



Whether it's going to the grocery store, an antique mall, auto parts store, or clothing store, shopping is something that people do daily. Sometimes, it's a quick trip to pick up an item that is needed, but it can be an all-day event done "just for fun." Ask questions such as where you can buy an item, the best places to shop, the features of an item, and anything to do with products and shopping here.

500 Questions

How many kilos allowed to Ghana?

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The baggage allowance for flights to Ghana can vary depending on the airline and ticket type. Typically, most airlines allow economy passengers to check in 1-2 bags weighing up to 23-32 kg each. It is best to check with the specific airline you are flying with for the most accurate information.

How can you distinguish calcium carbonate from other deposits?

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You can distinguish calcium carbonate from other deposits by performing a simple acid test. Calcium carbonate will effervesce (bubble and release carbon dioxide) when treated with a weak acid such as vinegar. This reaction is specific to calcium carbonate and can differentiate it from other mineral deposits.

What is gold bond powder?

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Gold Bond powder is a medicated powder that helps to relieve itchiness, skin irritations, and absorb moisture. It typically contains ingredients like menthol and zinc oxide to provide a cooling and soothing effect on the skin. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as heat rash, jock itch, and athlete's foot.

What is the price of bismuth?

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The price of bismuth can vary depending on factors such as purity, quantity, and market demand. As of now, it typically ranges from $4 to $6 per pound in bulk quantities. It is important to check current market prices for the most accurate information.

What is the meaning of altering current?

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Asked by Kendallwalter

Altering current refers to making changes to an existing electrical current, such as adjusting its voltage, frequency, or waveform. This can be done using devices like transformers, inverters, or converters to suit the specific needs of a particular application or device.

Where can you buy a snow sledge?

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You can buy a snow sledge at outdoor sports stores, department stores, online retailers like Amazon, or at specialty winter sports shops. It's important to check the product specifications and reviews before making a purchase to ensure it meets your needs and preferences.

Which office plant provides the most oxygen?

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The snake plant is known for its ability to produce oxygen at night, making it a good choice for improving indoor air quality. Another plant that is highly effective at producing oxygen is the pothos plant.

Is Louisiana the happiest state in US?

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Louisiana is not ranked as the happiest state in the US. Happiness can vary based on individual factors, including personal experiences, lifestyle, and preferences. Different surveys and studies may provide varying results regarding the happiest state in the US.

What shops sell garnets?

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Garnets can typically be found at jewelry stores that specialize in gemstones, as well as at online retailers that sell gemstones and jewelry. Some larger department stores or specialty gift shops may also carry garnet jewelry. Be sure to confirm the authenticity and quality of the garnets before making a purchase.

What concentration of sodium hypochlorite in Clorox?

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The concentration might depend on geographical area or legal jurisdiction or other factors. In Canada, the manufacturer claims a concentration of 5-8 percent weight-weight in its MSDS (please see the link). If you live somewhere else then I would suggest that you search google for the term MSDS chlorox.

What is the most magnesium you should take?

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The recommended upper limit for magnesium intake from supplements is 350 mg per day for adults. Consuming excessive amounts of magnesium can cause side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking high doses of magnesium supplements.

Does ice undergo a chemical change when it freezes?

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No, ice does not undergo a chemical change when it freezes. Freezing is a physical change that causes water molecules to slow down and come closer together, forming a solid structure with the same chemical composition as liquid water.

What diseases are associated with Serratia Marcescens?

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Serratia marcescens can cause a range of infections including respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections, wound infections, and bloodstream infections. It is often seen in healthcare settings and can be particularly dangerous for individuals with weakened immune systems.

Are minerals made by humans?

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No, minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances that are formed in the Earth's crust through geological processes. Humans can extract and refine minerals for various uses, but they cannot create them from scratch.

What size pants for a 6 feet 6 man?

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For a man who is 6 feet 6 inches tall, he would likely need pants with a inseam length of around 36-38 inches. However, it's always best to take measurements and try on pants to find the best fit.

Where can you buy astatine?

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Astatine is not typically available for purchase due to its rarity and radioactivity. It is mainly produced in research facilities for scientific purposes and is not commercially available for sale to the general public.

