


Birth Control Pill

Also known as the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), birth control pill is a birth control method that includes a combination of a progestogen and oestrogen. These pills prevent fertility when taken orally every day.

500 Questions

How do you get a guy to start taking off your clothes?

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Asked by Tink719

It's important to communicate and ensure that both parties are comfortable and consenting. You can initiate by expressing your desires verbally or through body language, and gauge the person's reactions to proceed further. Respect their boundaries and always prioritize mutual consent throughout the interaction.

Why do men take womens birth control pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Men should not take women's birth control pills as they are specifically designed for women's reproductive health and can have potential side effects and health risks for men. Men should consult with a healthcare provider to discuss appropriate birth control options for males.

Is there a birth control pill for men?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is ongoing research to develop a birth control pill for men, but currently, there is no equivalent to the contraceptive pill available for women. Some options being explored include hormone-based pills and non-hormonal methods like reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance (RISUG) or Vasalgel, but these are still in clinical trials.

What are the posisible conclusion about family planning?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Family planning allows individuals to have greater control over their reproductive health and make informed decisions about when to have children.
  2. Access to family planning services can lead to improved maternal and child health outcomes, reduced poverty, and increased opportunities for women in society.
  3. Implementing effective family planning programs can help address overpopulation, reduce strain on resources, and promote sustainable development.

What is family planning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Family planning refers to the practice of individuals and couples making informed decisions about when to have children and how many to have. It involves the use of contraception and other methods to achieve desired spacing and number of children. Family planning promotes reproductive health and can help improve the well-being of families and communities.

Who started the first Sunday school in America?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first Sunday school in America was started by Robert Raikes in Gloucester, England in 1780. He set up a school to educate local children on Sundays, which later served as a model for Sunday schools in the United States.

What were women taught from birth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Women were traditionally taught societal roles and expectations such as being nurturing, submissive, and caretakers of the family. They were also often expected to prioritize marriage and motherhood as their primary goals in life. Additionally, women were taught domestic skills like cooking, cleaning, and sewing from a young age.

You had to go away for a business trip you forgot your pills you left on Sunday got home on Wednesday evening you firgured you should doulbe up for 3 days so you did that yesterday then again today?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not recommended to double up on medication to make up for missed doses. Instead, take the missed dose as soon as you remember, then resume your regular dosing schedule. If you have concerns about your medication regimen, speak with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Are birth control pills safe for teenagers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Only a doctor can determine if birth control pills would be more beneficial than the side effects it causes for a 15 year old. Generally, the side effects include weight gain, abdominal pain, some mood changes, and irrgeular periods. These can decrease over time though.

Which birth control pills don't cause weight gain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weight gain can be a concern for some individuals when using birth control pills, but it's essential to note that everyone's body reacts differently to medications. While some people may experience weight gain with certain types of birth control pills, others may not notice any significant changes.

When considering birth control options, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider who can help you select the most suitable option based on your individual health needs and concerns. Some birth control pills that are often associated with less weight gain include:

Low-dose Pills: Birth control pills with lower doses of hormones (estrogen and progestin) may be less likely to cause weight gain compared to higher-dose pills. These pills are sometimes referred to as "mini-pills" or "low-dose pills."

Progestin-Only Pills: Progestin-only pills, also known as the mini-pill, contain only progestin hormone and do not contain estrogen. Some people find that progestin-only pills are less likely to cause weight gain compared to combination pills containing both estrogen and progestin.

Birth Control Pills with Certain Progestins: Different types of progestins used in birth control pills can have varying effects on weight. Some studies suggest that pills containing certain progestins, such as desogestrel or norgestimate, may be associated with less weight gain compared to others.

Extended-cycle or Continuous-regimen Pills: These types of birth control pills are designed to reduce the number of menstrual periods a person has each year by extending the time between periods or eliminating them altogether. Some individuals may find that these pills are associated with less weight gain.

Im on triphasil if i have 5 pills left and i stop takin them now will i get my period after three days and then start the new pack on a Sunday?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stopping Triphasil with 5 pills left may disrupt your cycle and cause irregular bleeding. It's best to finish the pack to maintain regularity. If you choose to stop with 5 pills left, you may experience withdrawal bleeding 2-3 days after stopping. You can start the new pack on a Sunday after your period starts.

