



Construction is an industry which builds structures.

500 Questions

Why is 10 gauge shower curtain heavier than a 6 gauge but sheet metal and wire it is the other way around?

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The difference in weight between a 10 gauge and 6 gauge shower curtain is due to the material composition and construction of the curtains. The gauge measurement in sheet metal and wire refers to the thickness of the material, with a lower gauge indicating a thicker material. Therefore, in sheet metal and wire, a lower gauge is heavier because it is thicker and more substantial.

Would it be possible to build a train track that floats on water?

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Yes, it is possible to build a train track that floats on water using technology such as maglev (magnetic levitation) or submerged floating tunnel methods. These systems can support the weight of a train while allowing it to move over water efficiently. However, the cost and engineering challenges associated with such a project would be substantial.

How much does asbestos super six cladding weigh?

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Asbestos Super Six cladding typically weighs around 8-10 kg per square meter. However, the weight may vary depending on the specific brand and thickness of the cladding.

Is snow around foundation good?

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Snow around a foundation can insulate the soil and help prevent freeze-thaw cycles, which can be beneficial in colder climates. However, excessive snow accumulation against a foundation can also put pressure on the structure and potentially cause issues such as moisture infiltration or foundation damage. It's important to monitor snow buildup and ensure proper drainage away from the foundation.

What is the value of poisson ratio for brick?

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The typical Poisson's ratio for brick material is around 0.18 to 0.25, depending on the specific type of brick and its composition. This value represents the ratio of transverse strain to axial strain when a brick is subjected to a tensile or compressive load.

What is construction of spectrometer?

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A spectrometer typically consists of a light source, a collimator to create a parallel beam of light, a diffraction grating or prism to disperse the light into its spectral components, and a detector to capture and measure the intensity of the different wavelengths of light. The spectrometer then produces a spectrum displaying the intensity of light at different wavelengths.

Is lacquer thinner a degreaser?

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Yes, lacquer thinner can be used as a degreaser. It is a strong solvent that can effectively remove grease, oil, and other substances from surfaces. However, it is important to use it in a well-ventilated area and follow safety precautions due to its strong chemical properties.

What is porosity of brick?

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Porosity of brick refers to the amount of open space or voids within the brick material. Higher porosity means more voids, which can affect properties like strength, water absorption, and thermal insulation of the brick. Brick porosity is important to consider for various applications, such as building construction, where it can impact performance and durability.

How is carbon fiber 5 times stronger than steel?

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Carbon fiber is made up of carbon atoms bonded together in a specific crystal alignment, giving it its strength. The arrangement of these carbon atoms provides exceptional tensile strength, stiffness, and resistance to deformation, making it stronger than steel. Additionally, carbon fibers are much lighter than steel, providing a high strength-to-weight ratio.

What is Ballistic galvanometer Explain its construction?

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A Ballistic galvanometer is a type of moving coil galvanometer that is designed to measure the total quantity of charge passed through it. It has a heavy coil suspended by a spiral spring in a magnetic field. When a current is passed through the coil, it moves against the spring and remains in that position, allowing the total charge to be calculated by measuring the angle of deflection.

What are the construction of galvanometer?

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A galvanometer typically consists of a coil of wire suspended in a magnetic field, a pointer attached to the coil, and a scale to measure the deflection of the pointer. When a current passes through the coil, it experiences a torque due to the interaction with the magnetic field, causing the coil to rotate the pointer. The deflection of the pointer is proportional to the current passing through the coil.

What is acoustic insulation?

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Acoustic insulation is a material or barrier designed to reduce the transmission of sound between spaces or to absorb sound within a space. It is often used in construction to improve soundproofing and create quieter environments by blocking or dampening noise.

What is the purpose of prolonged application of heat on the smear?

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Prolonged application of heat on a smear during staining helps to improve the uptake of the stain by bacterial cells and enhances the contrast between different cell types. The heat can also help to fix the cells to the slide, preventing them from being washed away during subsequent steps in the staining process.

Is justice a human construction?

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Justice can be seen as a human construct because it is based on human values, beliefs, and social norms. Different cultures and societies have different understandings of justice, and it is influenced by factors like history and power dynamics. However, the concept of justice also has underlying principles of fairness, impartiality, and accountability that are considered fundamental to a just society.

What is a sentence for loose construction?

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The Supreme Court used a loose construction approach when interpreting the Constitution to uphold a law that was not explicitly outlined in the document.

What is social construction?

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Social construction refers to the idea that the meaning and significance of concepts, beliefs, and practices are created and maintained by society rather than being inherently fixed or natural. It highlights how our understanding of reality, identities, and social norms is shaped by cultural, historical, and institutional forces.

What does glen abbey say that visiting the glen canyon area before and after construction make him qualified to do?

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Glen Abbey claims that visiting the Glen Canyon area before and after construction makes him qualified to understand the environmental impact of the construction project and the changes to the natural habitat.

What do you think was the purpose behind the construction of baolis?

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Baolis, or stepwells, were built in ancient India to provide a reliable water source for drinking, irrigation, and bathing. They were also used as gathering places and served as a way to combat water scarcity in arid regions. Additionally, they often had architectural and religious significance, serving as places of worship and community gathering.

What is the system called that supports the sides of an excavation?

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The system that supports the sides of an excavation is called a shoring system. It is designed to prevent the walls from collapsing and ensure the safety of workers in the excavation site. Shoring systems can be temporary or permanent, depending on the construction project.

What are the basics of theory construction?

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Theory construction involves identifying a problem or question, reviewing existing literature, developing a conceptual framework, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, analyzing data, and revising the theory based on findings. The process involves building on existing knowledge, testing the theory through research, and refining it through continuous evaluation and modification. The goal is to develop a well-supported and coherent explanation for the phenomena of interest.

Why is metaparadigm necessary for theory construction?

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The metaparadigm provides a foundation by defining the key concepts of a discipline, such as nursing. It helps theorists establish common language, assumptions, and values, which guide the development of theories. Without a metaparadigm, there would be confusion and inconsistency in theoretical frameworks within a discipline.

What is construction methodology?

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Construction methodology is the process or approach used to plan and execute construction projects. It includes tasks such as site preparation, material selection, construction techniques, and project management strategies. Different projects may require different methodologies based on the scope, location, budget, and timeline.

What is construction play?

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Construction play is a type of play where children use materials like blocks, Legos, or building sets to create structures, buildings, and other constructions. It helps develop problem-solving skills, spatial awareness, and creativity in children.

Principle construction and working of a motor?

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A motor consists of a stator (stationary part) and a rotor (rotating part). When electric current flows through the wire coils in the stator, it generates a magnetic field, which interacts with the magnetic field produced by the rotor, causing it to rotate. This rotation is used to drive mechanical systems such as fans, pumps, or vehicles.