



The Renaissance was a period in which Europe underwent a rebirth in regards to classical art, literature, and architecture. The movement originated in Italy during the 14th century before spreading throughout Europe.

500 Questions

What was Copernicus role in the renaissance?

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Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who proposed the heliocentric theory, which stated that the Earth revolved around the Sun. This theory marked a significant shift in scientific thinking and challenged the geocentric view of the universe held for centuries. Copernicus's work laid the foundation for the Scientific Revolution that followed.

Who controlled the universe during the Elizabethan era?

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During the Elizabethan era, many people believed that the universe was controlled by God, who was seen as the ultimate authority and creator of all life. This belief was reinforced by the dominant religion of the time, which was Christianity. Additionally, there was a strong belief in the Great Chain of Being, which was a hierarchical structure that dictated the roles and relationships of all beings in the universe.

What are the 3 characteristics of the renaissance?

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The three characteristics of the Renaissance are humanism, individualism, and innovation. Humanism focused on the importance of human potential and achievement, while individualism emphasized the unique qualities and abilities of each person. Innovation in the arts, science, and technology led to significant advancements during this period.

When was the pendulum discovered?

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Asked by Silvermistwaterfairy

The pendulum was first discovered by Galileo Galilei in the early 17th century while he was studying the motion of chandeliers in a cathedral. His observations led to the development of the pendulum clock and revolutionized timekeeping.

Why was the invention of sonar important?

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The invention of sonar was important because it allowed for the detection of objects underwater using sound waves. This technology has been crucial for navigation, underwater mapping, and locating submarines since it can operate in the darkness of the deep ocean where visibility is limited.

What sources of scientific information were used before the renaissance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Before the Renaissance, scientific information was primarily sourced from ancient Greek texts by scholars like Aristotle, Ptolemy, and Galen. These texts were translated into Latin and studied in European institutions like monasteries and universities. Additionally, Islamic scholars preserved and expanded upon ancient knowledge, which influenced European thought during this time.

Three characteristics of the Renaissance include?

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  1. Renewed interest in art and literature from classical antiquity.
  2. Emphasis on humanism, with a focus on individual potential and achievement.
  3. Growth of scientific knowledge and exploration, leading to breakthroughs in various fields.

What ideas did Malpighi challenge?

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Malpighi challenged the prevailing idea of spontaneous generation by demonstrating the role of the egg in reproduction. He also challenged the idea that plants were simple, homogeneous structures by pioneering the study of plant anatomy at the cellular level.

Did alchemists know what elements were?

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No, alchemists did not have the same understanding of elements as modern chemistry does. They believed in the concept of four basic elements - earth, water, air, and fire - and sought to transform one element into another to create the philosopher's stone.

What were some characteristics of Castiglione's perfect noble?

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Castiglione's perfect noble, as described in "The Book of the Courtier," was expected to possess qualities such as grace, good manners, martial prowess, and a balance of physical and intellectual abilities. They were also supposed to display courtesy, be well-rounded individuals, excel in both arts and arms, and exhibit humility and self-control. Meeting these standards would help nobles attain social success and excel in courtly life.

How did the Renaissance make it in Italy and what affect did it have on the economy of this period?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Renaissance flourished in Italy due to factors like access to ancient manuscripts, patronage from wealthy families, and the thriving urban centers that facilitated intellectual exchange. The economic impact was significant as increased trade, banking, and craftsmanship fueled the growth of industries such as silk production, book printing, and luxury goods. This economic prosperity in turn supported the flourishing of the arts and culture during this period.

What is chemically nonsensical about this structure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon (C) has four valence electrons (electrons in the outer shell) and it needs 4 more to fulfill the octet (8) rule. Therefore carbons will make four bonds. The structure H-C=C-H is nonsensical because the carbons only have 3 bonds each.

During boiling why is it important that the tube is vented?

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Venting the tube while boiling allows for the release of pressure and prevents the build-up of steam, which helps to control the process and maintain a consistent temperature. This also helps to prevent the tube from bursting due to the pressure created by the boiling liquid.