How might building a shopping mall on land where there is now a park affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?

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Building a shopping mall on land that was previously a park may increase carbon dioxide levels in the air due to deforestation during construction, increased traffic emissions, and the carbon footprint associated with operating the mall. The presence of trees in the park that help absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis would also be lost, further contributing to an increase in carbon dioxide levels.

What is the definition of caroteniods?

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The demand for carotenoids has been steadily growing in recent years, and it is expected to continue growing in the forecast period of 2020 to 2030. The market rift between naturally-sourced carotenoids has been major, but high raw material costs and premium prices have been market deterrents. The use of algae in the synthesis of carotenoids, on the other hand, is expected to change this scenario. Carotenoids derived from natural sources, such as algae, are expected to contribute to the market's growth in the coming years.

Carotenoids have gained popularity as the demand for natural and plant-based products in the food, beverage, and functional product industries has increased. Carotenoids have been branded nature similar, and several firms have invested in clean label certifications such as vegan, halal, and kosher, among others, though synthetically available in multiple markets. Carotenoids have been increasingly used in functional foods and beverages in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue throughout the forecast period.

Europe holds the largest share of the carotenoids market and is projected to rise at a moderate pace over the forecast period. Carotenoids derived from natural sources have long been common in the area, and the use of natural colours is expected to grow in the coming years. In Asia Pacific, carotenoids are receiving a lot of attention and people are eating more of them. During the forecast period, the carotenoids market in Asia Pacific is projected to rise at the fastest pace, with a 2.X increase in value by 2030 over the value in 2020.

Source : Carotenoids Market : Fact.MR Reports

Where can you buy benzene?

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Benzene is primarily used as an industrial chemical and is not readily available for purchase by the general public due to its toxicity and potential health risks. It is typically purchased by businesses and organizations that require it for specific industrial processes.

Why does ZnO appear yellow on heating?

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ZnO appears yellow upon heating due to the formation of zinc oxide nanoparticles. The optical properties of the nanoparticles can cause a shift in the absorption spectrum, leading to the yellow color. This change in color is often attributed to the quantum confinement effect that occurs at the nanoscale level.

Where can you buy tungsten disulfide WS2?

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Tungsten disulfide (WS2) can be purchased from various online chemical suppliers, specialty stores, and industrial distributors. It is important to ensure that the supplier is reputable, and the product meets your specific requirements for purity and quantity.

What are some things that are paired with other things?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peanut butter and jelly, shoes and socks, salt and pepper, bread and butter, Batman and Robin.

How luxmeter measure light intensity?

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Luxmeters measure light intensity by detecting the amount of visible light that is falling on a surface. They use sensors that are calibrated to the sensitivity of the human eye, allowing them to quantify the light intensity in lux units. The sensor converts the light energy into an electrical signal, which is then displayed on the luxmeter's screen.

Refractive glass what is refractive glass?

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Refractive glass is a type of glass that has special properties to bend and control the path of light passing through it. It is used in lenses and optical devices to focus or magnify light by refracting it. This property of glass is essential in optics and photography.

How does a gram positive and gram negative bacteria differ in cell structure's and How does this contribute to their differential staining properties?

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Gram positive cells withold the crystal violet stain whilst gram negative cells are unable to and thus when washed with ethanol the stain washes out. This enables them to be free to take up the counterstain safranin.

OK, that is reason #1 why you don't take your information from Wiki...

Some history:
The Gram stain was developed in 1884 by the Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram. It is one of the most useful staining procedures used today because it classifies bacteria into two large groups: your Gram-positive and your Gram-negative.

The steps in Gram staining:
1) A heat-fixed smear is covered with a basic purple dye, usually crystal violet. Because the purple stain imparts its color to all cells, it is referred to as a primary stain.

2) After a short time, the purple dye is washed off, and the smear is covered with iodine, a mordant, When the iodine is washed off, both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria appear dark violet or purple.