How late can you be in taking the pill is fifteen minutes okay?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's generally recommend to take the pill at the same time everyday to maintain effectiveness.

If you think you're pregnant should you stop taking the birth control pill?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well if you have taken a home-pregnancy test and it is positive then yes, you should stop. But you should not take the pregnancy test until at least the day of your expected period or 14 days after intercourse other wise your results will not likely be accurate. If you do get a positive pregnancy test then go ahead and stop taking your birth control and make an appointment with an OB/GYN. If the test is negative, continue taking your birth control pills until you do get a positive pregnancy test. If you stop taking it before you get the test results and it is negative, your chances of pregnancy are heightened greatly. But if you continue taking it until you get a positive test result, you will not have had enough to cause any harm to the baby.

Why people get weight when using birth control?

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Asked by Wiki User

Birth control is a topic that affects many people, and it's essential to understand its effects on the body. When individuals use hormonal birth control methods (such as birth control pills, patches, or injections), they may experience changes in weight. Here are some reasons why this might happen:

  1. Fluid Retention: Some hormonal birth control methods can cause fluid retention, leading to temporary weight gain. This is more common with certain types of birth control pills.

  2. Increased Appetite: Hormonal changes caused by birth control can sometimes increase appetite. If a person consumes more calories than they burn, they may gain weight.

  3. Metabolic Changes: Hormonal birth control can affect metabolism. Some people may experience a slower metabolic rate, which can contribute to weight gain.

  4. Muscle Mass: Birth control doesn't directly cause fat gain, but it can impact muscle mass. Some individuals may retain more water or lose muscle, affecting overall body composition.

  5. Individual Variability: Everyone's body reacts differently to hormonal changes. Some people may gain weight, while others may not notice any significant changes.

  6. Lifestyle Factors: Lifestyle choices, such as diet and physical activity, play a crucial role. If someone becomes less active or makes unhealthy food choices, weight gain can occur regardless of birth control use.

What type of birth control pill is Trinessa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trinessa is a triphasic birth control pill with 35 mcg of estrogen.

How many weeks are in a school year?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 34 weeks and 4 days i heard it somewhere but im not sure if its true

Is the days in birth control pills interchangeable?

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Asked by RajeenSalendabfb8124

The days in birth control pills are not interchangeable.

Will birth control pills stop you from bleeding if you started them while you were bleeding?

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Asked by Wiki User

The birth control pill, like all hormonal birth control, is likely to result in less bleeding and fewer days of flow than you'd experience off the pill. Contact your health care provider if your period is more than 7 days or very heavy.

What if you miss the first birth control pill in the pack?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you miss the first birth control pill in the pack, you are at increased risk for pregnancy. Use a backup method until you've successfully taken seven pills in a row. Consider changing to a different method that will give you better protection.

Can you take an extra birth control pill so you can be protected one more night before the placebo pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can certainly take an extra birth control pill without causing any problems. However, your question suggests that you think you're not protected during the placebo pills. That is not true. If you have taken the previous pills in the pack correctly, you are still protected during the placebo week. Please contact your health care provider to get a better understanding of how the pill works and the level of protection you can expect from it.

What are some legal energy pills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Active Energy Pills, Hummer Pills, Storm Energy Pills, OPP or Online Party Pills, Kaizen Ephedrine and Stacker 3's are some examples of legal energy pills.

Can you skip the sugar pills on ortho tri cyclen lo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can skip the sugar pills on Tricyclen Lo if you like. Usually the triphasic pills -- the ones with three colors of active pills denoting three levels of hormones -- aren't the ideal ones to use to skip periods; you may be more likely to have unscheduled bleeding than if you used a different pill. If you have that problem, and want to skip often, consider calling your health care provider to discuss a possible pill change to a monophasic pill.

Whats a quick working laxative pill?

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Asked by Fb116590055228315624457

You can also buy cholesterol lotion from Vedobi . c o m and control the constipation for the best health

Pros and cons about birth control distributed in high school?

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Asked by Wiki User

The justification for offering birth control to high school students is that they "are going to do it anyhow;" the birth control helps keep them from actually conceiving, and supposedly promotes "safe sex." Opponents to this birth control, though, feel that this actually '''promotes''' sexual activity among high school students. They disagree with the notion that "they're going to do it anyhow." Providing birth control at the high school can also keep the parents uninformed about the sexual activity of their children; this can be bad or good, depending on the parents' attitude.