What was alchemy during the Renaissance and the middle ages?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alchemy during the Renaissance and Middle Ages was a philosophical and proto-scientific practice that aimed to transform base metals into noble ones (e.g., turning lead into gold) and to discover the elixir of life, believed to grant immortality. Alchemists used symbolic language and various techniques like distillation and metallurgy in their quest for transmutation and spiritual enlightenment. Over time, alchemy evolved into modern chemistry.

What was eaten during the Renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, people commonly ate bread, meat (especially pork and poultry), fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and pepper were also popular for flavoring dishes. The wealthy enjoyed more elaborate feasts with a wider variety of dishes, while the poorer population had a simpler diet centered around grains and vegetables.

What was the average size of countryside villages and Europe?

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In medieval Europe, the average size of countryside villages varied depending on region, but typically ranged from a few dozen to a few hundred inhabitants. These villages were often self-sufficient communities with a mix of farmers, craftsmen, and tradespeople living and working together.

Where is the In what geographic area did the Renaissance begin?

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The Renaissance began in Italy, particularly in the city-states of Florence, Milan, and Venice, during the 14th century. This period marked a revival of interest in art, literature, and learning after the stagnation of the Middle Ages.

What did people believed about geography during the renaissance?

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During the Renaissance, people believed in a geocentric view of the universe, with Earth as the center. They also emphasized the importance of cartography and navigation, leading to advancements in mapmaking and exploration. Additionally, there was a growing understanding of the Earth's shape and size, which laid the foundation for modern geography.

Which geographic factor contributed to the rise of the renaissance in italitan city states?

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Asked by Wiki User

The geographic factor that contributed to the rise of the Renaissance in Italian city-states was their location at the crossroads of trade routes between Europe and the East. This brought wealth, new ideas, and a diverse mix of cultures to cities like Florence and Venice, fostering an environment conducive to artistic and intellectual flourishing.

How did physical geography of Renaissance Europe affect trade among European countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

The physical geography of Renaissance Europe, such as mountain ranges and navigable rivers, influenced trade routes and made some regions more accessible than others. These natural features encouraged overland trade routes across mountain passes and along rivers, facilitating trade between different European countries. Additionally, the presence of natural harbors and coastlines allowed for maritime trade between coastal cities, which further boosted economic activity and cultural exchange during the Renaissance.

What Technological advances like cartography navigation and shipbuilding during the Renaissance led to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technological advances like improved cartography, navigation tools such as the astrolabe and compass, and advancements in shipbuilding techniques helped facilitate exploration and trade during the Renaissance. These developments led to increased maritime exploration, the discovery of new lands, and the establishment of trade routes that expanded global trade networks.

Where was the geographical discoveries of Renaissance period?

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During the Renaissance period, explorers made significant geographical discoveries in regions such as the Americas (Christopher Columbus), Africa (Vasco da Gama), and Asia (Marco Polo). These explorations contributed to the expansion of trade networks and the exchange of knowledge and cultures between different parts of the world. The discoveries also had far-reaching consequences for global geopolitics and the development of new colonial empires.

How do you take a reading test on renaissance place?

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Asked by Wiki User

To take a reading test on Renaissance Place, you usually need to log in to the platform using your student account details. Once logged in, you can access the reading test assigned to you, read the provided materials or questions, and select your answers. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and complete the test within the given time frame.

What is the location of which state that the harlen renaissance took place?

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The Harlem Renaissance took place in the neighborhood of Harlem, located in Manhattan, New York City. This cultural movement occurred in the 1920s and 1930s, and was characterized by a flourishing of African American art, literature, and music.

How did the location of Flanders help it become an important trading center?

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Flanders' location along the North Sea made it accessible to trade routes connecting Northern Europe with the Mediterranean. The region's inland rivers also allowed for easy transportation of goods. Additionally, Flanders was known for its skilled workforce and production of high-quality textiles, which attracted merchants and traders to its markets.