various reasons, such as jealousy, revenge, or to exert power and control over someone. It can also be a way for the bully to feel a sense of superiority or to anonymously act out their negative emotions without facing consequences. Cyberbullying often occurs due to the ease of spreading hurtful messages online.

How many kids commit suicide in the US because they are cyberbullied?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific statistic on the number of kids who commit suicide in the US solely because of cyberbullying. Suicide is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors, and cyberbullying can be one of them. It's important to address mental health concerns and provide support to children who experience cyberbullying.

What percentage of people are bullied in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the UK, it is estimated that about 1 in 5 young people (20%) experience bullying. This includes various forms of bullying such as cyberbullying, verbal bullying, and physical bullying. It is important to address and prevent bullying through education, awareness, and intervention.

How do you become a Cyber Security expert?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ethical Hacking training in Chennai by Brixton & Astian Associate Partner with Indian Cyber Security Solutions is the most demanded training in India. Certified Ethical Hacking Professional (C|EHP) certification training program aims at providing the highest level of technical skill set required to get into the field of cyber security. The ethical hacking course goes in-depth into the techniques used by Black Hat hackers and demonstrates it live in a lab-based 100% practically oriented class.

Why there is a need for cyber law?

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Asked by Wiki User

importance of cyber law

Is redbull good for kids?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Red Bull is not recommended for children. It contains high levels of caffeine and sugar, which can have negative effects on their health and well-being, including increased heart rate, dehydration, and difficulty sleeping. It's best for children to consume healthier alternatives like water, milk, or natural fruit juices.

What does it mean to be a bystander to cyberbullying?

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Asked by Wiki User

Being a bystander to cyberbullying means witnessing acts of online harassment or bullying and choosing not to intervene or take action. Bystanders have the power to make a difference by reporting or standing up against cyberbullying, but by choosing to remain passive, they inadvertently enable the behavior to continue. It is important to actively support the target and create a safe online environment by speaking out against cyberbullying.

What to say to bullies who hurt someone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Standing up to bullies can be difficult, but it's important to speak assertively and let them know their behavior is unacceptable. Use phrases like "That's not okay," or "Stop hurting others." It's also helpful to offer support to the person being bullied and report the situation to a trusted adult or authority figure.

How do you think we should control or enforce cybercrime?

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Asked by Wiki User

Controlling and enforcing cybercrime requires a multi-faceted approach. It includes investing in advanced cybersecurity technologies, strengthening legislation and law enforcement capabilities, promoting international cooperation and information sharing, and educating individuals and organizations on online safety. Collaboration between governments, law enforcement agencies, private sector, and cybersecurity experts is crucial to effectively control and enforce cybercrime.

What types of cyberbullying are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are various types of cyberbullying, including:

  1. Harassment: Sending unwanted, offensive, or threatening messages or content to an individual repeatedly.
  2. Impersonation: Creating fake accounts or using someone else's identity to harass or humiliate them online.
  3. Doxing: Releasing or threatening to release someone's personal information, such as their address or phone number, to intimidate or harm them.
  4. Exclusion: Intentionally excluding someone from online groups, chats, or activities in order to isolate and demean them.
  5. Cyberstalking: Continuously following, monitoring, or tracking someone's online activities, often with the intention to cause fear or distress.

Why is bullying a problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

it could bring a person's self-esteem down, it could lead to suicide, and the person who is being bullied have too much pressure on them or cause them to have sex

i need More than this D:

:| help.

bullies are people who hurt other people mentally, physically, or verbally

Whats the average wage?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average wage depends on what the person has as a job, but roughly on an annual salary would be: £24,000 - £30,000 pounds, that is not including taxes and bills.

Is cyber bullying illegal?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it leads to someone getting hurt/dead then definitely, however, even if no one gets hurt, you can probably be charged for harassment.

What are the penalties for cyber bullying?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • They may be fined or go to jail for 2 years or less. Sometimes you might have to pay the fee and go to jail
  • May be prosecuted under stalking laws. Most states that have updated are: Arizona. Alaska, Connecticut, Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.
  • You could get kicked off of a sports teams(rare).

Upcoming social networking site?

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Asked by Wiki User

Matesbay is an upcoming social networking site.

How many children get cyber bullied?

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Asked by Wiki User

on average 30% of kids get bullied a day, maybe more

How many people have gone missing because of the internet?

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Asked by Zubbo3

If you mean by, people losing their eye sight on computers, then no. Usually, people won't die from using the Internet, it would rather be just using the computer or other wireless machine in general; even then, they shouldn't be dead.