


Animal Rights and Abuse

Animal rights has to do with the idea that animals should have the same basic rights as humans. Abuse includes anything that hurts or harms the animal, such as not providing a suitable living space, using animals for drug experimentation, and physically harming them.

500 Questions

What do you callA carnivore that kills its own food?

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You call it a Carnivore. Think about it. People hunt and kill deer and eat it. That's what makes us carnivores. And just because we may not always kill cow's ourselves, someone is still doing it and were eating it. That's like asking, What do you call a drunk that drinks his own liquor. He's still a drunk....

What is the biggest buck ever recorded in history?

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The biggest buck ever recorded in history is the Hanson Buck, which had a Boone and Crockett score of 213 5/8 inches. It was harvested in 1993 in Saskatchewan, Canada.

What medical products may result from research into transgenic plants and animals?

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Medical products that may result from research into transgenic plants and animals include genetically modified organisms that can produce therapeutic proteins, such as insulin or vaccines, in large quantities. Transgenic animals can also be used to study human diseases and develop treatments. Additionally, there is potential for creating new drugs and therapies by identifying and manipulating specific genes related to disease.

In which field of psychology do scientists work in university and private research centers to study the behavior of both human beings and animals such as rats monkeys and pigeons?

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Scientists working in university and private research centers studying the behavior of both human beings and animals like rats, monkeys, and pigeons are likely engaged in the field of comparative psychology. This field focuses on understanding similarities and differences in behavior across different species to gain insights into evolutionary and developmental processes.

Can you be a vet withput performing surgery or putting the animals down?

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Yes, it is possible to be a veterinarian without performing surgeries or euthanizing animals. Some veterinarians specialize in areas such as preventive care, diagnostics, or behavior, where surgical procedures may not be common. It is important to find a veterinary specialty that aligns with your skills and interests.

What prints lead away from the meeting of these animals?

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Footprints leading away from the meeting of animals could indicate that one of the animals left the area after the meeting. The direction of the footprints can give clues about the animal's movement and intentions. Following these footprints could help track the animal's path and behavior.

What is an example of explanation?

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An example of an explanation is providing a clear and detailed account of how something works or why something happened. It involves breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms to help someone understand a concept or a process better.

Use Civil War in a sentence?

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The Civil War was a significant conflict in the United States that took place between 1861 and 1865, resulting in the abolition of slavery and a reunification of the nation.

What would the consequences be if the Asian Elephant went extinct?

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The extinction of the Asian Elephant would disrupt ecosystems where they play a key role in seed dispersal and habitat maintenance. It would also impact local economies dependent on ecotourism. Additionally, it would signify a loss of cultural and historical significance, as the animal holds symbolic value in many Asian cultures.

How many different types of trees are in the world?

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There are over 60,000 different species of trees in the world. This includes a wide variety of trees such as conifers, deciduous trees, palm trees, and tropical trees. Each species has unique characteristics and adaptations to different environments.

In animals field studies why do scientists usually try to work without making the animals aware that humans are present?

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Scientists try to minimize disturbance to the animals' natural behavior by working without being detected, to avoid affecting their results. Being aware of human presence can alter an animal's behavior, causing them to act differently than they would in their natural environment. Minimizing interference helps ensure more accurate data collection and observations in field studies.

What is the average weather in Alaska?

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Alaska's climate varies widely, with cold, snowy winters and mild summers. Average temperatures can range from below freezing in winter to 60-70°F in summer, depending on the region. Precipitation levels are generally higher in coastal areas compared to the interior.

Which animal has been discovered latest?

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People do not live everywhere and not all people think the animals are "undiscovered," but they just do not have Latin names for them yet. Some animals are "discovered" being sold for meat. Just because some people hunt, sell and eat them does not mean that scientists know about them yet. Recent new mammals were discovered on islands or mountain ranges where nobody lives. Another factor is that small animals rarely have their bones fossilized so there is often no bones found so unless someone traps them, they will never be discovered. Some animals eat grasses or leaves so they would not be interested in anything you might bait a trap with and so are never trapped either. Owls and some other birds of prey cough up the indigestible parts of their meals which might include bones of an undiscovered species so owl pellets are often collected and studied.

