

History of Sports

The history of sports teaches us a great deal about the changing society and about the nature of sport itself. It shows how society has transformed its practices and beliefs, thereby leading to changes in the rules in sports.

500 Questions

What is shipping cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

The shipping cycle refers to the process of transporting goods from the manufacturer to the end customer. It typically involves stages such as order processing, inventory management, transportation, and delivery. Efficient management of the shipping cycle is crucial to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of goods.

What is Bread basket and dust bowl?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bread basket is a region known for its abundant production of grains and other agricultural products. The Dust Bowl refers to a period of severe dust storms and drought during the 1930s in the Great Plains region of the United States, leading to major agricultural and ecological damage.

Whats the most amount of jumps on a pogo stick?

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Asked by Wiki User

the average jumps on a pogo stick is....... 30 to 50 but if u would do a record its 1,700 yep that was a tricky question

206,864 is the world record and it was set by James Roumeli in California. James jumped for 20 hours and 13 minuets!

How is wrestling related to mythology?

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Wrestling has been depicted in various mythologies around the world as a symbol of power, strength, and skill. In Greek mythology, the god Zeus wrestled with Titans to establish his dominance, while in Norse mythology, Thor's wrestling matches were legendary. Wrestling in mythology often symbolizes the eternal struggle between order and chaos, as well as the importance of physical prowess in ancient societies.

What is the sociological nature of individual and dual sports?

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Asked by Wiki User

Individual sports emphasize personal achievement, self-discipline, and independence, while dual sports involve cooperation, teamwork, and communication between two individuals. Both types of sports can contribute to personal development, socialization, and the formation of relationships with others through shared experiences and competition. Individual sports tend to highlight self-reliance and internal motivation, while dual sports often focus on collaboration and mutual support.

Did the wear leg warmers in the 80s?

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Asked by Yumyumyom

Yes, leg warmers were a popular fashion accessory in the 1980s. They were often worn with aerobic exercise outfits or as a fashion statement with skirts or leggings.

Does state government receive all their money from federal government?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, state governments receive revenue from various sources such as taxes, fees, grants, and investments in addition to funding from the federal government. Each state has its own budgeting process and revenue streams to fund its operations and services.

How old was Helen when first ill?

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Asked by Wiki User

Helen Keller fell ill and lost her sight and hearing when she was just 19 months old.

What genre does Andrew Clements prefer to write?

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Asked by Wiki User

What he personally prefers is only known by him, but what he does write is:

The Jake Drake series, for second and third grade readers, about a boy dealing with the day-to-day of life.

The Seen but not Heard books, of which there are only two.

For the most part, he writes things like Frindle and Lunch Money. I would consider these "true to life" books that look at situations that kids face and presents things that they can relate to easily. Most of his books, however, take whatever the situation is and blow it completely out of proportion. (Example is Frindle).

Age 9 longest pogo stick jumping time record?

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The longest pogo stick jumping time for a 9-year-old is 10 hours and 10 minutes. This record was achieved by Tanner Greenring in 2010.

What is the record number of pogo jumps for kids 10-12 years old?

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Harry, a 6 year old from Australia did 1005 pogo stick jumps.

Donovan, age 6 from California did 1225 consecutive jumps on 1/15/12

Eli, age 6 from Marietta, GA did 1290 consecutive jumps on 5/15/2012!!

How do you throw a javelin?

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To throw a javelin, start by picking it up with your dominant hand holding it towards the back end of the shaft. Take a few steps forward to build momentum, then push off with your back leg and transfer your weight onto your front leg as you extend your arm and release the javelin with a whipping motion. It's important to aim for a slight angle upwards to achieve maximum distance.

What college did Brianna Colette Scurry go to?

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Brianna Colette Scurry attended the University of Massachusetts Amherst for college.

Where did the duke blue devil basketball team get their nickname?

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The Duke Blue Devils basketball team got their nickname from the mascot of their football team. The football team's name was inspired by the French "Les Diables Bleus," which translates to "The Blue Devils." The basketball team adopted the same nickname, Blue Devils, from their football counterparts.

What are names of the players who made up the Iron Curtain?

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The players who made up the Iron Curtain were Lev Yashin, Djalma Santos, Nilton Santos, Franz Beckenbauer, and Bobby Moore.

The history of the Olympics and create a time line showing the most important events?

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Asked by Wiki User

The history of the Olympics dates back to ancient Greece, where the games were held every four years beginning in 776 BCE. They continued until the Roman Empire banned them in 393 CE. The modern Olympics were revived in 1896 in Athens by Pierre de Coubertin, and have been held every four years since, except during World War I and II. Some significant events in the history include the introduction of women's participation in 1900, Jesse Owens' triumph in 1936, and the boycotts of the Olympics in 1980 and 1984.

How many players are there in a Womens lacrosse team?

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Asked by Wiki User

About 12 people are playing on the field (counting goalie)But on a team, there can be about 20-30 players. Of course, there will be people on the sidelines, not everyone can play the whole game, because lacrosse is such a fast-moving sport, and involves A LOT of running. I hope this answers your question!

When was the first London marathon?

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The first London Marathon took place on March 29, 1981.

When was the first recorded chess game?

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The first recorded chess game dates back to the 9th century, in India. It is known as the game of Chaturanga, and although the rules were slightly different from modern chess, the basic concepts and gameplay were similar.

What year did the chargers helmet colors change?

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The Chargers helmet colors changed in 2020 when they unveiled a new logo and uniform, featuring navy blue, gold, and white as their primary colors.

Who was the lead actor and writer of the rocky movies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sylvester Stallone was the lead actor and writer of the Rocky movies.

What is the all time record for Michigan vs Michigan state in football?

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As of the 2009 season, Michigan and Georgia have met twice with each team winning once: 1) October 5, 1957 - Michigan 26, Georgia 0

2) October 2, 1965 - Georgia 15, Michigan 7

What do you put on the flyers?

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You use flyers to promote your business, event, or service. You can include the important details like your contact information, the title of your advertisement and what you are offering. You also add an enticing design to make it look more appealing. For the flyer printing, you can check on the related link that I have provided. You can get affordable and high-quality service from there.

Who invented rubber balls?

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Asked by Wiki User

You need to define the answer. Foam can be confused with bubblly foam (like in the bath, doing the dishes) and then there is Polyurethane foam, what people use as padding for insulation.

For Polyurethane foam information, seek out this information from this eHow website:

What are the five fastest horses in Kentucky Derby history?

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Asked by Wiki User

The five fastest horses in Kentucky Derby history are as follows :

1. Secretariat [March 30, 1970 - October 4, 1989], 1:59-2/5 in 1973;

2. Monarchos [foaled 1998], 1:59.97 in 2001;

3. Northern Dancer [May 27, 1961 - November 16, 1990], 2:00:00 in 1964;

4. Spend a Buck [1982 - November 24, 2002], 2:00-1/5 in 1985;

5. Decidedly [1959 - ?], 2:00-2/5 in 1962.