3) Next, the slide is washed with alxohol of and alcohol-acetone solution. This solution is a decolorizing agent, which removes the purple from the cells of some species but not from others. (will go into detail in a second)

4) The alcohol is rinsed off, and the slide is then stained with safranin, a basic red dye. The smear is washed again, blotted dry, and examined microscopically.(this is where you decide if its gram-negative or positive.)

The Why:
The purple dye and the iodine combine in the cytoplasm of each bacterium and color it dark violet or purple. Bacteria that retain this color after the alcohol has attempted to decolorize them are classified as gram-positive; bacteria that lose the dark violet or purple color after colorization are classified as gram-negative. Because gram-negative bacteria are colorless after the alcohol wash, they are no longer visible. This is why the basic dy safranin is applied; it turns the gram-negative bacteria pink. Stains suxh as safranin that have contrasting color to the primary stain are called counterstains. Because gram-positive bacteria retain the original purple stain, they are not affected by the safranin counterstain.

The structure of G(-) and G(+):
Now that you know about the gram staining procedure i can tell you about the cell wall...

The cell wall of the bacterial cell is a complex, semi-rigid structure responsible for the shape of the cell.
The bacterial cell wall is composed of a macromolecular network called Peptidoglycan (AkA Murein), which is bresent either alone or in a combination with other substances. Peptidoglycan consists of a repeating disaccharide attached by polypeptides to form a lattice that surrounds and protects the entire cell. The disaccharide portion is made up of monosaccharides called N-acetylgluconamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM), with are related to glucose. Alternating NAM and NAG molecules are linked in rows of 10 to 65 sugars to form a carbohydrate "backbone" (the glycan portion of peptidoglycan). Adjacent rows are linked by polypeptides (the peptide portion of peptidoglycan). Althoguh the structure of the polypeptide link varies, is always included tetrapeptide side chains, which consist of four amino acids attached to NAMs in the backbone. The amino acids occur in an alternating pattern of D and L forms. This is unique because the amino acids found in other proteins are L forms. Parallel tatrapeptide side chains may be directly bonded to each other or linked by a peptide cross-bridge, consisting of a short chain of amino acids.

G(+) Cell Walls:
In most gram-positive bacteria, the cell wall consists of many layers of peptidoglycan, forming a thick, rigid structure. By contrast, gram-negative cell walls contain only a thin layer of peptidoglycan. In addition, the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria contain teichoic acids, which consists primarily of an alcohol and a phosphate. There are two classes of teichoic acids: lipoteichoic acid, which spans the peptidoglycan layer and is linked to the plasma membrane, and wall teichoic acid, which is linked to the peptidoglycan layer.

G(-) Cell Walls:
The cell walls of gram-negative bacteria consist of one or a very few layers of peptidoglycan and an outer membrane. The peptidoglycan is bonded to lipoproteins in the outer membrane and is in the periplasm, a gel-like fluid between the outer membrane and the plasma membrane. the periplasm contains a high concentration of degradative enzymes and transport proteins, Gram-negative cell walls do not contain teichoic acids. Because the cell walls of gram-negative bacteria contain only a small amount of peptidoglycan, they are more susceptible to mechanical breakage.

Now that you know about the Gram stain and the chemistry of the bacterial cell wall, it is easier to understand the mechanism of the Gram stain. The mechanism is based on differences in the structure of the cell walls of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and how each reacts to the various reagents. Crystal Violet, the primary stain, stains both gram-positive and gram-negative cells purple because the dye enters the cytoplasm of both types of cells. When iodine is applied, it forms large crystals with the dye that are too large to escape through the cell wall. The application of alcohol dehydrates the peptidoglycan of gram-positive cells to make it more impermeable to the crystal violet-iodine. The effect on gram-negative cells is quite different; alcohol dissolves the outer membrane of gram-negative cells and even leaves small holes in the thin peptidoglycan layer through which crystal violet-iodine diffuse. Because gram-negative bacteria are colorless after the alcohol wash, the addition of safranin turns the cells pink. Safranin provides a contrasting color to the primary stain (crystal violet). Although gram-positive and gram-negative cells both absorb safranin, the pink color of safranin is masked by the darker purple dye previously absorbed by gram-positive cells.

(hope it helped!)