(I felt this answer did not make sense, but it's apparent much work was put into this. Here's my personal opinion on the matter.)

There are millions of animal species on earth. Supposedly, over half were "created" by the act of cross breeding.
Many captive animals mate each other. This is common in the same type of animal, even when they're different species. (For example, if a Border Collie dog breeds with a German Shepherd, this creates a new breed of dog.) On extremely rare occasions (and I can't stress enough how rare this is...) two animals of totally different species may end up reproducing, easily making a totally new animal altogether.

At the same time, there may only be a very small amount of one animal. These small groups of animals may have pulses of higher reproduction, thus making this animal much easier to find. Animals also tend to go into hiding, possibly for years at a time.

And on top of THAT, obviously, we humans do not have the equipment to explore every scare inch of the world, including deep underground. Which brings me to my next topic- below ground and below sea level animals. These animals may not surface ever in their lifetime. But then again, they may. When these animals surface, the ones that we do not have the tools to search for can be more easily found.

What are ways the humans negatively affect are environment everyday?

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Humans negatively affect the environment everyday through activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, pollution from industries and transportation, excessive use of plastic leading to marine pollution, and overconsumption of resources. These actions contribute to climate change, loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution, and habitat destruction.

Do zoologists interact with animals?

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Yes, zoologists interact with animals as part of their research, observation, and care. They may study animal behavior, conduct field research, monitor wildlife populations, and work directly with animals in captivity for conservation or study purposes.

How do you remove BitLocker in Windows 7?

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To remove BitLocker in Windows 7, you can decrypt the drive by right-clicking on the BitLocker encrypted drive in Windows Explorer, selecting Manage BitLocker, and then choosing Turn off BitLocker. You will need to enter the BitLocker password or recovery key to complete the decryption process.

What is one true distinction between fermentation and cellular respiration?

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One distinction is that fermentation does not require oxygen, while cellular respiration does. Fermentation produces a smaller amount of ATP compared to cellular respiration.

Do all animals help people?

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Not all animals are trained to help people, but there are many species that have been domesticated or trained to assist humans in various ways, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired, therapy animals, and service animals for individuals with disabilities.

What is a skinner rat test?

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The Skinner rat test, named after psychologist B.F. Skinner, is a method used in behavioral psychology to study operant conditioning in animals. In this test, a rat is placed in a controlled environment with levers or buttons that it can press to receive rewards or punishments, allowing researchers to study how the rat's behavior is influenced by these consequences.

What are battery cages?

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Battery cages are small wire cages used in industrial egg production to confine hens. The cages restrict movement, do not allow natural behaviors, and can lead to health issues for the birds. Many animal welfare advocates argue that battery cages are inhumane.

A animal with q?

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An animal beginning with the letter Q is a quokka, a small marsupial native to Australia. Quokkas are known for their friendly and curious nature, with a reputation as the "happiest animal on Earth" due to their smiling facial expression.

What does yersinia pestis look like?

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Yersinia pestis is a bacterium that appears as small, rod-shaped cells under a microscope. It is typically described as a gram-negative, nonmotile, facultative anaerobe. In culture, it forms smooth, circular colonies with a characteristic appearance.

What would happen if peroxisomes didn't exist?

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Without peroxisomes, cells would struggle to break down fatty acids and detoxify harmful substances like hydrogen peroxide. This could lead to an accumulation of toxic byproducts, damage to cell structures, and impaired metabolic processes. Overall, the absence of peroxisomes would significantly impact cellular function and compromise overall health.

How do i turn my phone back on without paying the bill?

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If your phone has been turned off due to non-payment of the bill, you will need to settle the outstanding balance with your service provider in order to have it turned back on. Alternatively, you may consider contacting your service provider to discuss potential payment arrangements or options for resolving the issue.

What percentage of all animals are carnivores?

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It's hard to say exactly how many animals are strictly carnivores, and not omnivores. A carnivore eats nothing but meat while an omnivore eats anything. Estimates have the carnivore population of the world to be between five and 10 percent.