


The longest continental mountain range in the world, Andes is a chain of uplands in the western coast of South America. The range is approximately 7,000 kilometers long, between 200 km to 700 km wide and about 4,000 meters tall.

500 Questions

What capital city is found high in the Andes Mountains at 5 degrees north and 74 degrees west?

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The capital city found high in the Andes Mountains at 5 degrees north and 74 degrees west is Quito, Ecuador.

What two pl ates converge to form Andes?

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The South American Plate and the Nazca Plate are the two plates that converge to form the Andes mountain range. The Nazca Plate is subducting beneath the South American Plate, leading to the uplift of the Andes through volcanic activity and compression.

What is lipids or fats?

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Lipids, also known as fats, are a diverse group of molecules that are insoluble in water. They serve various functions in the body, such as storing energy, providing insulation, and forming cell membranes. Common types of lipids include triglycerides, phospholipids, and cholesterol.

How is the weather in Bolivia?

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The weather in Bolivia varies depending on the region and altitude. In general, there are two main seasons: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from November to April. In the lowlands, temperatures are warmer and there is more rainfall, while in the highlands it tends to be colder and drier.

The Andes are an extension to which two mountain chains in north America?

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The Andes are an extension of the North American Rocky Mountains and the South American mountains that continue up through Central America.

How can the plate tectonic theory help explain the formation of the Andes and Himalayan mountains?

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Plate tectonics explain the formation of mountains by mountain chains may form where plates move together. As plates move apart, magma may rise to the surface, forming a volcano.

What is the name of the lake that is high in the Andes and is 12507 feet above sea level?

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The name of the lake is Lake Titicaca. It is one of the highest navigable lakes in the world, located in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 12,507 feet above sea level.

With what type of plate boundary are the following places or features associated himalayas aleutian islands red sea andes mountains san andreas fault iceland japan mount st helen's?

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Himalayas - Convergent boundary (Indian Plate colliding with Eurasian Plate), Aleutian Islands - Convergent boundary (Pacific Plate subducting beneath North American Plate), Red Sea - Divergent boundary (Arabian and African Plates pulling apart), Andes Mountains - Convergent boundary (Nazca Plate subducting beneath South American Plate), San Andreas Fault - Transform boundary (Pacific and North American Plates sliding past each other), Iceland - Divergent boundary (Eurasian and North American Plates spreading apart), Japan - Convergent boundary (Pacific Plate subducting beneath Eurasian Plate), Mount St. Helens - Subduction zone boundary (Juan de Fuca Plate subducting beneath North American Plate).

What is the plateau located in southern Argentina between the Andes mountains and the Atlantic ocean?

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The plateau located in southern Argentina between the Andes mountains and the Atlantic Ocean is called the Patagonian Plateau. It is characterized by vast expanses of steppe grasslands, low mountain ranges, and semi-arid conditions.

Why do people visit the Andes mountains?

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People visit the Andes mountains for their stunning natural beauty, unique wildlife, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, trekking, and mountain climbing. The region is also rich in indigenous culture and history, making it a popular destination for cultural exploration.

Does the amazon river flow through the Andes and into the pacific ocean?

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No, the Amazon River flows through the Amazon Rainforest and into the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific Ocean. The Andes mountain range is located to the west of the Amazon basin but the river does not flow through it.

Why do mountains often occur thousands of km long?

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Mountains form over millions of years due to tectonic plate movement and collisions. When two plates converge, the pressure and stress cause the crust to buckle and fold, creating mountain ranges that can extend for thousands of kilometers. The length of mountains is determined by the duration and intensity of tectonic activity in the region.

How did the Andes Mountains form?

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Types of mountain creation:

  1. Volcanic mountains are formed either through the introduction and accumulation of magma over a crustal "hot spot" or through volcanic activity associated with the collision and subduction of a crustal plate, where the melting of the subducted crust creates gasses and pressures that are released in eruptions.
  2. Continental crustal plate collisions, where neither plate subducts, create mountain ranges such as The Himalayan Mountain Range, where crustal material is thrust upward faster than erosion can wear it down.
  3. Plates can stretch until they crack and slide, forming fault-block mountains.
  4. In the ocean, great underwater mountains are formed when plates spread away from one another, and melted rock pushes up through the gap.

How long is the Japanese mountain range?

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The Japanese mountain range stretches approximately 3,000 kilometers (1,850 miles) from the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern island of Kyushu. It includes famous peaks such as Mount Fuji and the Japanese Alps.

How tall is mount Aconcagua?

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Mount Aconcagua stands at an elevation of 22,841 feet (6,959 meters) above sea level, making it the tallest mountain in both the Western and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the climate like in Stone Mountain?

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The climate in Stone Mountain is classified as humid subtropical, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters. Summers are typically long and humid, with frequent thunderstorms, while winters are mild with occasional cold snaps. Snowfall is rare.

How do the Andes mountains affect south America's climate?

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The Andes mountains play a significant role in shaping South America's climate by influencing factors such as temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. They act as a barrier that blocks moisture-laden air, leading to the formation of rain shadows and different climate zones on either side of the mountain range. The mountains also contribute to the formation of unique ecosystems and biodiversity.

Climate on mountains?

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its the thing and then it does like yeah thats the answer.

Facts about Andes mountains?

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facts about canyons any canyons i just need the answer

What Mountain starts with the letter I?

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Asked by Lindahefferon

Ismail Samani in Tajikistan, Illimani in Bolivia and Illampu in Bolivia are all major mountains over 6,000 meters (20,000 feet) in height.

What is the name of the worlds highest mountain range located in central Asia?

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Your question is confusing, but Mount Everest is the highest mountain, and it's in the Himalayas in Asia.

The Himalayas are the highest mountain range. They're not in any one country, it spans over Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

Mount Everest is in Tibet.

Hope I helped. :]

What is the highest mountain on earth from it's peak to it's base?

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Actually the tallest mountain on earth is Mauna Kea, in Hawaii. When you measure from the base to the peak, it is more than 4000 ft taller then Mount Everest. However, the mountain starts on the ocean floor, so you can see most of it, unless underwater.

Does soccer have any cultural significance?

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Depending on whether you are talking about British football, which is soccer, or American football, which is probable, the history behind American football is that Rugby, which is played in most British schools, was the basis for someone at Harvard back in the 19th century to come up with a game with similar rules to be played at this college.

Where does the Andes start and where does it end?

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The Tees is a river in Northern England is 85 miles long and rises on the eastern slope of Cross Fell in the Pennines and flows to the North Sea between Hartlepool and Redcar. At one point the infant Tees is only about 50 yards or so from its South Tyne brother - but flowing already in different directions!

What lives in the Andes?

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there are lamas small cat s that has a long tail and a noblella pygmaea which is a small frog